Chapter 25

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Note~ ***Please Read***

I'm finally starting to write a chapter in advance before I get the comments and votes (Because I actually know what to do for once! xD) 

But, I also wanna say something;'

As I've been going through and reading my fan fiction through in my own time, I've realized my writing is really weak until about up to chapter 7. Then, as I continued reading I realized some of the things were cheesy and un-realistic.

So, I decided I'm going to do my best to go back through and edit things. I'm only going to add or edit details, to make it more realistic. But, the main idea in the chapter is still going to be there, so I won't be changing the basic story line. 

I also want to inform you that my writing skills have increased a lot from the beginning. I've been writing longer chapters and stuff, and so hopefully I will be able to edit to make it better and maybe I'll gain more reads?

Sorry rambling on about random shit! Here's the chapter ;) 

Oh yeah, and you're gonna meet Brianna now :D 

Gracie xxx

Chapter twenty-five:

*Harry’s Pov*

I didn’t know what I was exactly looking at. Liam and Alex were leaning in for a kiss. Of course I had to snoop around on their date. But, I didn’t exactly know when it was. 

So, evidently I think I came somewhere near the end. But all I could find when I got there was them sitting up and about to kiss. I started crying, I couldn’t help it. 

Alex turned around and saw me. I could see that she backed out and she was shocked. 

“Harry?”  Alex said to me. 

I didn’t think that she would say my name. I had tears running down my eyes. Soon, Alex started to get tears running down her cheeks as well. Liam just looked confused. Actually, I was with Liam on this one. I had no idea why Alex was crying.

But, Liam’s eyes said more than just Alex crying was bothering him. He looked scared, shocked and confused. Scared at what’s going on between Alex and I, Shocked that I was here, and confused as to why Alex was crying because of all of this. 

Before I could walk away, Alex started running up to me. She looked really hurt. I’ve only known when she was feeling like this, but I’ve never actually seen her like this. It’s really scary to see her mad and upset at the same time. 

“You jerk! What the hell are you doing here? You fucked up things in our relationship! That’s not my problem! Why are you snooping around huh?! I don’t belong to you anymore! Wrap that around your fat boy band ego Styles.” Then Alex slapped me across the face.

She bitch slapped me. And really hard. Alex was crying really badly, and she just shoved me to the side and jumped down. No, that girl didn’t even use the ladder. She just jumped straight down.

I saw her flinch a little bit, and she started limping towards the elevators. I looked back at Liam. Now he was crying too. 

Walking over to Liam to apologize, He didn’t seem like he was hurt. 

“Liam, I’m sorry mate. I let my stupid actions get the best of me. I just had to listen in on you and Alex. I wanted to see if she really still loved me or if she was really in love with you.” I was ashamed of myself. Doing that to my best mate and my crush/ex. She’s the only ex I’ve ever wanted back. 

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