Chapter 20

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3 weeks later.

 It was a long 3 weeks, let me tell you. Harry kept begging for forgiveness and wanted to get back together but i wasnt ready for that. I eventually forgave him, but we were just friends. Zayns dating this girl from little mix named perrie. She's my bestie. Bridget's getting back tomorrow and we have become really good friends so I'm picking her up. Harry, Niall, Tyra and myself are single Pringles.:( anyway, Louis and El are still dating even though they haven't seen each other in a while. I heard Louis screaming from his room then it sounded like he thru something at the wall.

"I'm going to go check on him.." I said unsure.

"Okay, good luck Caitlyn."Perri answer.

"Will do agent P" we both laughed.

I call her Agent P because her names perri, and that's the platypus's name from Phineas and ferb. And the platypus is a secret agent so I call her agent P.

"Lou?" I called.

"Go away" he muffled. Was he crying?

"Lou its Caitlyn let me in" I said. He opened the door and I saw he was crying.

I gave him a big hug. He started to break down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"She broke up with me because of distance" he said.

"Awe Lou bear it's okay" I said. I made him lay down.

"Go to sleep" I said kissing his forehead.

"Stay" he said. I chuckled and got under the blankets, he pulled me closer.

The next day.

I got up and had a shower and got ready to pick up Bridget. I wore black leggings, a pink crop top that says "LOLZ" and black uggs. I straightened my hair and put a clip in it. I wore light make up and went to leave.

"You ready Caitlyn?" Lou says.

"Umm yea, your coming?" I asked.

He shrugged and we left.


Bridget got off the plane and I hugged her.

"BRI" I screamed.

"BOO" she yelled back. We gave each other a huge hug while Louis grabbed her stuff. She said hi and thanks and he nodded. We went back to my house.


They all came say hi to bri, except harry, once he saw her he froze.

"HARRY LIKES BRIDGET" I screamed noticing Harry.

Harry laughed and shook his head. Bri was bright red while everyone else was laughing.

2 days later.

Perries POV

"Want to go to the candy store?" I asked Caitlyn. She shook her head yea and we left. We got so much candy and went back to the house in Caitlyn's room and ate it all. WE were both high on sugar. Caitlyn way more than me. We looked at each other and burst out laughing for no reason. We both started running around the house laughing until we fell on our bums laughing our ass off.

We started laughing so hard, we started to cry.

"What's wrong with them?" Tyra asked.

"I'm not sure" Liam replied.

I sobered up.

"I'm fine now." I said.

I looked at Caitlyn who was laughing silently.

Zayn and Celeste helped me up.

"What did you do to her?" Harry and Bridget asked in unison.

"WE at like half the candy store by ourselves." I shrugged.

Niall pouted and Louis and Tyra went bugged eyed.WTF?

"What?" I asked.

"She gets all high when she eats candy so that's why we never give her any" Tyra said.

"Oops" I said chuckling slightly.

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