Chapter 26

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Short note~

Sorry that it's been a  little more than a week! I haven't been on my laptop a lot lately because 

Ahh it's nearing the end of my fan fiction! I know you're all sad, but hopefully I'll have Alex and Tara force me to write a sequel. 

Although I have been thinking, I haven't mentioned Zayn and Tara tooooo much lately, so I might add a bonus chapter to this, and I might add a quick look into the next book if there is one, for a total of 32 chapters or something. 

***DONT PLAY THE MUSIC UNTIL I TELL YOU TO. Btw the pic on the side is Grace's face at one point.***

Here's the chapter though. 

Gracie xxx

Chapter twenty-six:

*Grace's Pov* 

I am an identical twin. And now, she is taking me to see my parents. Not my abusive ones, but my real, birth parents. Also the same ones that abandoned me. 

"Now they're going to want me back, and just because I'm dating Niall; like I could marry him and become rich and famous. 

Well, they're wrong.

I will not come crawling back to them, as much as they want me to. They abandoned me, and I got taken to an abusive family. It's their fault for ditching me. And I'm, going to make sure that they know what they did to me. 

No matter what the cost is." I told Brianna last night. 

"Grace... You shouldn't do that to them. Let's go see them another time. Okay?" Brianna jumped in. "Just forget about this and just let go. They didn't know what family you would go to. 

Pft, let go of this?


*Tara's Pov*

I was just casually hanging out with Alex, until Grace brought a new girl into the room. Huh, guess we have a new addition to the group. Or at least a some-what addition. 

"Tara, Alex, um this is my sister Brianna. We met last night at the concert. She's going to be staying with us for a few days."

"That's awesome! Nice to meet you Brianna." I smiled at her. She looked exactly like Grace, accept she didn't seem so friendly. Brianna just looked so... Focused. Just, not focused on any of us. 

I'm not going to trust her yet, she might be up to something. Or maybe she's just spacing out, let's not jump to conclusions just yet. She is Grace's twin sister after all. 

"Um sooooo what are the plans for tonight everyone?" Alex jumped in. I looked at Brianna, but she neve broke her focus. I'm still wary about her. 

"Well, I'm going on a date with Niall, and I think you might want to talk to Zayn too Tara." Grace giggled. Yay I'm going on a date with Zayn tonight! Mental happy dance. 

"Well, now I guess I'm going on a date with Zayn. What about you Alex?" 

"If you haven't noticed, I'm cheating on Liam with Nutella. Shh, he doesn't know ladies. I could never give my nutella up even if Liam forced it away from me!" She made a really funny dramatic face, and everyone started laughing. 

"I'll just be here watching movies with Harry and Louis. We're both going to be here alone, so they invited me to be with them while they watch the Avengers." Brianna spoke, finally breaking her gaze. 

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