Chapter Ten

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"You really liked these, didn't you, Kaoru?" I smiled, remembering the time where Kaoru and I had breakfast together.

"Yeah, I think they're my favourite now." He smiled back and we each took our places around the table.

Bless, Hikaru had no idea what to do, so Kaoru taught him the same way I did. At that point, it was hard to tell who was the elder brother.

"So when's the surprise?" I asked, taking a bite of yolky bread.
"About noon-ish." Hikaru replied. "Excited?"
"More curious, to be honest." I said with a shrug.

"Risa, do you like video games?" Kaoru asked randomly. They're okay but I never got a chance to be good at them. Some consols wouldn't work or weren't available in every other country we went to. That and having to pack them which was a problem.

"I'm kind of a noob." I laughed as I finished my last mouthful of food.
"That's no problem, we can teach you." Kaoru replied and stood up from the table. Hikaru repeated the brothers walked side by side towards the door.

"You coming or what?" Hikaru turned his head back around to me, still sitting at the table. "You can be on my team."
"Don't say I didn't warn you." I sighed and followed them into living room No.2 where they had pretty much every gaming console ever made.

There were all the Xbox and PlayStation generations, the original Wii, WiiPlus, Wii-U, all the Nintendo DSs, two gaming chairs and a three screened TV to play them on. And then there were the actual games.

The racks were about five foot tall and there was three or four racks for each console. "Something tells me that you guys are hardcore gamers." I chuckled sarcastically.
"I guess you could say that." Hikaru smirked and planted himself in one if the gaming chairs.

There was some sort of secret compartment in the arm of the chair that kept a PS4 remote that Hikaru took out of hiding.

Kaoru turned on the PS4 and suggested that I pick the game. The problem was that I hadn't even heard of most of the games in the PS4 racks.
"How about something simple." Kaoru said, noticing that I took a little while to eye the games. "Like Plants vs Zombies."

He found the game case in the rack and inserted the disc into the console. He handed me a controller from a draw and took the other gaming chair. I sat in the middle.

The game started with some really catchy music and the random selection of being on either team Plant or team Zombie. Hikaru and I were plants and Kaoru was a zombie.

Then we had to pick the type of plant or zombie and then wait for the real game to start. Hikaru was a scientist while I chose to be a American footballer zombie and Kaoru decided to be a purple Venus fly trap.

As I said, I was hopless. I had no idea which button did what or when to press them. Sometimes I'd forget a button was there and accidentally press it, waisting a bomb or grenade, whaterever they were.

In the end, I was killed about twenty times and ended up killing none. It was disappointing but not surprising.
"You'll get the hang of it." Kaoru assured me when the match finished.

I suppose I did a little after the third game. In total, I killed four of the opposing team but still got killed many more times.

"I think we should be going now." Hikaru huffed as he stood up.
"Yeah, best now." Kaoru agreed, checking is phone for the time.
"Can one of you please tell me where we're going?" I asked, hopelessly curious to what their plans were.

"All in good time, Pikachu." Hikaru winked. Pikachu? Oh... My pjs.
"Is that my nickname now?" I asked.
"If you want." Kaoru shrugged and went to fetch his coat. I went to get mine out of my bag which I thought was in the room they gave me.

Turns out, it wasn't there. So I checked the twins' room and still no luck. Guess I'll just use the denim jacket I brought.
"Ready." I smiled at the door.
"You took your time." Hikaru sighed impatiently.
"Sorry, I've lost my coat somewhere." I said and Kaoru opened the door to go outside.

The blue-black limo was on the drive, waiting for us with the chauffeur. The closer we got to the mystery place, the stronger my curiosity grew.

"Can you at least tell me who's idea this 'surprise' was?" I asked, hoping for a little bit of even ground.
"Mine." Said Hikaru without an ounce of hesitation or nervousness.

Well, now I knew it wasn't butterfly chasing in a fairy garden or a trip to a petting zoo. I was thinking more along the lines of a stripper club or a CD bar in the wrong side of the tracks.

"Why would it matter whose idea it was?" Hikaru asked and you could literally see a devilish glint in his eyes.
"We all know why that matters." I replied, raising my eyebrows. "You're not exactly the person who would enjoy a picnic by a lake."

"I might, you don't know me." He shrugged.
"I've known you long enough to know that 'quiet and gentle' aren't your type."

The car pulled to a halt when I ended my train of thought and I had the horrible feeling of uncertainty swirling around in the pit of my stomach.

"What are you expecting?" Kaoru asked softly as the three of us started walking down the street.
"I really don't know." I said. "Video game tournament so he could crush me into the dust?" I giggled nervously.

"I think you're going to enjoy what we've planned." He assured. "Hikaru got the inspiration from the party the other week."
"I see..." God, what am I in for?

"Here we are." Hikaru confirmed as we stood in front of a light maroon coloured building with the words:

Okii Dokii Diddlii Pokii Karaokii

In lights over the door. They weren't lit because daylight was still showing.
His plan was a karaoke night?
"Not that I don't appreciate it, but it's called a karaoke night for a reason. It's still early noon." I said with as much happiness I could fit.

"We rented this place for a few hours before the real party started." Hikaru began.
"So we could hang and get first dibs on the songs." Kaoru finished, both with a positive attitude.

"I admit, Hikaru, you really impressed me today." I nodded. This was Hikaru's style and also something we could all enjoy. That doesn't mean I'd be any good though. At singing, I mean.

Two Can Be As Bad As One (Hikaru x Oc x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now