Chapter 3

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Chapter three:

The rest of the flight was pretty much silent for me. I was just on my laptop in a separate compartment, away from Niall and Grace which was sad. I really wish I could of stayed talking to them. I decided to asses how I'm going to look when I land. In hopes that since the boys are already in LA, they might be at the airport for when Niall lands with Grace. And maybe I get to ride in a limo back with them considering Niall said that we would meet again?

I was just hoping to meet Harry, and so I turned on photo booth and assessed how I looked. My perfect tan skin complexion looked fine, with the white summer tank top i draped over my short shorts with the scarf belt. My boots were my bright neon pink ones that go just above my ankle. I looked at my dark brown hair, and wasn't pleased with its state. The wind must have blown it everywhere. What was once brown straight hair down to a little above my elbows was one tangled mess.

Wait, so did I meet Niall with messed up hair? 

Crap, I think I did. I don't know how to waterfall of fishtail my own hair though. Maybe Grace knows how to do it. I could ask her, but no I'm banned from seeing them. But maybe if they bring me in upon request... Okay new life mission for this plane ride: Get Grace to waterfall my hair, and to make it look presentable for possibly meeting the rest of the band. I opened the cabin door and went out into the hallway and into the main room where Niall and Grace were sitting before. 

I knocked at the door, and Niall practically screamed in a groaning tone "WHO IS IT?" Obviously he didn't like being chaperoned around everywhere. 

"Um, It's Tara. Can you request that I come in? I was wondering if I would get fashion help from Grace..."

Even if I wasn't in the room, I could tell that Grace's face lit up to the suggestion and she asked Niall very politely if I could come in, and Niall didn't seem to hesitate. I went back to my cabin, and momentarily an attendant came over and escorted me to their cabin. 

"Thank you so much, I just had a few fashion questions for Grace. I don't want to walk into LA looking like a hot mess." I replied in a snoty tone at the end of that. Maybe a bit too much of a stress over it. 

"Ah, to answer your question yes you will be meeting the rest of the band when we land and we'll get to ride in a limo with them. As long as we can trust you not to kill the boys?" Grace replied. She had such a sweet tone in her voice, She was awsome and mind reading. 

"Uh yeah... Haha you can read minds. Promise I won't kill you guys. Well Harry, I'm not so sure." I said with a bit of a stressed winky face tone, if that makes since to anyone but me. "I was wondering if first of all, I look cute in what I'm wearing..."

"Which is a yes... But your..." Grace said before I interrupted her. 

"Yeah I know, my hair is a compleate train wreck. I was wondering If you could waterfall braid it for me? Or fishtail it, whichever you think would look cuter."

"Okay, waterfall it is! Trust me, with me you can get the best waterfall braid ever." Grace winked at me. This is going to be a long plane ride. 

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