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Today's gonna be a great day, I say to myself as I get up from bed. Today is a busy day & last night was one of the best nights I have ever had with a guy. Scratch that. The best night ever.
I start getting ready as I have 3 easy shoots today. My first shoot is a workout video with CarlieStylez. It's around 7:45AM right now & the shoot is at 8:10. I put on a blue Lululemon sports bra & a pair of patterned yoga capris. I throw my hair up into a ponytail & throw a grey sweater since it's still chilly here in the early morning. I put on my mint green nikes & head upstairs. (A/N: ALL IN TOP) Carlie & I are going to breakfast at Kayli's with Colette & Laurie, so I just grab a bottle of Vase for Carlie & I & I head out to meet at her house.
I get in my car & drive to Carlie's House that she has recently bought. She actually has a at-home gym.
I get to Carlie's house & I immediately have Coop's small arms wrapped around my waist.
"AUNT BEE!!!" He shouts. He's adorable. I hug him & give him a peck on the top of his head. He runs off to practice soccer. He's such a little athlete. Soon, Jaymi is there, slowly crawling towards me.
"Bee!" She says. She's only 8 months old, but she's a little sweetheart. She melts my heart every time I see her. I pick her up & place her on my hip. I place a peck on her cheek. I head down to Carlie's Gym, where I work out with her usually once a week or more. I know she's there, getting everything just perfect. She's such a hard worker & is a perfectionist when it comes to these videos. She wants her viewers to enjoy & love them.
I get to the studio & I see Jackson & Carlie getting every thing ready.
"Hey Claire. How've you been? We've missed you here at the Wood house." Jackson says to me, hugging me & taking Jaymi from my hip.
"I've been great Jackson! Hope all is well here as well."
"It is. You ready to get this show on the road chicka?" Carlie says.
"For sure! Let's get it girl!"
We start the 'circuit type' workout & get ready to sweat.
We finish the video at around 9 & Carlie and myself are having a little girl chat. We cool off by the air conditioner before we head to Kayli's for a breakfast with the Butler girls.
"So, I've been meaning to ask you this. Can you babysit for me tomorrow night?"
"I'm so sorry Carlie, but I'm headed to Salt Lake with Log. If I was home, you know I would!"
"No, don't worry about it. & Ouuulala. You & Log? You guys would have beautiful babies."
"No, no, Mrs.Carlie Maria. Get your head out of the gutter. Log & I are just friends. Nothing more or less." I tell her a lie, because no one really knows it. It's just like our thing.
"Okay, well. Maybe, something you can think about?" She says as she heads to the garage, winking at me. Oh, Carlie. She's hilarious. We take separate cars & head to Kayli's.
When we get to Kayli's, everything is set out as a beautiful breakfast. Well, I guess we didn't work out for nothing. It ended up Laurie couldn't make it. Which sucks, because she's hilarious but we'll have fun none the less.
We dig into this amazing food & everyone starts 'girl-talk'. I kind of zone out. Log & I's thing is playing on my mind & I really want to tell them. I basically play ping-pong with my thoughts. I decide to tell them, because these ladies are like my best friends. I really want them to experience this & help me with it. I realize that it's kind of silent in the room. This is my time if I'm going to tell them. I build my nerve up in a few seconds & prepare myself to speak up.
"Girls, I have something really important to tell you." I announce."but you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone, no spouse; nothing. Just stays between us 4, okay?"
"Yes." Kayli answers.
"No problem." Carlie answers.
"For sure!" Colette answers with excitement, awaiting the answer.
"Log & I have been like kind of dating. We went on our first date so to say & we've kissed twice." I say, the words rolling into each other. I'm so nervous about their reaction, I can feel myself ready to throw up.
"Oh my gosh, congrats. You guys are the cutest!!!!" Kayli squeals & comes running over with a hug.
"Oh my goodness gracious! I knew it, I told you that today!! I'm so happy for you two!" Carlie says with lots of excitement & hugs me.
"Bee! You guys are an adorable couple & I can't wait to see the success you'll have together. We all love you both!" Colette says & hugs me tightly. I knew in my gut that these girls would be supportive.
