Chapter 2 Part 2

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I pulled to the house with me heart beating a mile a minute. I know it is probably not a good a idea to go home alone since Dre is after me but I honestly don't care he can come get me all he wants. I got out my car and walked up to the door and got me keys out. prayed to god that Dre wouldn't be in my house and that no hurt come to during the night. I opened the door to see my house just the way it was. dark

I walked through the dark house upstairs to my bathroom where I ran me some bath water. I sat on the toilet waiting for the water to get done. my mind wandered to Dewayne he was my best friend and boyfriend at the same time. tears sprung in my eyes just thinking about Dewayne. it's my fault that he's dead I should have listened to Dre's warning. but I really didn't care about that I only cared about leaving him before anything bad happened. but the thing is if I stayed nothing in my life would go wrong.

I would still have Dewayne and I would still have my Older brother. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned off the bath water. I did a foot check to see if it was warm enough for me to go in the tub. I took my clothes off and got in the tub. I'm only 18 years old and my life already is going down hill I sighed nothing in my life seems to work out the way it was planned.

I need to get away. I now that it is hard to leave since Dre has people following me every where I go. there's probably someone in my house that I don't know about. I looked in the water thought about drowning myself. I sunk down into the water and closed my eyes. "Don't do it." I heard someone say. I looked around and saw no one there. I sunk back down into the water and closed my eyes. "Didn't I say don't do it." I looked up to see Dre standing there looking at me. I screamed because he scared me so bad. he laughed. "You think I am going to let you kill yourself like that." I just sat there staring at him.

"Well did you." Dre said.  I shook my head no. "You know you can't die baby girl I won't let you." He said. I looked him in the eyes and his eyes looked like black holes that can suck you in any minute. it felt like he was burning a hole into my eyes. tears stared to spring into my eyes. "Leave me alone." I begged him. "what did I tell you about begging."Dre said. "Nothing you told me nothing about begging." I said with attitude. Dre slapped me in the face so hard it felt like he hit me with a brick.

"DON'T YOU EVER GET AN ATTITUDE WITH ME." I cringed at how much power was in his voice.  "Get out the tub." Dre said in a firey voice. "No I don't have to listen to you." I said. Dre walked over and grabbed my neck and slammed my head against the wall. "I'm not going to tell you again GET OUT THE TUB." Dre said. I sprang up out the tub and wrapped a towel around my body. I need to get away from him. I thought to myself.

I walked into my bedroom and put on underwear, a bra, white basketball shorts, White tank top, lotion and deodorant. Dre was standing in the corner watching me. I looked over at him and trembled from fear. "What are you looking at." Dre Said his voiced boomed like a speaker as his voice filled the entire room. "Not you." I said. Dre walked over to me slowly. when he finally got in front of me he looked at me for 10 seconds 10 quiet seconds before he pulled out a knife and held it up to my throat.

"Cut me please." I said begging. He lowered the knife and grabbed my chin in a rough manner so that I was looking him in the eyes. "You would like that wouldn't you." Dre said. He pushed me down on my bed roughly. "Sleep. I mean it if your not asleep when I come back upstairs so help me god I will hurt you." He said. "Where are you going." I said. "I'm taking all the sharp stuff out of this house even the glass stuff. then I'm out so you might want to stock up on plastic wear." He said. "And I swear if you buy any glass sharp objects In will hurt you." He said and walked away.

I pulled out my phone and texted my friend  Jamie before Dre came back

Me: Help me escape him please.'

Jay: Don't worry I got a plan and it involves moving.

"What are you doing." I heard Dre say from behind . I froze closed out of my app and looked up at Dre. I know one thing I'm going to get it.

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