Chapter 13: Night of Fun?

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It has been a week since the head incident. I still couldn't believe the fact that my brother had died but I am doing a good job. Drake has kept asking me out and it is not annoying because he actually makes it funny the way he acts me out. But I turn him down but in the nicest way I know how.

Right now I am sitting down internet shopping because Thunder does not want us to go out in public in case we get spotted by Dre's stalkers. I miss my best friend Jamie. I hope Dre didn't get her or anything.

"What you doing." Drake asked as he sat on the bed and looked at my computer.

"None of your business." I said and shut the laptop.

Drake laughed and looked at me. I felt him burn a whole in my face so I looked back at him. He had the most beautiful eyes and there was something about them that made them sparkle for some reason.

"Will you please go out with me." Drake said.

I sighed. I should I go out with him I mean I don't want him to get hurt.

"Sure." I said.

He got up and started to do the nae nae. I laughed at him while he danced around the room.

"Alright so me and Thunder are going to set it up and stuff Sasha will come by today to get you ready for our date." Drake said.

"Okay." I said.

"You gonna be alright while I'm away." he said

"Yes Drake." I said.

He nodded and kissed me on the forehead and walked out the door.

I decided to clean up a little since I have all this spare time. I cleaned the whole downstairs which was a long time. but the thing is it wasn't that dirty it was just all the rooms downstairs that made it a long time to clean.

I sat on the couch and looked at the time it was two thirty. I decided to watch TV so I turned on The Amazing world of Gumball. I watched a whole marathon of it and I was dying laughing that show is so stupid.

The door bell rand so I got up and answered it. Sasha was standing there with a whole bunch of equipment. "Hey girl you ready." She said. "what time is it." I said. "Girl it is eight." She said. "I forgot all about that date. you can come in just let me shower real quick." I said.

I ran upstairs and got in the shower. I was in there for like ten minutes then got out. I put on some mango lotion and body spray. I also put on some sweet smelling deodorant. I put on black undergarments the put on my robe.

I walked down the stairs and saw Sasha watching The Amazing World of Gumball. "I'm ready." I said "Okay." she said and we went upstairs to my room where she started to do my hair and makeup. "What were you watching downstairs." She said. "The Amazing World of Gumball." I said. "That show is stupid." She said. "But it's funny." I said. She laughed.

After she finished my hair and makeup she gave me this dress that was so beautiful. It was Black and had white. the top was white then the bottom was black and see through. it was beautiful and the white part had sequence pattern. the shoes wear white flats.

"Oh my gosh that is so beautiful." I said. "Drake picked it out. he knew you didn't like heels so he got you flats." Sasha said. I grabbed the items and put them on. I looked in the mirror. I looked good to me and the fact that Drake picked this out was special to me.

I walked out the bathroom to see Sasha standing there. "Can you put my hair in a bun." I said. She put my hair in a  bun and as soon as she finished we heard a honk a horn. "Your prince awaits." Sasha said. "Thank you Sasha." I said. "Your welcome now go." She said. I walked down the stairs and out the door to see Drake standing out side with a Black limo behind him.

I walked up to him and he smiled. "You look beautiful." He said. "Thank you. you look handsome." I said. "Thanks I know." He said. I laughed at his cockiness. Drake was wearing a white suit with a black tie.

"You ready to go." He said. "YES." I said with too much excitement. He laughed and opened the door for me. Got in the limo and he got in to. Drake knocked on the glass and soon we were off. "Where are we going." I said. "It's a surprise." He said.

The car ride was a long one and it was making me sleepy. "Were here." Drake said. "It's about time." I said. And got out the car. "I was suppose to do that." Drake said. I laughed and he lead me to the beach. There was a tent with a table in it that had candles and flowers and everything. I jumped up and down. "Oh my gosh." I said. Drake laughed and lead me to the table where we sat down.

"So what's for dinner." I said. Drake laughed and pulled up the metal thing. and there it was a lobster dinner. "Oh my gosh." I said. We ate and laughed and talked about our day and I told him about the amazing world of gumball and told him we should watch it.

An hour had passed and we had the most amazing time me and Drake were now heading back to the car but we stopped to look at the ocean. "I had an amazing time tonight." I said. "Me too I always have an amazing time when I'm with you." Drake said. I blushed.

"Aw that was sweet." I heard somebody say. We turned around and saw Dre pointing a gun at us.

"So you think you can steal my girl." Dre said while he pointed the gun at Drake.

"Think. man I know I can steal your girl because I already have." Drake said.

Dre got mad and took the safety off. Dre shot the gun but I stood in front of Drake so he shot me instead of Drake.  I saw a sad expression on Dre's face and then he ran away.

"Hello 911.... Yes my date just got shot..... On the beach.... Miami beach....Hurry up." Drake said.

"Stay with me Brianna." Drake said.

"Don't die I need you." Drake said.

I heard the siren sound in the background. "I had a god time with you Drake." I said as my eyes got heavy.

I was drifting in an out of sleep and the last thing I remember is the four little words I will forever cherish. "I love you Brianna."


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