The Fight Part two

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Your Pov

Its been a week since I broke up with Hayes. I missed him like crazy even though he's an asshole. He blows up my phone every now and then but I always leave him on read. He calls but I always hit decline. Its time I get out of this house. I took a shower and got dressed. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Johnson.

From JJ💜:You wanna hang today?

I replied with sure and went over to his place. I got to his house and knocked on the door. He opened it and let me in.

"What's up y/n"

" Not much Jay what about you?"

" not much just dealing with Giłinsky's bull shit"

" oh boy what happened now?"

" Well last when you caught Madison with Hayes Gilinksy found out and broke up with her for cheating but got back with her like a couple of hours later. Now he's with her 24/7"

"He's such a fuck boy I swear!"

" That's my so called best friend for ya"

" I'm sorry you have to deal with that you deserve better."

"Thank you!"

" You're welcome now lets do something!"

"Wanna go to the movies?"

"Sure lets go!"

We got in his car and he drove off to the movies.

* Movie Theater *

Johnson bought two tickets to see Ride Along 2.

As the previews were playing I noticed Hayes walking in with Madison. I took a picture and sent it to Giłinsky.
To Giłinsky 🖕🏽: your girl is a hoe 🤗

From Giłinsky 🖕🏽: fuck you 😑

To Giłinsky 🖕🏽: Nah I'm good but I'm sure your girl is fucking Hayes 😘

After that I didn't get a reply. A few moments later Madison got up and stormed towards me and Johnson.

" you bitch!"
" oh boy" Johnson groaned

" what do you want?" I asked rolling my eyes.

" you told Giłinsky I was here with Hayes!"

" okay and?"

" because of you her broke up with me!"

" and I care because?"

" ugh you're such a bitch"

" it takes a bitch to know a bitch. "
" you're just jealous "

" of what?"
" that I stole your man"
" bitch tf"
" you're jealous that Hayes chose me over you"

Once she said that I started dying of laughter.

" good one Thotison "

" you're just mad cuz I'm tighter than you"

" say what now?"

" you heard me"

" bitchhhh don't even get me started. We all know your pussy is looser than a loose tooth on a toddler. Shitt your pussy so loose we hear it clap as you walk down the street. Now get your crusty loose pussy outta my face before I really hurt your feelings. "

" if my pussy is so loose why does Hayes love it so much"

" cuz his dick is so small it can't fit into tight spaces like my pussy"

" you wasn't complaining when we fucked the night before " Hayes said smirking.

" oh sweetie that's because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. Sorry not sorry. I'm pretty sure Johnson has a bigger dick than you"

Hayes rolled his eyes and said " fuck you"

" you would love to cuz I'm pretty sure Madison has nothing on me"

" bitch you wish " Madison said flipping her hair.

I was about to saw something when a manager walked up to us.

" I'm sorry but the four of you are gonna have to leave. You're distracting people "

Johnson and I grabbed our stuff and left the theater. We sat on the hood of his car and relaxed for a bit. Out peace was disrupted when we heard Madison whining about Hayes not sticking up for her. I groaned and Johnson laughed at me. Madison and noticed and dragged Hayes towards us.

" what the fuck do you want now"

" I want you admit you're jealous "

" okay. You're jealous because my pussy is tighter than yours could ever be. I'm prettier than you and I can sing. You're jealous that I can get any guys I want while your parents have to pay a guy to be with you. You're jealous cuz I'm better than you and there's nothing you can do about it."

Once I said that she looked pissed.

" what's wrong cat got your tongue?" I smirked.

All of a sudden I felt something hit my jaw. I realized it was Madisons fist.

" wrong decision "

I punched her dead in the face. I'm pretty sure I just broke her nose but who gives a fuck.

" don't you ever punch me again cuz you will regret it. Now go with little dick grier and maybe he can help you with your crusty pussy issues"

She scoffed and walked away with Hayes following her.

" hey Hayes!" I yelled

He looked back at me and I pulled Johnson into a kiss and flicked Hayes off.

When I pulled away from the kiss Johnson smirked and raised his eyebrow.

"What was that for?"

" nothing I just wanted to kiss you" I said with a wink and got in the car.

Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Check out my 5h preference book!

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