Chapter 23 Challange

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Jerome POV

Mitch:"3....2....... HEY what's going on Doods my name is Mitch or BajanCanadian here along with my main Bacca Jerome!"

Well hello there!

Mitch:"Jerome care to explain what were doing!"

I sure do! Well today we are doing the touch my body challenge! How this works is that I will be blind folded and Mitch will put my finger somewhere on his body and I need to guess where it is. I have one guess and he will do that three times. Then it will be my turn!

Mitch:"And the loser will have to do a horrible challenge so put some ideas in the comment section!"

I give him a wired look. That was not part of the plan but I was fine with it.

Mitch:"Shall we start?"

Yea! Help me put the blind fold on.

Mitch:"Why is it bright pink?"

What? Is that a problem?

Mitch:"Nono not a problem just wondering."

I was blindfolded and he grabbed me finger

Mitch:"Ok first one!"

He moved my hand so some sweaty weird part.

Mitch:"Ok guess!"

Wow this is harder than I thought

Ummmm...... Is it....under your chin?

Mitch:"Nope! The inside of my elbow."

God dang it!

Mitch:"That's one loss. Next one!"

I heard him stand up.

It was warm and tough. I wanted to say abs but I wasn't sure.

Mitch:"C'mon! This one is easy! For you" he whispers."


Mitch:"I'll give you that one. I would call it abs!"

Oh haha ok.

Mitch:"Your one for two! Last one!"

I heard him take something off. It wasent a button or a zipper.

Mitch:"hahaha you ready!?!"

He was laughing a lot I got kinda scared.

It was also sweaty and soft. He moved my hand up and down.

Mitch:"Haha any guesses?!?"

Umm....I honestly have no idea! The.....the palm of your hand?

Mitch:"Haha close but not close enough!"

What is it?

He put my hand to my nose.

Aw god Mitch! Was that your foot?!?


You suck!

Mitch:"Ok my turn!"

He took the blindfold off of me and I helped him put it on.

Ok Mitch ready?

Mitch:"Yup! Let's do this."

I grabbed his hand and put it on my wrist.

Mitch:"...Ummmm I think I feel your veins so..... Wrist?"

Aww yea you got it!

Mitch:"Hahaha! Next one!"

I put his finger on the back of my neck.

Mitch:".....umm.... Ankle?"

Wrong! It was by neck lel.

Mitch:"Ok ok last one match point!"

This time I put his finger on the top of my nose.

Mitch:"Jerome! I know this big nose from anywhere!"

God dang it!

Mitch:"Haha I win! Well that will do it for this video please comment a challenge for mr. Loser to do. Leave a like and if your new here click subscribe! I see yea later."

I lifted up his shirt.

Mitch:"Umm Jerome?!?"

That was for the viewers! Bye!

He turned off the camera.

Mitch:" that was fun!"

Ima go wash my hand-

Mitch:"No you don't"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me on his lap.

Mitch:" Jerome Jerome Jerome. When will you learn to be a man! Your acting like my sister! You need to enjoy the smell of man! Show it off!"

Mitch you have fun with that-

Mitch:"Men and boys are meant to be smelly and annoying! You acting like a girl!"

Ok fine I won't wash my hand!

Mitch:"It goes further than that! No showers for two weeks!"

Two weeks! Mitch!

Mitch:"I promise it will be worth your wiled!"

Oh....ok then

Mitch:"Here I'll help you start!"

He grabbed my head, and pulled it back under his arm pit.


Mitch:"Hahaha you like it?!?

I moved his arm.

Mitch:"Aww you mad?"

Mitch:"I think I know how to make you smile!"

I looked at him and he pulled out two tickets.

Mitch:"Wanna go to Niagara Falls?!!"

 (A Merome story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora