Chapter 9

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Chapter nine:

Dinner went pretty well. I was laughing most of the time, due to louis' humor and prank stories. The boys were really fun to be around/ I honestly don't know what time I went to bed. Too much partying and stuff to keep track of.

The only thing I do know is I woke up in a bed in their house. No, not like that. I was all alone in a guest bedroom or something. Lord knows how I got there, what I'm doing still with them, and if my grandma is worried sick.

I wanted to get out of bed but i felt so crappy I didn't want to move. I just laid in bed most of the day, until Zayn came up to my room. I guess were like best friends now. Besides Harry, he's my favorite in the band. 

Grace keeps on saying that Zayn and I shoud just start dating already. She says that he's already hugged me and carried me. As far as I'm concerned, its just a playful friendship. 

At this point I didn't care if Alex was coming this afternoon. I just wanted to sleep here all day long. But of course I had to go back to my grandma's to meet Alex there. So Zayn had woken me up, and took me to my grandma's.

"I'll drive you over to her house Cupcake." Zayn asked me. He seemed to want to drive me home. We only lived around a block or two apart though. But, I guess BFF's stick together as much as they can.

We left the house, and I told the boys I'd see them later by the beach once alex got here. Grace was really happy to meet Alex. And I could see that all of the boys were too. So with that, Zayn took me out the door and to their car. 

It's weird though, that Zayn is the one driving and not some sort of butler drving us in a fancy limo. Which was a nice change for once. 

"So, I know that we'll be at your house in two minutes, but so far how do you like hanging out in LA? None the less, your hanging out with the coolest boys ever." Zayn tried to quesiton me.

"It's amazing here in LA! Not to sound like a crazy super fan or anything, but Alex and I always fantasized about meeting you boys. I don't know how my Grandma got me on a private jet ride with Niall and Grace, but after that i've been fangirling less about you guys and I'm starting to accept you all as my best friends, not fantasized dream boy band." I smiled. 

"And were trying to accept you as the normal girl you are, instead of the crazed fan we know that you are inside. So i guess its even for both points." Zayn smiled. Wow, his jaw-line is perfect.

Bummer that we were approching my Grandma's house, because then I had to say bye to Zayn until Alex got settled in. Then I'd have to text Zayn or Grace about Alex and i walking over, and the boys would then meet us at the beach.

Zayn stopped the car, and I jumped out. I think Alex was already inside. 

"ByeBye Zaynster" I let out a little giggle, and Zayn started cracking up. 

"Whatever you say, Cupcake" He winked at me, rolled up the window, and drove back to his house. 

The second I opened up the door, I had two people hugging me to death. One was a fangirling screaming 17 year old girl, and the other one was an old-ish lady freaking out thinking that I had died. 

"It's okay grandma, I'm okay. Sorry I got mad and um... resorted to weird things. And OMG ALEX YOU'RE HERE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" 

Okay, so maybe we were only apart for like a few days to a week (I mean, who's counting when you're hanging out with One Direction?) 

"EEkkk!!! I think I'm already settled in, because you came so late. I've just been eating and chatting with your Grandma. Do you want to throw on a bikini and go to the beach?" Alex was really really happy.

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