Where are we going?

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"What a day!" I huff as I plop down on the couch in our apartment.
"Exactly what I was thinking."
Peter tiredly lays down on me and I could care less at this point. IM SO EXHAUSTED!
"I think next time we go dress shopping, we're going later."
"Okay, I can agree with that."
He sighs and let's a long breath go from his lungs. Peter's neatly combed dirty blonde hair turned messy through the day.
"I love your hair." I softly confess to him.
"Mmm, Well, I use this new shampoo call-" he mocks.
"Stop." I smile down at his closed eyes.
He laughs quietly and then grows silent. Alright, I can't help myself anymore. My fingers slowly comb through his soft hair and I relish the feeling. The feeling of strands of hair tickling my palm causes me to repeat and repeat my hand movements.
He sucks in a breath and sighs it out as I continue.
Peter's eyes open and lock with mine. I can feel him, feel him searching through my eyes to my soul. My hand pulls out of his scalp and he immediately grabs ahold of my wrist.
"Please, continue."
He lets go and my fingers entwine with his hair over and over again.
"Your Mom picked a beautiful wedding dress."
"I couldn't believe how different she looked."
"A good different."
"Dad's lucky."
"Are you lucky?"
I have to know, I mean, I know he loves me, but I have to know that he doesn't regret us.
"No, I'm not lucky."
And there goes my heart, shattered, all over the floor.
"Huh?" I blink and scrunch my eyebrows in anger.
"Sel, I'm blessed. Luck is just too predictable."
And there goes my heart, pieced together in my chest.
"Whew, Man, you had me going."
"Sel, I'll always love you."
"Me too."
His eyes close and he smiles widely as my fingers go through his scalp again.
"Spending the night in tonight?"
"Nope, we're going out." Peter grabs ahold of my other hand.
"Oooo, where are we going?"
"Somewhere special."
"Does it rhyme with medroom?"
"Medroom? That's not even a word Sel."
"It rhymes!"
"Your crazy."
"No, I'm just a four year old at heart."
"No, it's not the bedroom. It's a surprise."
"Mm, I'll just have to wait."
"Right, speaking of our date tonight, we'd better get going."
It must have something to do with time, a movie?

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