We finish up breakfast and our girl talk. It's always nice to get together with these girls. I head back to the quiet house. Colette & Shay have a podcast shoot, Log has something for Casey, Cecily has took Daxton & Brock for the day & Emmi, Avia & Gav is still asleep. My first shoot is Gavin's which starts at 12:45. It's around 10 now & Lunch is at 12. So I have a good hour before I have to wake anyone up.
I start packing for the short Salt Lake trip as well as Vidcon, using my time wisely.
15 minutes in to packing & I'm already done with Salt Lake & mostly through Vidcon. It is actually really quick for me. I usually take 2 days.
I decide I could Vlog today a little, kind of like a pre-recorded thing. My introduction is filmed on Sunday as well as uploaded that night so this will go up on Monday before we head to Los Angles.
"Hey everyone, so I hope you liked my introduction video that went up yesterday!! So today, I decided I would vlog a little! I'm all alone packing right now so I felt this would be a great place to start. I had a shoot with Carlie this morning , as well as a brunch with the Butler girls. This afternoon, I shoot with Gav, Avia & Emmi so that will be fun!! We are babysitting tonight which I think we are doing games & a movie night. & Log & I are headed to Salt Lake early tomorrow morning! Anyways, just thought I'd check in with you. I'm gonna go actually get ready for today!" I put down the vlog camera & head towards my closet. I put on a cream graphic tee, some jean shorts & a pair of white converse. I go into my bathroom & curl my hair like I do normally. I put on some simple makeup on my eyes, which includes winged liner & mascara, the usual. I fill my brows in, put on some tinted moisturizer & finish off my full look with a red lip. (A/N: ALL IN TOP) It's only still like 10:45.
I head to go wake the kids up to get ready for the shoots.I walk in Avia's room first as she takes the longest to wake up.
"Avia, it's time to get up. You have the shoot soon." She groans but eventually gets up, a lot easier than normal. I head to Gavin's next. I open up the door to see Gav is already up & is on his phone, still in bed. He looks up to notice me.
"Good Morning Claire! Are you ready to shoot today?" He says cheerfully, as per usual.
"Yep! But, it's time to get ready bud. We have lunch & then the shoot soon."
"Okay." He says finishing the conversation as I shut the door & head to Emmi's room.
"Em, it's time to wake up. You gotta get ready, eat lunch& practice! Come on!" She wakes up fairly easily with a big smile. She heads to the closet to pick out her clothes.
I sit down in the hang-out room to chill for a short while. I hear Colette upstairs working away at lunch. Before long, I see Avia & Emmi in front of me.
"Will you help us with our hair please?" They say in unison.
"Of course."
Myself & Gav start to walk over to the studio soon after lunch.
"So Gav, how's school going?" I ask him.
"Fairly well."
"That's good!"
"Ummmm." He says, I can tell he's nervous but I can't tell why.
"Gav, what's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, but I wanna tell you something, but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone, not mom, dad, the kids, carlie, logan, NO ONE! You are the only one I've told."
He must trust me a lot. It's quite cute. Me & Gav instantly connected & we've always been close. I have this special bond with him, like he's my own brother.
"For sure dude! Pinkie Promise & Lock it!" We do our signature move & he begins to tell me.
"IhaveagirlfriendandhernameisNicoleandsheisreallyprettyandshesmyagewearegoingonadateithinkreallysoon." He tells me speed talking, letting all his anxiety out.
"Awe, Gavin! You are the cutest!" I say hugging him! "It's our little secret, Okay?"
"Okay Claire! Thanks again for keeping it between us! I really appreciate it!"
"No problem dude! Remember, you can always talk to me about anything, no matter what! I am always here for you bro! I will never tell anyone unless it causes harm to you or someone else & you will never get in trouble bud."
He nods & hugs me. I hold onto that moment, soaking it in. He can always make me smile. We both continue walking to the studio.
Once we get there, we head straight to Gavin's small area upstairs where he shoots most videos. We both sit down & start preparing ourselves to film, as Blake is already there. We get mics on & review the plan.
