Chapter 7:Should I

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"Don't do it." Drake said as he slowly walked over to me. Millions of thoughts roamed through my mind as I thought about what to do. I mean he did kill Dewanye and my brother Omar. I hated him for that he is really pushing my last nerves. I thought about killing him before or paying somebody to do it but he is to smart and probably kill the guy first. By this is the perfect time to kill him to pull the trigger.

"Your not going to shoot me you don't have it in you Brianna." Dre said. " How much you want to be." I said as I got the gun ready and aimed for the middle of his forehead. " Don't do it Brianna would Dewayne want you to do this." Drake said. I thought about it for while and slowly put the gun down. "No he wouldn't." I said and I swore I saw Dewayne shake his head at me in a disappointed way. That made me feel so bad. Drake let out a sigh of relief when I put the gun down on the ground. I looked up at Dre and had fire in his eyes. "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD SHOOT ME." Dre said then he lunged at me and started to choke me. Then Drake came out of nowhere tackled Dre to the ground.

Dre punched Drake straight in the face but the way Drake acted it looked like it didn't hurt him one bit. Drake kept punching Dre in the face then when he thought he had enough he started to choke himself. Then Drake stopped he grabbed the gun and smacked him in the face. Drake got up and grabbed my hand and we ran down the steps.

Where are we going I thought to myself. We hopped in his car and drove away from my house. "Where are we going." I asked. "We are going to my mom's house you'll be safe there." He said. We drove for like an hour down the highway how long is it to his mom's House. I thought to myself. "Another Hour." He said answering my thoughts. After a long hour of driving we made it to this nice medium sized house. "Where here." Drake said. I got out the car and followed Drake up the driveway. He rang the doorbell and we waited patiently. About a minute later this women who was short hair with a touch of gray and green eyes opened the door. "Drake baby you came." Drakes mom said. She gave him a big hug. Then she looked at me and smiled. "Hi I am Drakes mom but you can call me Mrs. King." She said. " I'm Brianna." I said. "Yeah mom Brianna needs a place to stay safe from her crazy ex boyfriend." Drake said. "Any friend of Drakes is a friend of mine." Mrs.King said.

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