And you are?

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Ryan's P.O.V

When I pulled up to Epiphany's house what I saw shocked the hell out of me.

Out walked a huge Epiphany,  you know what huge is an understatement she was gigantic.

I really honestly thought she'd get an abortion like Claire told me.

A knock at the car window shook me out of my thoughts.

"Are you gonna unlock the door or what?" Epiphany shouted frantically.

I unlocked the back doors and she scurried in. I couldn't stop staring at her belly. That could've been my baby.

"Uggh!" Claire scoffed.

"Drive!" she screamed. "Oh, uhh yeah" I mumbled before heading towards the hospital.

On the way to the hospital Claire talked the whole fucking way.

"I'm hope Jacobs okay."she cried.

"I love him!" she wailed.

And some more shit I never gave a fuck about.

She thinks she's slick I know she's still on with this plan.

Before we even parked the car out ran Epiphany.  "Epiphany,  wait! You just can't-"

"I don't give a fuck!" she shouted scurrying into the hospital door.

I shook my head and sighed.

"I don't know why that bitch is so hype for he ain't her baby daddy!" snarled Claire. Who I just realized was still there.

"Let's go." I mumbled. I don't know how I still put up with her after what she's trying to do.

Epiphany's P.O.V

I ran to the front desk faster than usain bolt himself.

"Can I get the room number of Jacob Perez?" I mumbled on the verge of tears.

"Jacob who?" said the old front desk lady.

"Jacob fucking Perez!" I shouted.

"Epiphany calm down honey!" said Jacobs Mom walking towards me.

I looked up at her with my tear filled eyes.

"Is Jacob okay?, please tell me he's okay?" I cried.

"Shhhh,  honey." Mrs Perez whispered rubbing my back slowly.

"I got it Mrs. P" said Craig in a soothing voice pulling me into his chest.

"They said that he might--"

"Family of Jacob Perez?" the doctor shouted cutting Craig off.

I ran up to him, "Yes Yes is he okay?" I said frantically.

He had a sad look in his eyes, lips formed into a frown.

"I'm sorry miss but he's--"

"NOOO!" I screamed falling to the floor.

"He can't be dead!" I wailed.

I felt arms wrap around me, I looked up to see Jacobs friends smiling down at me.

"Just listen to the Doctor Pif." Abby said in my ear.  I only scoffed.

"Miss?,  miss he's not dead just in a coma. Sorry.." the doctor said simply and dryly before walking away.

I cried even harder, "Wha--?"

"Shh, it'll be okay." A soothing voice whispered in my ear.

I looked into the eyes of Ryan.

I'm In Love With My Victim (A Jacob Perez Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now