Chapter 8

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Chapter eight: 

Zayn and I started to approach the house back to the boys. I thought that they would have a mansion, but I was dead wrong. They had the biggest flipping house i've ever seen. They had the infinity pool, and the biggest yard ever.

None the less the house itself was giant. I mean, it's so much unnecessary space! I mean it would be awesome having this much space and all, but it's all just too much. Although, over exaggerated LA is normal and expected. 

Zayn kept on dragging me around, because I was now being dragged to dinner with them. I just didn't know what to make of everything with Zayn before. He hugged me, he carried me, and he thinks I don't suspect anything?

I mean you don't just do that out of the blue for no reason right? 

He's just my friend though, and that's all he ever will be. Once Alex arrives, the fun is really going to start. Partying hard with one direction having the time of our lives. 

Zayn entered into the house with me, and I got a very warm welcome from all of the band, plus a Grace. 

"Yay Tara's here!" Loius exclaimed once I stepped a foot through the door. I gazed around looking for the other boys. Harry in particular. 

My first impressions on their house was over rich snotty popstars. But they are definately not snotty popstars. Okay so maybe they are rich and popstars, just not snotty. Grace greeted me with a giant hug. I swear she learned how to hug properly from Niall. 

"eeek can't believe your staying for dinner Tara! Once Alex gets here in a few days, were gonna have so much fun! If she's as fun as you then this is gonna be a blast!" Grace seemed way to energetic. I'm assuming she's not used to being around a normal girl with one direction. Although I only look normal.

I have no idea how I haven't had a major fangirl melt down infront of them. I'm literally dying that my dreams are finally coming true. That Alex and I's beach talk fantasys are actually coming alive. I'm sure this would have never happened to any normal girl.

So, why do I have this privledge?

"Umm earth to Tara... You with me TarTar? Tata stay with me." Grace was calling at me while waving hands over my face. 

"Hum what? Oh sorry dozed off into thought. Wait since when am I TarTar?" I answered with a half energetic tone. I sounded like I was about to crash from being so sleep deprived. 

"Since now. And you don't sound too good... Do you want to lie down for a second? Or you can go play video games with the boys and I." Grace was trying to make my stay as comfortable as possible, as if I didn't like their manners or "homeyness" I'd never hang out with them again.

"I'm up for video games. What games are they playing?"

"Umm idk, but probably something really boyish that we wouldn't like. Although you can always cuddle with the boy of your choice telling them to smash the other guys face's off?" 

I let out a surpressed giggle. Grace really understands my personality perfectly. I really hope that i'll always be her friend, she's my only best friend here in LA so far. 

We made our way through the never ending house of One Direction and finally found ourselfs in the game room. They have an official room for practically everything! Eating, gaming, sitting, you name it they have it. It's almost like they have an official room for soap bars. If they did, I'd be laughing my ass off. 

"So umh what games are you guys playing? Cause TarTar and I wanted to play with you guys. Or watch if you can't find the other controllers." Grace pleadingly asked the boys playing.

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