Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

As she jogged along a sidewalk of the city she thought she would never see again, Kate felt a mixture of emotions.  

She was relieved, so so relieved.  No longer was she prisoner to the insane monster who had killed his own father and who had tortured and raped her.  Nope, there weren't any locked doors out here.  Freedom.  She breathed in the fresh air again and again as she continued to move forward.

There was also still a large amount of fear inside her...  Kate thought that a lot of it had to do with the fact that she was barefoot with only a sheet covering her body.  She still felt so violated.  

There was fear of the unknown, too..  She had killed a man after all.

Yes, he was her kidnapper.  And yes, he deserved it.  But what if no one believed her story?  She would soon be talking to her parents and the police, and she knew she would have to tell her story again and again.  Luckily, there was a ton of proof to support it.  

Would she have to go back inside that house to prove what she told people, though?  To show them the dead bodies?  That was the absolute last thing Kate wanted to do. 

All she really wanted was to see her parents, stay in the comfort of their home, sleep in her own bed, and forget that this nightmare ever happened.

Who am I kidding, though?  I'll never be able to forget what happened...

About three minutes later, Kate began to smile.  The nearest public facility, a gas station, was getting really close now.  Her plan was to use a phone there to call her parents.  

To say she couldn't wait to see them again was an understatement.

Coming to the end of the neighborhood she'd previously been trapped in, Kate could see the gas station across the street.  So close...  There were a few people using the gas pumps outside.  Normal, rational, sane people.  The good guys... 

Her smile grew as she crossed the road and sprinted into the convenience store.

Kate noticed questioning stares she was receiving from the workers behind the counter as she approached them.  A blush crept to her cheeks as she remembered her appearance.

Deciding to get right to the point, she asked, "Can I use your phone?"  

"Uh.. Sure," a female worker said before turning to get it.

Kate looked down at her dirty bare feet for a second.  Shaking her head, she was about to let out a chuckle when...

The piercing sound of the shot of a gun suddenly reached Kate's ears, nearly deafening her.  She instantly shrieked in horror.

The worker behind the counter fell to the floor, dead.

Everything seemed to go into slow motion then as Kate's eyes stared down in shock as blood poured from the woman's body.

Two more shots rang out from behind her, each followed by a person's biting scream.  But Kate didn't have time to react.  Before she knew it, strong hands gripped her upper arms from behind and forced her to turn around.

Kate barely had time to see Todd Delozier's face before being flung over his shoulder.  The impact of her stomach coming in contact with the top of his shoulder caused the breath to be stolen from her body.  And then he was running out of the store, gripping her tightly. 

The last thing Kate saw was another blood-covered, dead body before a sense of dizziness overcame her and she fainted against him.


This is a really short update and I am so sorry for that.  I leave for months only to come back with a small chapter...and it may not even be any good...  You can be the judge of that, though.

I felt like it had to be short because it's kind of the introduction of the second part of this story.  I do hope it was at least a little enjoyable.

Good news: My school semester ends in two and a half weeks :-D  So you can expect a lot more writing from me.

Feel free to let me know what you thought of this!  Thanks to everyone who's reading!!


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