Chapter 24

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Liam's POV

"FAMILY MEETING" I yelled. Everyone ran down stairs except Caitlyn and Louis.

"Caitlyn Louis come one, stop making out" Perri yelled.

Oh side note, Perrie moved in. and if u didn't guess me and Celeste are a couple.

They came running downstairs giggling. Louis pulled her on his lap and Celeste wiggled her eyebrows. Caitlyn glared.

"We are going on tour in 1 month." I said . everyone was cheering.

"Also, Celeste has already moved in with us." I said putting my arm around Celeste's waist.

2 weeks later.

Caitlyn's POV

We were at the boys concert with tyra, Celeste, Perrie and Bridget. We also got told that a special fan go to come back stage and meet the boys. Ugh yay! I hate some fan girls who insult us. Like really? Anyways they boys were all out of the meet and greet except for Harry. They were supposed to go on stage soon. I and Tyra got told to go get Harry from Liam. When we walked in Harry and the fan were full out making out.

I gasped and cover Tyras innocent eyes. I dragged her out. We were both pale. Bridget was our home girl.

"Whoa babe, it looks like you saw a ghost" Louis said.

Me and Tyra just pointed to the room that Harry and the fan was in. Louis walked in but Bridget was there first. Tyra tried to grab her but she got in and gasped. All I saw was Bridget yelling we are thru and she ran out, Harry chasing her.

Me, tyra, Louis and Celeste walked in the room to see the fan looking there dumfounded.

"Kristie?" Me, Tyra and Celeste said in unison.

She nodded.

"KRISTIE" I squealed giving her a big bear hug.

You see, Kristie was mine, tyras and Celeste's high school friend. Tyra and I were the closest then I and Kristie were and Celeste and Tyra were. Anyway, back to the story.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" She screamed at us.

The rest of the boys came tumbling in due to our screaming along with Perrie.

"Perrie, this is our friend from High school." I said.

Harry came back with his head down.

"You guys know each other?" Harry asked.

We all nodded.

"Okay girls, it's just like our group from High school but now Perries in it to." I said giving Perrie a huge hug.


Harrys POV

I know it's bad to say that I wanted Kristie to be my girlfriend after just meeting her but, she was so cute and I really liked her and I think she liked me to. Kristie came back to all the rest of us's house. When we got back, we all had some beers, but like what happened before, Caitlyn had way to many and was like an animal while drunk.

"IM BORED" screamed, jumping from couch to couch.

Kristie kept drinking and drinking to and was soon doing what Caitlyn was doing. Oh hell no.

"By the way, Caitlyn and Kristie both act the same while drunk" Tyra whispered to the rest of us.

"Let's play a game" Kristie screamed.

"TRUTH OR DARE" Caitlyn yelled, yet again.

Everyone sat down in a circle.

"HARRY TRUTH OR DARE" Caitlyn yelled at me.

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