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Jacob's P.O.V

I sat in my bed crying like a bitch nigga. Well that's how I feel. This is all Rayans fault. For coming up with that stupid bet. But then its my fault for even agreeing.

"Ughhh" I screamed aggravated. Throwing a pillow across the room. Someone knocked on my door. "Come in" I yelled. My mom walked in.

"Are you ok baby?" I sighed

"No mom. Does it look like I'm okay?" She looked at my blood shot eyes then sat beside me.

"Talk to me!" she said. "Well remember Epiphany?" "Oh her. I love her. When is she coming over again?"

"Well we aren't technically together anymore." my mom stood up.

"Technically not together?" she semi-yelled. 'What did you do?"

"I'm getting there. Just let me explain." I said getting aggravated. "Alright explain." she said.

"Well Rayan made a bet saying if I could date Epiphany have sex with her then dump her. He'd give me 200 dollars. So being the dummy I am. I went with it. Then she overhead us talking about it. She dumped me and now she's pregnant with my baby!" I said out of breath.

My mom just looked at me with a blank expression. "That's what your ass get. You did her dirty. I thought I taught you better than that!" she yelled.

"I know mom. Now I feel dirty and useless" she rubbed my back.

She sighed, "It'll be okay baby. Just apologize explain yourself"

"I'm trying mom" I groaned

"Look baby I don't know what to tell you. You made this decision now its time for you to get yourself out of it. And by the way you are taking care of that baby!" she said sternly.

"Ok mom. I know" I mumbled.

"Good Well I'm going over your aunts house. Till the morning if you need anything call me okay?" "Okay. Love you" "Love you too baby" she said kissing my forehead.

She walked out.

My phone then started ringing. I answered it without checking the caller I.D hoping it was Epiphany. "Hello?" ugh Claire.

"What do you want Claire?" I groaned irritated.

"You. I heard you were single. Now we don't have to sneak around"

I sighed.

"Be over in 5"

"Yay" she squealed then hung up. 5 minutes later the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs to get it. I opened the door and there stood Claire in a black silk robe.

She pushed passed me inside the house. "I knew you wanted this" she said outlining her curves with her finger.

She was right who doesn't want her. She dropped her robe revealing her Green and black lace bra and panties.

I bit my lip she then pushed her body against mine. I looked into her eyes. Then all these voices in my head started talking.

- Don't do it -

- You know you still love Epiphany -

- Try to win her back -

Claire started kissing on my neck. I moaned "Stop..." I said lowly. She kept on kissing my neck going lower and lower. I groaned. "STOP!!" I shouted.

She jumped back. "Get out my house!" "wh-why? I thought you wanted a quickie?" She said.

"Not anymore. Take yo shit and go!" I said picking up her robe. Throwing it at her.

I'm In Love With My Victim (A Jacob Perez Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now