Silence Alliance

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We arrive home safe & sound at the butler house. By the time We got there, everyone at Shay's already knew what Log done. He shocked everyone, including me, on how much of a skeet he was being. We are all furious. We walk in the door & everyone already knew we had a plan of attack. We get in a group huddle & I tell them the revenge I had planned.
"Okay guys, listen up. We gotta do this quick. Logan is expected to be home very soon. Actually Shay, can you track him on my phone please?" He nods as I spill the rest out. "The plan is the silent treatment. No words, communication, nothing. He walks in, nothing. I expect all of you to abide by this. This will go on until we have a direct confrontation from him. When he does, Shay will speak first, no one else. On my signal, I will slowly text everyone their cue in. Have your phone on silent so you can just feel the buzz. When I cue you, only say relevant things. Most of you already have your general topics put into the group chat. Please follow these. After your cue, you will only speak when I again text you to. I know this sounds strict but we have to listen to it. I know his weaknesses. I am not speaking until I feel the time is right. When I do, I ask no one comments in on it. There will be a time where there is complete silence amongst us all. Do not feel awkward, feel comfortable. I am not hurting him, I am making him feel the agony of no answer. Also, try to avoid crying at all costs, serious acting face on. One last thing, when he walks in we continue on normal conversations about dinner, shoots, whatever, as if none of this happened & he doesn't exist until he confronts us & you get your cue. Everyone got it?" I see nods all around the room. "Mission: Silence Alliance Against Log is in Action"
For the next about 5 minutes, we are prepare for Logan's arrival. Hiding the cars, turning the lights all on in Shay's & Caseys, reading lines and so much more.We listen to Shay's minute marks through it all.
"He has arrived." I hear him announce as we all scurry into positions as if we are in a play.
I don't feel anything, as if I'm empty inside. I guess it's my own fault for cheating on Claire & I know the feeling but, no guilt is there. No attachment to Morgan or Claire. It feels unrealistic, like it never happened. I pull into Shay's driveway to see one vehicle, the Tundra. Where's the suburban? Bee's Car? I suddenly feel the guilt. What the fuck have I done? I've messed up so much.
Logan walks down the stairs & the only reason I know he was there was because of his feet hitting the wooden stairs. We all follow through the plan, having simple conversations. I am having a conversation with Kayli about planning a little get together for Brai. She just got on the Middle School cheerleading team & got herself a football player. An eighth grader to be exact. We are planning to have a full family supper & get her to invite the boy along. Actually, Avia has a boyfriend as well, for the past few months actually & we haven't got to meet him yet. I think Avia's boyfriend & Brai's Boyfriend are brothers to be exact. I actually think it would a be cute 'family couple date' idea for the butler clan when we sort out this Logan & I drama.
As I see Logan stare at me from the corner of my eye, I realize that it's like 3am & we have to be left by 10am to go to Salt Lake City for Luke Bryan. We have to figure this out immediately. Logan stands & stares for a minute and then continues to go into his room. I let go my breath which I didn't even know I was holding. I figured that this scenario would happen. It'll take him a few minutes to adjust to what's happening. It always does.
I walk down over the wide staircase to see the full butler crew plus the Trixin crew chilling in Shay's basement. That's a surprise. I stand there & stare at them. I stare at Claire. Nothing from anyone. Not even a glance. It's as if I didn't exist. What in the actual fuck is going on here?
I walk into my room and lie down on my bed. I scroll through Twitter & constantly get interrupted by Morgan texting me. She's so annoying, why the fuck would I cheat on Claire with a dirty fucking bitch who is also the sluttiest whore I know, when I could've been perfectly happy still with the best girl who ever stepped foot on earth. I silently cry so those in the family room doesn't hear me. I feel bad, but at the same time, I don't. It's kind of a emotionless feeling in some way. Wait a second. Why are they all here? Why didn't they pay attention to me? Do they know what happened? They definitely do. But how? How did they find out? Daehan didn't know, Shay, Casey, no one. I'm so confused. I dry my tears & check the mirror to make sure my eyes aren't too red. It's go time.
I walk into the family room in Shay's basement where none of them notice me still. I look at Bee & see her on her phone while talking to Colette. I see her background, Luke Bryan. We gotta be out of here, packed, on the road, happy campers in like 6 & 1/2 hours. I really want to do this with her & we all need our sleep right now. It's now or never.
I see Log enter the family room and stays near to the wall for about 5 minutes. His eyes are red and puffy. He has definitely been crying. I know this is hurting him, but he hurt me more. It's hard not to forgive him on the spot. I know in my mind I've already forgiven him but, he has to get what he gave. He finally confronts us.
"What the hell is going on guys?" I see Gavin, Brai & Avia's ears perk up. They've heard swearing lots but not from Logan. It's our rule not to swear in front of them. But, tonight's a exception. All of us will probably swear, out of anger only. None of us answer Log the first time as planned. Even though, I saw Laurie having to constrain her anger at him. I know it's hard for her to be silent. 2 minutes pass. Another confrontation.
"Guys. Seriously. Why are you guys crowded around my damn room?" 2nd time, not a word, as planned. About 30 seconds pass, I can tell he's getting impatient. My plan is working.
