Chapter 6: I don't know what love is

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Dre left after an hour of cruelty. I hated every minute that he did that to me. I thought he loved me but clearly not you wouldn't hit or beat the people you love. The more I hate Dre the less love I have for him and the more I thought I loved him the less I hated him. but my heart burned with pure hate for Dre. all  love lost. I hated the fact that I had to live with the fact that I have a maniac that loves me and a innocent man died because of his love for me. I just wanted my life to end right then and there. But Dre would torture me so bad that I wish I was dead.

I crawled to the phone even though my arms were badly bruised. and couldn't carry me that far but I fought through the pain and I snatched the phone and dialed Drake's number. As soon as I grabbed dialed the number I immediately started crying.

"Hello." I heard Drake say through the phone.

"I need you to help me." I said.

"I'm on my way." He said

He hung up and I did the same. I rolled over on my back as I cried through the pain that ran through my body. I heard Drake come in. "Brianna." Drake said. "I'm right here." I said. I looked at Drake when he was walking towards me and saw the shock in his eyes and the anger in his Facial expressions. 

He kneeled down next to me and looked at my body. all my bruises on my body got bigger and was more painful I couldn't take the agony of this pain. My eyes started to blur and I started to close me eyes. "Brianna stay with me." I heard Drake say. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. I soon lost sight of Drake and started to see complete Darkness.

I woke up and heard the beeping from the machine next to my bed. I opened my eyes but the Bright lights off the room forced me to reclose my eyes. "Hey can somebody turn off the lights." I said. then I heard multiple people laughing. I soon heard a light switch. "There off." I heard Drake say and smile immediately appeared on my face.

I opened my eyes to see Drake, Jamie, My mom, and my dad. I smiled to see my family. and friends. "Hey Guys." I said with a big smile. "You scared us honey." My mom said. "Really Jamie you called my family. It wasn't that serious." I said. "Yes it was you slipped into a coma." Drake said. "For how long." said. "You was out for about four days." Jamie said. I nodded my head and mumbled I am going to kill him.

I looked at my mom who had tears streaming down her face. "Mom stop crying." I said. "No I can't  stop crying I can't believe that boy did that to you." My mom said crying. I looked over at Drake. "You told my parents somebody beat me up." I said. "They were your parents they needed to know." He said. "So you want t tell me what happened." Jamie said. Everybody in the room looked at me awaiting an explanation. I sighed. "I walked in my house yesterday after coming back from seeing Drake and Dre was in my house and he beat me senseless." I said. "For what." Jamie said.

"For hiding from him." I said while looking down playing with my thumbs. "That Is it we are calling the police." My dad said. "No don't." My mom raised her hand me off. "I am calling the cops." I said. "Please don't call them he will kill me." I said crying. They looked at me and sighed. "Fine we will not call them but if he hits you again you best believe we are calling the police." My mom said. I sighed and said okay.

"When can I go home." I said. "You can go home tomorrow." The doctor said from the doorway. I looked up and smiled. "Good cause I am ready to get out of here it brings back memories." I said. everyone started to laugh. I smiled and soon my smile faded when I saw Dewayne's spirit and I was happy and shocked at the same time. "I couldn't let you die. Blessing in disguise." Dewayne said as he motioned towards Drake he looked at me an smiled. I looked at Dewayne. "I love you." He said.

The next thing you know he disappeared. God I miss him so much.

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