We were doing 2 videos, one for each of our channels. We were going to do a short Q&A for his channel & the brother tag for mine! We decide to film Gavin's first! (A/N: these aren't the questions you guys asked, I'm just making some up🙊)
"Yo, How's it going? It's Gav here & I'm with BeeTard otherwise known as Claire Maria, my favourite teenager there is!"
"Hello Everybody!!!" I say, waving at the camera.
"So today, we are going to be filming a q&a, with questions submitted by my followers on Twitter! If you ever want to be involved in videos, my links are in my pants! Are you ready sis?"
"As I'll ever be dude!"
"Question 1 comes from Layla. She asks, 'How is it living with/being in a vlogging family?'"
"Well, for me, I love it! It's so awesome having all these amazing memories documented. I never felt awkward in front of the camera even though I came in after they started. Shay always says I am a natural. It also let me connect with the family quickly. I love meeting you guys in public, so if you ever see me, come say hi & give me a hug! P.S. We both will be at Vidcon in a couple weeks!"
"Awe. I love that. I really think you guys are the most amazing group of subscribers on YouTube & I really appreciate all of your continuous support & love! I really love being vlogged, I get all my memories documented for the future & having both of my parents always able to attend all my events & working from home is certainly a plus! It also let me become confident in myself & able to publicly speak, sing, dance or whatever & not caring what others think!"
"Okay, that was pretty darn adorable. Next question comes from Oliver & he asks 'how tall are both of you?"
"Well. I'm 5'9!"
"And I'm 5'11! Yes, I'm tall for being a girl!"
"Next question is 'Last concert you've been to & the next one your going to?' Asked by Hazel." Gav directs towards me.
"Well, the last I think I was to was probably Ed Sheeran two months ago with my best friend, Zoella, Her boyfriend Alfie & Mr.Gavin here,during Playlist Live in Orlando. But, I am going to a Luke Bryan one tomorrow with LogiBear!"
"The last one I was to was also during Playlist Live and it was Jackson Harris that day after that! We are going to a We the Kings one in Los Angles as well as a Blake Shelton one, both with Claire Maria here!"
"It's gonna be fun boy! Get Excited! Anyways, the next question is from Noah & he wants to know 'what's your favourite ride at Disneyland?'"
"My Favourite is the Indiana Jones ride, which we always fast pass!"
"Hmm, this is hard. I think it's Space Mountain, with Splash Mountain & Indiana Jones coming close behind! I love DisneyLand!"
"This is the last question!!! Can I get a drumroll Mariaaaa?" I pat my legs & look at him to say the question. "It's from Adaline & she asks 'What is your favourite thing to do together?'"
"My favourite thing to do with just me & Gav is simple but I love it. I like to go for car drives with him & just talk. I know Gav is always there for me if I need advice or I'm struggling or I just need someone to listen to my pointless nonsense. And we just drive around town or maybe into Utah & talk about life & sing songs & sometimes just sit in silence."
"Awe Thanks MariaBee! My favourite thing to do with Bee here is having movie nights together. We always have so much fun & laugh so much. We have so much junk food & I know this may be weird but where I play sports I have to stay really healthy so we both workout together the next day! I also love doing concert nights!"
"Awe Gav! I love doing everything with you!" I say as we both hug.
"Me as well! And with that sappy moment over, it is time to say goodbye! Thanks for watching this video with my sister from another mister. I hope you enjoyed!"
"We also did a video on my channel, which is the brother tag! You can click right here," I say as I point to the small space between us, "to watch it! Also subscribe to Mr.Gavin here, as he is the best guy in the whole wide world!"
"And you should subscribe to Ms.Claire Maria here because she is the best sister ever & I love her so much! Please give this video a big thumbs up, comment down below & with that, Gav out!" He says tapping his fingers on his forehead on the left side twice with his right hand & then pointing two fingers upwards on the right side.
"Bee out!" I say doing the same.
"GoodByeeeee!" We say in unison, waving with both hands at the camera!
After a little break, myself & Gav start to film my video!
