Chapter 12

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Short Authors note~

So the picture on the side is Tara Forni's AWESOME bedroom (Not her real one sadley, but her fan fiction one!) Hope you've enjoyed the previous drama courtesy of Alex. (follow her @Style_Me_Horan) and follow Tara (@Cupkakeqt)

Hope you enjoy this chapter~

Gracie xxx


Chapter twelve:

*****TARA'S POV*****

Okay so maybe I had just invited Zayn into my house. Was that the right choice? Well, no taking it back now. So I decided to get Zayn to meet my grandma.

But, the second he walked into my contemparary house he had his mouth wide open. I mean, my house isn't THAT amazing? It's definately smaller than their house! But still, he was still in awe.

"Hey G-Ma! I'M HOME AND I HAVE SOMEONE WHO YOU HAVE TO MEET!" I screamed across the house, hoping I'd find her. I decided to walk into the dining room incase she was eating herself.

"Is that a chocolate fountain?" Zayn said with his mouth as wide open as a giant cave.

"Um yeah... You want anything to dip into it?" I offered. I probably seemed pretty damn rich now.

"Nah, It's okay."

Well, this conversation wasn't getting anywhere. I decided to invite him up to my bedroom so that he could tweet from my laptop.

"You want to use my laptop upstairs in my room?" I offered yet again. Hopefully he'll take this offer. I don't want to seem so snotty and rich. He knows that I'm not the one owning the house, my grandma is.

"Yeah sure! I need to check my twitter page anyways." Then he gave me that smile again. Damn, I mean Harry has those emerald eyes, but Zayn has got the best jawbone and smile I've ever seen.

"C'mon then you lazy arse!" I shouted at him, then made a mad dash for the staircase with Zayn trailing behind me. Maybe my Grandma was sleeping because she never answered. Well, we've always got our soda machine and other things to have for dinner.

I finally reached my bedroom, and I had to make a catious warning to Zayn before he entered my room. I didn't want him to faint.

"So Zayn, before you see my room; It's totally decked out, so just don't faint!" I smiled at him, and I opened the door to my wonderfull wonderland of a room.

I could tell that Zayn loved it, because he ran right for the bed, but he didn't see the ledge before it so he tripped and fell.


"Zayn are you okay? You didn't see the ledge!" I was worried sick that my bedroom hurt him. Who knew that the best bedroom ever likes to hurt my boyfriend.

Zayn looked like he was about to cry... But was that a smile across his face? Yup, it totally was.

He just grabbed his arms up, reached for my waist, hoisted himself up, then flung me across his shoulder. He then in one swift movement sat on my bed, put me down, and then had to stand back up so that he could go get my laptop from my desk in the corner.

I was honestly so tired, so I just watched Zayn tweet away. He seemed like he was re-designing his twitter page or something. Although, considering I don't have a twitter, I had no idea what he was doing.

"Smile Cupcake!" He said. Grinning, I gave him a kiss on the cheek in the photo. I thought he would yell at me and he would take another one so that nobody would see that we were dating.

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