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1.He's Never Noticed Me Before.

"Come on Brogan, we need to get to math class" Ella shakes my arm, pulling me to class. I sigh, absolutely hating the thought of math, everything about it made me cringe.

"Can we like skip math today?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Yeah, like you'll actually skip" She rolls her eyes playfully.

"I'm thinking about reinventing myself" I bump my hip into hers "Could you imagine? Brogan Anderson, school bad girl" I giggle.

"That'd be perfect, next thing you know you're going to be hitting on Carter" She laughs.

"Senior Carter?"

"Yeah, School's bad boy" She whispers, pointing at him as he leans against the wall.

"Yeah, like that'll happen, I'd like to keep raging egotistical asshole off my oh-so long list of lovers" I roll my eyes.

"Long list my ass, you've had like zero boyfriends" Ella teases.

"That was the point of the sarcasm El" I laugh, opening the door to our math class and taking my seat, which unfortunately is on the other side of the room from Ella's. The late bell rings, and our miserable math teacher walks in, slamming the door shut behind him.

Ella pouts, and dramatically reaches out for me, and I laugh while copying her actions, the teacher seeming unpleased by our actions.

"Ladies, if you would please stop with your immaturity and complete today's warm-up that would be much appreciated" Mr. Tate frowns, taking a seat at his desk.

"Sorry Sir" Her and I say, looking down in embarrassment.

We complete our warm-up, Piper; the teacher's pet volunteering to put it up on the board. I sigh seeing as though my answer is completely different from hers, and I have no idea where I made my mistake.

You see, this is why I hate math, I don't understand it. And when in the hell am I ever going to need to find the tangent of x? Hint hint, never.

"Any questions?" Mr. Tate asks monotonously. Nobody raises their hand and he sighs, telling Piper to sit down, and pulls out a stack of papers "Alright, so for today you'll be working in sets of two, work with whoever you want, I don't care but if you get too loud, I will stop everything, make you do book work and you'll never be allowed to work in partners again, understood?" He asks, his eyes 'coincidentally' flickering between Ella and I.

"Yes Mr. Tate" We all say, and he nods handing out the papers, and explaining what we need to do, once he finished, I look over at Ella and motion for her to come sit next to me, and she scurries over, plopping down into the seat next to me.

"Okay, so what do we do?" Ella claps.

"I have no idea, but I know for sure that I have to pee, like really bad" I say, standing up and grabbing the bathroom pass, filling it out. Once it's filled out I leave the room and walk to the girls bathroom, making sure to go to the one farthest away, so I don't have to return to math anytime soon.

"Hmm, room 213. Mr. Tate right? What're you doing all the way over here?" A voice whispers in my ear from behind me.

I turn around, my brown eyes meeting two beautiful hazel ones, my breath feeling like it's caught in my throat.

"Uh w-well I-" He cuts off my stutter with a deep chuckle.

"You don't have to be nervous" He takes his pierced lip between his teeth as he caresses my face "I won't hurt you" He smirks "What's your name?" He asks "Are you new?"

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