Chapter 3: We made it

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"Girl we made it to Miami." Jamie said. I woke up and realized that I was in a airplane. "How did I get on a airplane Jamie." I said getting a little mad. "I carried you on and plus you fell asleep in the car and I didn't want to disturb you so I carried you a board." Jamie said. I nodded my head. I sat carefully got up and slowly walked off the plane. a very rude man pushed me causing me to land of my knee that had the biggest bruise on my leg. I cried as I tried to get back up on my feet.

I felt a pair of strong arms help me up. "Hey are you okay." A strong male voice said. "Yes I am fine." I said as I wiped the tears of my face. I looked up to see a guy about six feet tall and had a light but not to light brown skin. he was wearing a black suit with a blue tie. he also had muscles. "If you don't mind me asking what happened to your face." The man said. "I do mind and if you don't mind me asking what is your name." I said. He chuckled. "Drake." He said. I looked him up and down. "As in the rapper." I asked. he laughed. "Yeah just like the rapper only I'm cuter." He said.

Just what I need to make friends with some cocky guy. "So you think Drake is cute." I said. he laughed "So you trying to play my words against me huh." He said I smiled. "Maybe." he looked me up and down. "So what's your name you didn't tell me yours." He said. "Oh my name is Brianna." I said. he smiled. "That is a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl." I blushed I can't believe I am flirting with a man that might get killed because of me. My mind wandered to Dre and a frown immediately appeared upon my face.

"What's wrong is it something I said." He said "No it's not you I was just thinking." I said. "Excuse me but you guys have to get off the plane now." The flight attendant said. "Alright ladies first." Drake said. I stood there looking at him wondering if he was serious. "What's wrong." He asked. "Nothing it's just." I said. "It's just what." Drake said with eagerness in his eyes as if he was ready to help me with my situation. I thought it was cute and blushed. "Can you help me off the plane." I said. "Sure." Drake said with a confused look on him face.

He carried me off the plane bridal style and there stood Jamie with her arms crossed over her chest looking mad. "So you were to busy flirting with some guy to even get off the plane like come on now." She said. "Sorry." I said. "Sorry is not going to cut it our cab left without us and we have no ride home." She said. "I'll drive you home." We both looked up at Drake. "Okay. sure I guess that is okay." I said. "Brianna you really going to let a strange drive us home." Jamie said. "You wanna go home or the airport." I said. She let out a sigh of defeat "Fine but your going to have to tell me about yourself cause I don't know you like that." Jamie said walking off to the parking lot. Me and Drake laughed.

"You want me to carry you to the car." Drake asked. "Yes please." I said. Drake laughed and walked over to his black Range Rover. he put me in the front seat and hopped in the front. Jamie hopped in the back so she could be 'safe'. "Where are we headed." Drake said. "921 Butler street." Jamie said. Drake laughed. "What's wrong is that a bad neighbor hood." I asked. "No it's a good Neighbor hood considering I lived there." He said. "Oh." I said. We pulled off and left the airport. once we got on the highway Jamie decided to speak. "So Drake do you rap for a  living." He laughed. "No but I can rap I am a producer and manger." He said. "Who do you manage." I said. "Anybody they assign me to." Drake said.

We pulled up at the house ten minutes later and it was a nice little neighbor hood. Jamie bought me a mansion type house for myself and she lived across the street from me. Drake lived next door to me so this is going better then I expected it to. "So where here." Drake said. Jamie got out the car threw up a deuces and made her way across the street to her house I laughed. Drake picked me up and brought me up the steps. "Thank you Drake." I said. "No problem so can I get your number you know for neighborly reasons." Drake said. "Oh so you think you smooth huh." I said. "I don't think I know." I rolled my eyes. "So can I get your number." He said. I gave him my phone and we exchanged numbers. "I'll call you to make sure your alright." He said. "Yeah sure." I said.

He walked down the steps and down the sidewalk to his house. I smile. decided to rest up and get some sleep so I can get ready for work tomorrow. I am a paid intern at a journaling company and I have to go to school but not tomorrow thank god I am on summer vacation. I got out my new keys and opened the door and limped inside. I saw that my house was already decorated "Must be Jamie's doing." I said to myself.'

I limped to the kitchen and opened up the fridge and got myself a glass of ice tea. "You didn't think i would find you did you." I froze. "What's wrong don't remember Dre's voice." He said. "Your not Dre your back in Atlanta." I said. "I'm not anymore." Dang I thought how did he find me.

Drake is at the top

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