Chapter 5

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Chapter five:

Okay so the limo ride was fun. The entire boy band, according to them, said that my grandma called me an insane fan.

Thanks grandma.

So they were surprised by me being calm, but they got used to it and kinda enjoyed my company with them. 

"Okay... So what's your favorite food Tara?" Louis comments.

"Chocolate by far! Chocolate is the best food ever. It comforts any girl whenever. Or just food in general." I reply in an over-eager voice.

"Cool. I like carrots." Louis says. 

Of course, we all started to snicker about  his comment because we all knew about his carrot obsession. 

The car ride wasn't all that bad, and it was actually pretty fun. 

Although once I got home, I had to say goodbye to One Direction. Zayn ended up giving me chocolate, cause he said it was a "welcome to LA" present. How sweet of him!

Hary just smiled at me and waved. Darn, not a second hug. Although the other one was like 6 minutes (not like I was counting.) 


Once I walked in the door to my grandma's new beach house, I almost fainted. It was Ginormous. I couldn't take it all in!

If only One Direction was here to see all of this. And Grace. I felt like if I was famous and knew the boys more, we'd be the dynamic duo in the boys' arms. 

My grandma walked in and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

Not the same as a Harry Styles hug.

"Thank you for arranging me to meet One Direction grandma!" I beam at her.

"It was no problem deary, It's around dinner time. Would you like to have a picnic on the back deck near the pool with me?" She asked. 

"Yeah sure Grandma, I'd love to. See you soon!" I then rushed upstairs and texted Alex.

To: Alex Smyth 

Okay alex, you are NEVER going to believe what just happened! I JUST MET ONE DIRECTION! And not only did I meet them, I got to ride in a plane with Niall and in a limo with all of the boys! They all shook my hand and I got a 6 minute hug with HARRY STYLES. (haha, suck it :p.) Anyways, maybe you can come to LA with me? It would be a ton of fun, and after all the boys are somewhere near my grandma's house. Did I mention it's more like a mini castle than a beach house? text me soooon!!! 

XoXo- Tara Forni 

Okay Alex is literally going to die. If she believes me first. If she doesn't believe me then that is going to be a problem. I just collapsed onto the bedroom that I choose in the mini castle. 

I swear, this is going to be the best vacation ever, and All I had to do was meet One Direction.

Could this get ANY better???


Okay so maybe it could. Turns out, my Grandma has an infinity pool in her backyard and the sunset is amazing in LA.

It still can't beat New Jersey though. 

Grandma made steak and french fries, and I love this day even more. She even got me a chocolate fountain just for my desserts on occasion! 

That's it, I'm moving in with my Grandma. How rich is she? 

After dinner I went back upstairs to get onto my laptop and phone. I had one new message from Alex, and I was scared to open it. Alex was probably going to flip out.

To: Tara Forni

OMG YOUR KIDDING! That's totally not true, stop pulling my leg gurrlll!! Like, that's tots amazing. And you got to HUG HARRY?? I mean, why not go for a Horan hug? Ugh, and HARRY IS MINE! CAPISH? So haha back off you lucky cheesepuff ;) Make sure you get to feel Louis' butt. And I asked my mom if I could visit you in LA, and she said yes! We have a plane in a week, and then I might get to meet the boys with you! Like, Oh'My'God FANGIRLING SO MUCH!!! Just make sure they're in one piece when I get there kay? Luv you hunnie <333

From: Alex Smyth

Huh, not as mad as I thought she would be. But you know Alex, she fangirls more than she hates over me hugging "HER" man. I mean really? As far as im concerned Alex, I HUGGED HIM FIRST! 

Although, what was up with Zayn? He just seemed totally in awe with me for no reason. How could anyone in One Direction hang out with me? 

Might as well eat the chocolate Zayn got me and go to bed, I want to go to the beach tomorrow afternoon. 

And maybe get Grace to fishtail my hair this time. 

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