July 31st, 2018

983 20 3

I woke up the next morning, confused and in a daze. Sitting up, I looked around the room until the events of the previous day came flooding back. I was met with memories of him, his gentle politeness, despite his rugged appearance. He was surprisingly kind, but I knew that I couldn't be too trusting, it was too big a risk. 

Not long after I had sat up, I heard another knock at my door.

"Come in,"

The door creaked open and I was met with Killian's smirking face, and in his hands was what I could only assume was a new outfit for me. 

"Your clothes for the day," he said before turning to go.

"I still don't understand why I can't wear my clothes," 

"Look around you, love. Do you see any of your clothes aboard this ship? There's only the outfit we took you in, and my crew and I don't like laundry," 

"You don't like laundry? So you just wear new outfits every single day then?" I countered.

"We're pirates, we wear the same clothes until they're ripped to shreds, and only then do we change,"

"That's so gross, don't you ever start to smell yourself and think, maybe I should wash this? You're surrounded by the ocean, there's water all around you!"

"Well, perhaps you'd like to do the washing for us then? Since you're so disgusted by us," Killian quipped. 

"I never said I was disgusted, but you need some better hygiene practices,"

A menacing smile appeared on his lips as he stepped forward and approached me.

"Says the pretty little princess who had everything done for her. Do you think that you'd be able to keep up with your hygiene without your servants' and maids' help?"

I was taken aback by his words. This was a whole new side to him that I hadn't seen yesterday. He was cruel and angry, quick to start a fight. I was determined to shut it down, not only for my safety but for his too.

"This is a stupid argument, I'm going back to bed," I said before lying back down and rolling away from him.

"No you're not, there's a ship to clean," he fought.

"And that's my problem how?"

"You've been so sheltered your entire life. It is time that you learned something about responsibility and self-actualization!" 

"Wow, that's a big word for a pirate. And what is it with you and calling me sheltered and spoiled? My life hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, you know?" I yelled.

"Oh please! You lived in a castle with people who waited on you all hours of the day, every day of the year. What could you possibly know about hardship?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing that any protest I made would be lost on him. I only wish that the Killian I had met yesterday would return, this new one made any positive emotions I had towards him vanquish completely. 

"Just forget it. Let me get dressed and I will be outside soon to help clean. But I do expect some food first, I'm famished," 

"Your wish is my command, Your Highness," he mocked before leaving my room.

I scoffed as I stood up, picking my clothes up off the floor where he had left them. I couldn't believe that I had felt anything for this man yesterday. He and I had made a connection but anything that was there before was gone now. I only saw him as an entitled and stuck-up pirate now. I could tell he was only looking out for himself and his crew. 

*Editing* Sailing The Seas (Once Upon A Time Colin O'Donoghue FanFiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon