August 5th, 2018

397 14 0

It was two days later, and things were going really smoothly. Things between Killian and I were still wonderful and we had really grown to trust each other. He was a dream come true. I had found my missing puzzle piece, the one who made my life complete. He was cultured and taught me things I never imagined ever knowing. He was brilliant and encouraging, always believing in me and making me do my very best. We were getting closer all the time, and he was showing me new bits of his personality every chance he got. And every time he showed me something new, I fell deeper. Killian was truly wonderful, and I silently cursed myself for thinking otherwise.

I sat on the dock with Killian, waiting for his crew to load the ship. 

"Where are we off to today?" I asked. 

Killian smiled a huge smile and his eyes lit up. It was if he had been waiting for me to ask.

"You'll see, love." 

I looked at the water below my feet, smiling. It wasn't hard to tell that he wanted this to be a surprise, so I kept my mouth shut and didn't pry. 

Soon, the crew had finished loading the ship. They had packed a giant chest of what I could only assume was their 'earnings', a picnic basket and some yummy goodies to snack on. Killian grabbed my hand and led me on the boat. 

"This way Beth. And a heads up, I'm going to have to blindfold you." 

"Aw Killian, do you have to?" I pleaded. But he showed no mercy. 

I was going to be blindfolded on a ship full of eager pirates. Hopefully, Killian would protect me from his crew's beady eyes.

It seemed like forever before Killian removed the blindfold from over my eyes. I blinked and my eyes adjusted to the bright light around me. Instantly, my focus darted over to where we were docked and my jaw hit the floor. It was, stunning

In front of me was a soft, padded grass park, with trees lined up on either side of the pathway, and it was dotted with picnic benches everywhere. 

"Do you like it?" I heard Killian say. 

"I love it!" I exclaimed, running over to give him a hug. He grabbed me by the hips, lifted me into the air and held me close. Our faces tilted closer together before he pulled back. I frowned slightly but knew that our time would come. 

"Now come on," he said. "Let's go enjoy a picnic."

He took me by the hand and led me over to one of the many tables. We sat down and he plopped the basket on the table. One by one, he pulled out the snacks. There were sandwiches, fresh veggies, and some assorted cheeses. He also brought out some juice and water. 

"This looks so delicious, Killian," I said, grabbing a handful of cheese and a sandwich.

"I'm glad you like it." He replied with a laugh.

We sat in silence as we snacked and looked at the scene around us. It was really pretty, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. He was treating me so well and I doubted that he would ever hurt me.

*Editing* Sailing The Seas (Once Upon A Time Colin O'Donoghue FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now