What Can I Do?

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Chapter Playlist: Coming Home by Skylar Grey

I'm being dragged to the door by my injured arm and starting to really cry, for real! Because this pain shooting out of my skin is Fucking Painful!!
"NO! Let me go! Peter!" I scream and sob out to him.
Kevin opens the front door and then I see Peter snap into action. He breaks his hold on me and then Kevin just starts kicking me! I was like really? As if dragging me from Peter wasn't bad enough.
"If I can't have you, then He-"
I whimper louder and louder as his foot makes contact with my side. Tears pouring out of my eyes as his foot continues to make contact.
I can't even see anymore, Peter, please, save me. Then all the pain stops, and it starts to simmer and fade.
"Get the FUCK out of Our Apartment! Don't come back you Piece of Shit!" Peter's voice comes over me.
"Peter." I gasp out as I fight for air.
I choose not to see anymore, just stay down. I don't want to believe that all this just happened.
His hands wrap under me and lift me off the floor, eruptions of pain come from my side.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" I take in a shaky breath.
"I know, we're almost there."
A tear slips from my eye as I try and be strong, what a whimp I am. If I was in the ring, I wouldn't last.
I'm set down on a soft cushion and I know that this isn't my bed.
Peter doesn't lay behind me, or next to me even.
"Selena, please, open your eyes, please." He begs through a thick layer of pain.
I open my eyes to his brown melting into me. I can't help but reach out to his hand on the cushion my head is laying on.
He squeezes my hand and kind of has that sympathetic look about him. Peter's eyes glass over and I think he might actually let himself cry.
"I'm so-"
"No cliches." I say to him.
He chuckles wetly and I smile slightly.
"You mean the world to me Selena." He sighs as he kisses my bruised knuckles.
"And your all I want Peter."
"Good, I'd hate for you to need me, you can hold yourself on your own pretty damn well."
I laugh and then stop automatically when pain pours into me.
"Ow, Ow."
"What can I do?" His pain evident.
"Just talk to me."
"Okay." He whispers to me.

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