Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Todd's eyes scanned the area around his car as he continued to drive. They were in Tennessee now. Tennessee was the state of choice because Todd knew where they needed to go... the mountains. Only deep in the Smoky Mountains would they truly be alone and safe.

Then he and his precious Katie could continue where they left off...

But first, his car was running low on gasoline. Todd had already used what was in the tank and his two stored cans of it. He had no choice. He needed to make a quick stop at a gas station.

Kate was lying on the back seat as instructed, her eyes closed. Todd was pleased by her obedience, even if he still didn't fully trust her. He wasn't sure if she was faking sleep or not, but, either way, she would just have to behave... or else there would be consequences..

Maybe, if she really is asleep, I can simply get the gas and continue driving without her even knowing. 

They made it to a rather deserted gas station and Todd stopped the car beside a pump as far from the station's convenience store as possible.

He proceeded to get out of the car without saying a word to Kate, whose eyes were still closed.


Little did Todd know, Kate wasn't asleep. In fact, she was wide awake silently mulling over her potential fate. He'd kill me if need be. He wouldn't think anything of it. Because he doesn't love me, no matter what his deranged mind is telling him. He's obsessed with the thought of keeping me, breaking me, and torturing me. And he's succeeding with all three.

It made her want to cry, to let out the scared, violent tears she'd been holding back. But Kate had forgotten how to show her true emotions. He'd crushed her, again and again, and the result was that she couldn't even muster the will to move.

I'll be dead at the age of 25... There's so much I haven't even begun to experience yet. Away from this hell, happiness still exists. I know it does. Happiness, love, support... All of that is still out there. 

Self pity and defeat continued to course through her veins, as they had been ever since the gas station incident.

It was at that moment that Kate felt the car slow down and come to a stop.

At first she was too terrified to breathe, much less open her eyes to see what was going on. But then, she heard Todd open his car door and get out of the car. The sound of all the car doors unlocking caught her full attention. She was now fully alert.

Kate opened her eyes a little, not wanting Todd to notice, and looked out the window across from her. They were at a gas station.

The observation made a cold chill run down her spine. I guess he thinks it's safe and that no one will notice us...

A thought swept through her. The car doors are unlocked... THE CAR DOORS ARE UNLOCKED! The sudden temptation came with a vengeance. To escape the bastard was such an exciting thought that her will, which had previously vanished, was returning.

But my wrists and ankles are bound. What the hell am I thinking? There's no way out.. 

What if I were to sit up, open the car door, and scream bloody murder? What would that do? Kate knew it would alert people, but she also knew it would alert Todd...

More punishment. He told me if I attempted to sit up, he would punish me. Do I really want to risk that? It was so cruel, the temptation... She could nearly taste her freedom. But dare she try to obtain it?

If I don't try now, who knows if there will ever be another chance... And who knows if I'd have the will to take another chance.. Kate was yearning to go through with it. Even if it didn't work, what's the worst he could do to her? Well, there were plenty of unpleasant things going through her mind, but... The thing taking up most of her focus was this chance. This one beautiful chance.

I'll hop all the way home if I have to! It was an irrational thought, but Kate didn't care. She was eager to do this.

It was decided.

Disregarding the doubt that threatened to take over, she hurriedly sat up and scooted over in order to reach for the door handle. Her heart was pounding and she was a shaky, sweaty mess as she reached for the handle with her tightly bound wrists. The door cracked open and Kate lunged her body at it until she fell hard onto the hard cement outside.

And then she began screaming, loudly. 


The story is slowly starting to pick up, I do believe. Sorry to leave it at a cliffhanger, but there is more coming ;-)

Thank you so so much to everyone who is reading this story! It thrills me!!


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