"This is fucked up guys. What the fuck are you guys doing? I can clearly fucking see you're here and ignoring me. I have 20/20 vision and I'm not fucking dumb." He is pissed at us ignoring him. 3rd time is a charm. Shay's cue.
"Log, why the fuck do you think we are all crowded in one space? You fucking messed with our beloved Claire. She's like a daughter or a sister to most of us. I'm proud to call her that, family you know. I'm fucking proud to call her my family, unlike the cunt who she called her best friend and her boyfriend." Shay shouted at Logan.
"Oh my fucking God Shay. Why in the world do you think you can speak like that to me?" He replied. I text Casey his cue.
"Dude, we all have a right to speak to you in any way we want. Do you think it's fair what you put Claire through? She thought you were dead. She was worried about YOU when all you were worried about was the fucking whore you were hooking up with. Claire honestly loved you and if you didn't have the curtesy to even text her back, that shows you how much of a fucking man you are." He said in a collected voice. I honestly didn't think Casey had it in him. Before Log had a chance to say anything, Carlie was texted her cue.
"Logan, you've been there through all of my heartbreaks and I've been there through all of yours. I thought you were a sweet guy who knew damn better. But you don't. You were a cunt and I honestly will never look at you as my innocent, perfect brother. I always stood up for you , upholded.   you in everything you did, even when I knew you were wrong, saying 'Logan wouldn't do that. They are just lying'. Man, that's over. You're a Butler boy, you have a name to uphold." She said, tears streaming. I knew she would cry. Next, Carl.
"Logan, where's your faith? Your politeness? You are always in the gym, working on your 'manliness'. Logan, you'll never be a man if you do continue you on fucking cheating on perfect woman who did nothing to you." He said to him, shaking his head, disappointed.
"Wait. Back up. How did you know I was cheating?" Logan says. Daehan's cue.
"Are you that fucking stupid? You installed find my iPhone on Claire's phone and we tracked you to Morgan's house where we drove to and found you hugging her goodbye. I was there when you and Morgan broke up. It was because she cheated on you and you said to me that it was the worst feeling in the world and you would never cheat. What happened to that Log? I miss him." Daehan said. Jackson's cue.
"Logan, before I asked Carlie to marry me, I decided I would ask all the brothers as well for their blessing. I remembered being very nervous to ask you and leaving you for last. This was because Carlie said you were very protective over her. You said yes but if you broke her heart, you would break me. Well, we all love Claire and think of her as our sister; we're all protective over her. This explains why we are all very angry at you." Logan just stares at me for relief but, I don't help just yet. His comebacks are gone.
"Guys, I really don't understand why you think I would hook up with Morgan of all people. You all know that I would never do anything with anyone before marriage and that I haven't. Morgan isn't a exception. Yes, I kissed her. She wanted me to do more, but I didn't. It meant nothing. I don't even know why I did it. Well, I guess I do. Because I was still holding on to thought of us possibly getting back together. I know that Claire is my soul mate, if I can ever get her back." He says, looking at me. I can't give in yet, even though I really want to. I roll my eyes and I can feel the water filling up. I knew I couldn't hold on much longer. Colette's turn.
"Logan honey, we all know you have very strong morals like a Butler should. But, no cheating is something that should be on your strong morals list as well. Most everyone has been cheated on; the reason we hate you did that to our sweet Claire so much is because we all know how much it damn hurts. I think we all know Claire loves you so much and you return that feeling; you guys were soulmates and I think Claire will eventually forgive you like the rest of us will. But, you're going to have to win her back before you have to leave for Salt Lake, better start thinking." Colette was the one who I knew would say what we were all feeling. Kayli's turn.
"Log, I know what you're thinking. How the hell will I do that? Well, Casey had to sweep me off my feet, Shay had to wait for Colette's returning love and Jackson had to put Carlie back into the Love world. Look how amazing our relationship stories are. You're a Butler boy. You can do anything you put your mind to. Be creative and maybe the boys will help you."
"Thanks Kayli and Colette. I appreciate your true words." I saw him grin, first time today, as he thanked them with hugs. I think it's working. I text Laurie her cue and start
preparing myself to speak.
"Log, we will all always love you. You know that. But, time for some tough damn love bud. You made a fucking stupid mistake. You realize you did wrong. Now it's time to work on getting Claire's forgiveness. It'll come but, it's time to push through the damn hard times to get to the happy endings." I see Logan's light bulb go off and he starts to approach me.
"Claire, I'm sorry. P-" He says kneeling on the ground, hands in a begging position. I interrupt him.
"I'm stopping you there. I forgive you. I know you did wrong. I forgave you when you said you did wrong. Yes, we can go to Salt Lake, but we all need our sleep. It's like 4am, we need to be left in 7 hours. Let's get to bed." I stand up and he does as well. I hug him tightly, glad I can finally be held in his arms again. He pulls away and kisses me. Right in front our family and friends. I didn't think he had the nerve to do so. But, I'm glad he did. I hear hoots and hollers all around us. I'm glad I have such great family,friends and a amazing boyfriend.
Sorry for the long gap, I'm such a busy person now that I'm back to figure skating. Also, I know the swearing is a little excessive but they were in a fight so. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it! Please comment questions for characters, need them soon!!!
Do you have a boyfriend?
Not really, but I have an interest in a guy I know and we are kind of on the go. Key word: kinda!

I'm Not In Love! - Logan McKay FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now