"Hello & Welcome to another video brought to you from a very cloudy Pocatello, Idaho, filming in the Butler Studio. My name is George," I say welcoming everyone to my new video!
"And my name is Julie!" Gav says, already knowing my intro. Such a faithful brother.
"Also otherwise know as ClaireMaria & Gavin! Today, we are filming the sibling tag! And why is that Mr.Gav?"
"Well, it's because even though Claire actually isn't my sister & I didn't meet until like 15 months ago, She always felt like an older sister to me & we thought it would be appropriate to film this!"
"So let's get started! Question One: Who is the oldest?"
"Well, Claire is older than me by 8 years!"
"But most of the time, I feel as if Gav is my age!"
"It's actually true! She says that like every time we hang out! Question 2: Who is the best looking?"
"Well, I think Gav is better looking than me because he is a ladies man! You should see all the girls eyeing him at school!"
"Claire is definitely better looking than me because just look at her! We are such an untypical type of siblings! Most people would argue over themselves looking better!"
"I know right? Anyways question 3: Funniest or favourite memory together? Well, how about you do favourite & I do funniest!"
"Alrighty then, my favourite memory with Claire is when we both had a monthly sibling day where we just spend time together all day & we went to Salt Lake City. We just talked all the way there & it was so much fun. Then, we went shopping, to the temple, to a like fair thing that was in town & went to a little diner and had Dinner. It was simple, but a ball! We really connected that day!"
"Awe, I loved that day! One of the funniest moments with Gav was when we were walking down the street to a diner together, just chatting, when this girl who I knew was like an jerk from school came up to him and asked him out. His eyes liked looked at me like he was gonna cry, because if anyone of you guys know anything about Gav is that he's a softie sometimes & hates saying no. So I just grabbed his hand and said, 'he's dating me'
And the look she gave me was the funniest thing I've ever seen, I wish I had footage of it. We laughed about that for like a hour straight."
"It was hilarious! Next Question: do you guys argue a lot? What was your last argument?"
"Well, we actually seldom argue. There is a large age gap between us & it makes arguing very little!"
"I think the last argument we had was what we wanted for dinner one night. Which was short-lived & it didn't really mean anything."
"Okay, Question 5: Who takes longer to get ready?"
"Usually Claire, because it takes her like 20 minutes just to pick an outfit. But if it didn't, we probably be the same amount."
"Yea & we are both morning people, so we both are up early & is usually early to things, especially school, because if you didn't know, Gav & Avia's middle school is right on campus of my university so I drive them both to school every morning, unless Avia wants to go on the bus. But usually, Gav stays with me & Avia most times as well!"
"Question 6: Any Nicknames?"
"Well, I call Gavin, Gav or GavinBees or Gavi or Gavriella!"
"And I call Claire, ClaireBees, ClaireMaria, Bee, Sis or MariaBee which is my favourite."
"Next Question, what do you have in common?" I ask.
"Well, I think we have a lot in common! Mostly, sports!"
"Same actually! Or like we both love math."
"Yea! Question 8 asks last text we sent each other?"
"Well, in PMs, I asked ' when are we doing GavMaria day again? I need it for my planner!' And Gav replied with ' Come to my room, Maria.' And that was the extent of our private messages last night.
"But our group chat with Log, Maria, Brailee, myself & Avia, 15 minutes ago we had a conversation on whether or not Brai should pack a 2 piece with a bikini bottom or a skirt bottom for her second bathing suit for vidcon." Gavin states.
"That actually did happen. The next question says what is one thing that annoys you about each other?"
"One thing that annoys me about Maria is that she can't decide on anything. She overthinks it, where I'm just like give me the blue one or whatever. But, it's minor so I still love her. Oh and that she NEVER shuts my bedroom door. That's really annoying."
"I'll work on it Gavriella. One thing that annoys me about Gavi is that he can't have a conversation on private messages. He just answers with come to my room, even if I was in Salt Lake that would be his answer."
"I just hate texting, that's why you always end up calling me which I'll talk to you for like 7 hours on. Anyways, question 10 states how do you annoy each other."
