Chapter 9: Part 2

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I woke right up soaking wet I looked at Drake and saw he had a pitcher that was half way full. "Good your awake." He said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Drake I had a dream that my brother was alive and he told me that he teamed up with Dre and killed Dewayne." I said. "That was no dream Brianna."  He said.

I looked at my brother and saw a guilty look on his face. I couldn't believe that he just told me that this was real. "How did you kill him." I said. He sighed "Well I made a distraction in the kitchen and when he went to see what it was Dre and I shot hit multiple times." He said. I shook my head in shock as tears streamed down my face. I could not believe that  this was happening next thing you know I blacked out. and attacked my Brother. I was beating him up and it felt so good it felt like I was taking everything out on my brother when I should of been taking this out on Dre.

I put my hands around his neck and started to choke him I was trying to send him back to the grave. where he deserve to go. I felt my body being lifted off my brother and I knew it was Drake that picked me up. "Let me go I need to kill him for killing Dewayne." I said. I was kicking and trying to pry myself free. "I said as tears violently feel from my eyes.

"Calm down and I will put you down." Drake said. "I will never calm down." I said. "Alright then." He said. when he put me down so he can pick me up bridal style. I broke free and started to take off running towards Omar. I grabbed Omars belt and as soon as I grabbed his belt Drake picked me up and I up taking Omar's walkie talkie from his belt. Drake put me in this room and shut the door and locked it. I sat in the corner and started to cry. I cried myself to sleep.

a few hours later I woke up to my brothers stupid walkie talkie going off.

"Yo Omar I heard you got caught I will hurt you when I find you." I heard Dre's voice say through the walkie talkie. I picked up the walkie talkie and started to speak "You will never hurt my brother." I said.

"Well, well look who it is how you doing baby." Dre said

"I am not your baby." I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh don't be so upset baby I'll be over in a little bit." he said.

"You know where I am." I said in shock

"Yes I know where you are that is the point of stalkers dumb dumb." He said

"I am going to kill you and your stalkers." I said

"Not unless I kill you first." He said

"You would do that Dre." I said

No answer

"Dre." I said scared

No answer

I got up and ran out the room and walked down the stairs. I walked in the kitchen to see Drake and my brother talking about sports. "Drake I need to talk to you." I said. "If it is about Dre tell me now because you brother decided to help you fight this guy." Drake said. I looked at my brother and then Omar. I guess I could trust him.

"Okay I was talking to Dre through Omar's walkie talkie and he said he was going to hurt Omar and Dre said he was coming to get me in a little bit and I said I was going to kill him and his Stalkers and he said not unless he kills me first ad then I said he wouldn't do that but he didn't answer he is going to kill me." I said scared.

"Don't worry Tonight we won't be here we are going to see my big brother who has people to take car of this and your brother will act like he is working for Dre but will really happen is he will be feeding us info." Drake said with a wink.

I didn't know why he was smirking and winking but I think that they didn't tell me the whole plan. "Can I ask you a question Bri." My brother said. "Yeah what." I said. "Why are you dressed like that." He said. "To look different so Dre won't recognize me." I said. "Oh okay that will work because most the people left because they didn't know it was you but some of them knew it was you because of green birthmark on your fore head." He said.

"Oh my god I forgot all about that birthmark." I said. "I know you did but you know they didn't think it was you because they know you never wear dresses." Omar said. "So I will continue to wear dresses and I will use makeup to cover it up." I said. "Yeah and make sure you talk different in public and you need a different name." Omar said. "Okay well I'll change my name to.... Sapphire." I said.

"Okay well Sapphire lets go get you some body guards." Drake said then put his hood up on his head and both of us walked to the car while Omar goes to Dre's place. Once we got to the car Drake handed me a hoodie that was black and black sweatpants. "Why do I need this." I said. "Because if they see you in that they will think you are rich and rob you." Drake said. I laughed. "Where are we going to the hood." I said as I pulled the hood over my head.

"Yup that is exactly where were going." Drake said and pulled out the driveway.

Don't come cryingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora