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15. I Want The Truth.

"Brogan what's wrong?" Mark asks, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh my god" I gasp "Are you fucking kidding me?" I growl, stomping over to where Carter and his friends are.

"Ah change your mind?" Alex smirks, but I ignore him, turning to Carter.

"I need to talk to you" I cross my arms.

"Well I'm kind of busy" He shrugs.

"Yes, because standing in one place at the mall, looking like a douche bag is so important" I roll my eyes.

"Actually it kind of is" He smirks.

"Just stop playing fucking games" I huff.

"Whatever" He sighs "I'll be back" He tells his friends.

I walk in front of him, until we're a fair distance away from people, before turning around to face him.

"What?" He asks, his hands shoved into his pockets.

"I know"

"You know what?"

"I know the little game you're playing" I accuse.

"If this is about earlier, I did mean-"

"No this isn't about this morning! This is about the past week! You're the one sending me those fucked up text messages, and the fucking roses and demented gifts it's all you!" I yell, jabbing my finger into his chest.

"Brogan, I don't know what you're talking about" He shakes his head.

"Don't fucking lie" I growl "I want the truth"

"I'm telling the truth"

"Bullshit! So it's just a fucking coincidence that you're actual initials are ACM just like the sign off on all the messages, or the letter, and what about the pictures! That's fucking low"

"What pictures? I don't know what you're fucking talking about!" He yells.

"Yes you do! You've done nothing but lie this entire time! And then you have the fucking nerve to take pictures of you sleeping with me! What was it some kind of bet? Oh let's see if Carter can fuck this uptight Junior!"

"Wait, what?" He freezes, his eyes wide "Someone took pictures?"

"Carter really, you're not fooling me anymore, the game is over, I know it was you, so cut the shit"

"Brogan, I swear to you, I'm not lying to you" He takes my hands in his "I don't know how to get you to believe me"

"Maybe by telling the truth" I take my hands out of his and walk back to Oli and Mark.

"That looked interesting" Mark chuckles.

"Oh you have no idea" I huff "I want to go swimming"

"We can go to my house" Oli shrugs.

"Yes! Is my swimsuit still there?" I ask.

"Yeah, but its the one piece" He laughs.

"That's fine"

"I can't, my mom says I have to watch my dick of a little brother" Mark huffs, folding his arms.

"I'll drive you home, let's go" Oliver says.


"I missed this" Oli sighs, as we sit on the edge of the pool.

"Missed what?"

"Just hanging out, the two of us. I feel like since Carter's been around you haven't hung out with me like we used to" He shrugs.

"I know, and I'm sorry Oli"

"It's alright" He smiles, looking down at me. His eyes flicker down to my lips, and my heart speeds up. He's going to try and kiss me,as he starts to lean in I panic, and push him into the pool.

"I have to go!" I yell, running into his house grabbing my clothes and sprinting to my house.

"Holy shit!" I curse when I get into my room.

"What happened?"

"Fuck!" I jump, hearing Carter's voice "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you"

"I don't want to talk to you, all you do is lie" I shake my head.

"I never lied" He shakes his head.

"Carter I don't have time for this" I shake my head.

"I didn't lie Brog, I swear to you it's not me" He walks over to me "Please believe me" He whispers.

"I can't" I shake my head.

"Please" He begs, his lips nearing mine "Baby, I wouldn't lie abou-" I cut him off by pulling his face down to mine, lips meeting in the middle. Why I kissed him, I'll never understand. He has some sort of effect on me, that I'll never be able to describe.

Carter picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist as he carries me to my bed. He lays me down, his body over mine, our lips still connected.

"Baby" Carter groans "Brogan"

"What? Do you want me on top?" I ask, and he laughs.

"No, that's not it" He shakes his head.

"Well then what is it?"

"I think we shouldn't" He whispers, and I frown "No, it's not because I don't want to, it's just I think we should just wait"

"Now why would we do that? We've already slept together before?" I huff with a shrug.

"I know" He sighs "But I don't want that to be all we're about"

"Well, there isn't really anything else for us" I shrug, and his face falls.

"Oh" He nods "I think I should go" He whispers, getting off my bed and climbing out of my window.



Short update, but I didn't yesterday because we had to drive my brother back to college.

I had an early dismissal today because it's hot af outside

Love, Bad_Boy_Hemmo

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