Finally, Officially, Labeled as His

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I can't believe what he's asking me. I turn around and face him. Face him because he's my future. Face him because he's my one.
My eyes lock with his and I know how this is going to go down.
"Are you happy?"
"Kiss me." I whisper seductively.
He lunges into my lips and I vice versa. My fingers electrified at the touch of his skin. God, he makes me feel good.
His hands wrap protectively around my body and slowly tease my skin.
I want him so badly, but need him at the same time.
He groans as my fingers run down the front of his chest.
His hand begins slowly pulling my shirt up and off my body. Peter, has never been this...intense with us before. I it.
"I love you Selena." He whispers
I love you too.
The way his breathing hitched, or softened, or heightened, or slowed, made me drunk with him.
My shirt was off my sensitive skin and I broke free from our kiss to take in a huge breath.
"God your beautiful."
I smile as his lips begin teasing my skin. Kissing a path down my neck and his hands running through my hair. Oh God how I cherished his hands in my dark brown hair.
"Ah, Peter, Please."
He brings his lips back up to mine and I feel his tongue dancing with my own inside our cliche.
The way his chest pressed against mine felt...Natural. Like his body was meant to fit against mine.
Fingers grip behind my back and start unhooking the lace fabric concealing my cleavage.
My eyes open and pull away from our kiss. Seductively, I drag my lower lip against his jawline and Peter had to do everything in his strength to not fall on top of me.
"Mmm." He groans into my hair.
His groan...I could have his groan on repeat for me.
Slowly I kiss his neck down and then all his weight is on me. I'm guess his passion and drive won over his strength.
My lips drag back up his neck and to his ear.
"Peter, I love you."
"Marry me."
I smile as I feel the new cold band on my ring finger.
"Yes, I'll marry you."
I could feel his smile, his excitement, and his happiness all from a singular word. Yes.
I'm ready for our next step, but I'm mostly curious as to what the next step may be.
Maybe we'll finally have the kids and a picket fence talk.
But for now, I'll stick with our marriage talk, mixed with a little action. (wink, wink)

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