"I annoy Gavin by not shutting his door on purpose or by sending him 100 seconds of snapchats in a row of pointless things."
"And I annoy Claire by either not answering her calls or texts & by tickling her."
"Ugh, I still hate you for making me almost pee from tickling me. You've been hanging with Log too much." I grin. "Anyways, next question. What's your favourite thing about each other?"
"My favourite thing about Claire is that she can always make me laugh, no matter how down I am, she's always there when I need advice & that she treats me like a real brother."
"My favourite thing about Gavin is that he has the funniest jokes, he is so confident no matter what, he is always there to listen to my problems & whenever I'm down, even if I don't tell him, he knows & he comes up & hugs me & gives me random compliments throughout the day."
"Question 12 is are you close?"
"We are so close obv!"
"I would say out of all my siblings & cousins, I'm closest to Claire here"
"Awe! I feel the same bro! Don't tell Avia that though guys! She'll kill me! The next question is what is each other's dream job?"
"Well, Claire's dream job is what she is in University for now and it is to be a math teacher in middle school or high school. And to also be a Youtuber as well!"
"Correct & Gav's dream job changes a lot! But for the past few months, it is to be Youtuber and to be a Middle school English teacher."
"Which is correct. Question 14 asks are you competitive with each other?"
"Kind of. We are competitive in a sense of when we play games or sports together. But, I think that's it."
"Yea or when we have competitions against each other!" Gav says.
"Yep! Question 15 is what is one thing you can do that your sibling can't?"
"One thing I can do that MariaBee can't is SnowBoard!"
"Which is correct, because I ski & he snowboards! One thing I can do that Gavi can't is the splits or like a back handspring or like my cheer moves, because if you didn't know I'm on a college cheering team & Carlie is my coach!!"
"Yep, I can't do any of those, besides a handstand, kartwheel & I can do flips on trampolines. Anyways, next question! Who is most talented?"
"Both of us are really talented in our own ways!"
"Yes! Like I can play football & she can cheer is an example of talent in unique ways!"
"Question 17 states Describe each other in one word!"
"My word for Claire is well I have two words. So my first one is fun-loving. Maria is always so fun & when I'm down I can always count on a good time with her. My second word is motherly because she is just like a second mom to all of us butler kids & I totally see her as a momma some day!"
"Awe Gavi! I love this kid guys!"
"Love you too MariaBee!"
"Well my word for Gavin is leader. Gavin is always someone to standup for his morals & be the one to stand out. He is not afraid to share his opinions & people often follow him & trust him."
"Awe MariaBee. You are the sweetest! Anyways, this is the last Question!!!!!"
I pat my legs and say "What is your favourite thing to with each other?"
"Well, MariaBee here & I answered that question as well as a few others over on my channel! It was a ball of fun, right Bee?"
"Correct Gavi & you get to learn a little more about us two!! So go on over and check that out!!! And while you over there, subscribe to Gavin because he is the sweetest & the funniest Youtuber out there!"
"And you should subscribe to MariaBee here because she is the best & I love her so much, as well as comment on this video!"
"And thumbs it up! I love you all I'll see you on Friday!" I say.
"Peace out Girl Scouts!" We both say in unison with kissing our fingers & then throwing up peace signs!
After Gavi & I filmed our videos, he headed to Kayli's to visit Brailee, as they are fairly close. I stay at the studio and very soon after Avia & Emmi showed up to film.
We got to my part of the studio & I get out my piano & Blake gets us 3 microphones.
We decided on singing an older song by Shawn Mendes called Life of the Party. We are only filming for Avia's Channel today because my video with Avia  comes out while we are in LA & it's a music video to Need You Now by Lady Antebellum which we are filming on Venice beach including Av, MattyBRaps & Myself!
So guys, a lot to address!
I'm so sorry for no new chapters!!! I was on Vacation in the USA with my family & no wifi 😬😬 but this is a long one! It's kind of filler kind of not! The next one has a lot of suspense & drama.
Anyways still want questions for the Q&A!
What Do you think will happen in the next two chapters? They are coming soon!

I'm Not In Love! - Logan McKay FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now