Baby dont cut part 5

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* Before Hayes's Death ( In Heaven)*

Y/n pov

Everyday since my funeral Hayes has been miserable. When I died and went to heaven I became hayes's guardian angel. I hate seeing him so sad it breaks my heart. Whenever the boys dragged him out of the house and girls would try to get with him he would tell them he's taken. It warms my heart to know that he still considers himself as taken even though I'm dead. Every Friday he would come to my grave to talk to me. Friday was our hang out days. When he came to visit last Friday he was completely broken.

"Hey baby girl. Its been three months since you've been gone. I miss you like crazy. I pretend to be fine around everyone else but i'm not. I'm dying on the inside from the pain of your death. Why did you have to so soon. Why didn't you tell me the hate was too much for you. I could have done something. Life on earth sucks without you. Sometimes I feel like committing just to be with you. I always imagined us dying together when we're old with grandchildren. We would die from old age. We would have 3 kids. One boy and two girls. We named them

Brandon Alexander Grier

Hadley Marie Grier


Annabelle Faith Grier.

All of them would have my eyes except for Annabelle who had a mixture of our eyes.

I would have gave you a Promise ring at 19 then an engagement ring at 24. I would give you the promise ring on our anniversary and propose to you on your birthday as one of your birthday gifts. We would have a summer themed wedding and have some of the boys perform for free."

I giggled at thought of that.

" We would slow dance to Shawn singing Life of The Party. Then after the wedding we would go to Hawaii for our honeymoon. You would be in the bathroom or something while I would set up something romantic in the room. When you come out of the bathroom you would be all surprised and stuff. Then we would get to the baby making process. You would find out you were pregnant then 9 months later you would give birth to Brandon and so on. I wish this could happen but you're gone so it won't happen. I miss you so much. The fans who would send you hate felt so bad for sending you hate but I doubt they mean it. I wish I had a time travel device so I could stop you from committing but I don't so i'll just have to live with you being gone. Well it's getting late. I'll talk to you soon. Bye baby girl see you soon.'

And with that he left and went home and went to sleep. But the next day broke my heart. He was home alone and I knew it wasn't gonna be good. He was writing his suicide letter to everyone just like I did. Oh no he's gonna kill himself. He was bawling his eyes out during the process. When he passed out from swallowing all those pills he laid on the floor for about two hours. Nash found him when he came home but it was a little to late. They took him to the hospital and waited for hours. When the doctors told them he was dead they lost it. I felt so bad for them. I sighed and laid down on my heaven bed and eventually fell asleep. About an hour later I woke up due to a bright light. I squinted my eyes as someone walked in. I saw the person I never thought I would see again. It was ........
One part left ☺️

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