Chapter 39 Before the kids come

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Mitch POV

Jerome:"Any word from the kids?"

There gunna get pissed if you call them kids when they get here.

Jerome:"Any word from the kids?"

My mom texted me when I woke up saying the had just got on the plane.

Jerome:"Oh ok. Any plans?"

Not really..... Swim? Videogames? We'll see what they want. It's only for one day anyway.


Oh it's my mom!

Mmom:"Is your place all ready? They should be there soon."

*Whispers* Jerome! Try to fix this place up a bit.

Yea mom it's all good!

Mmom:"You got places for all 3 of them to sleep?"

Yup! All three......... Wait three?

Mmom:"Yes! Did you forget you have three siblings? Connor,  Kyleigh, and Marley!"

I didn't know Marley was coming?

Mmom:"She hasent seen you and Jeromes house yet."

Ok....*Whispers* Jerome! Make one more bed!
Jerome looked confused

Mmom:"Well can you be at the airport in about a hour?"

Yea! No problem!

*Whispers*Jerome! Put pants on!

Mmom:"Great! Call me when your with them.

Ok! Buy!

Jerome:"Mitch I have a question."

Look! I'm sorry. I didn't think Marley was coming and- and I.

Jerome:"No not that! Why do I need to put on pants?"

So you are presentable to the world....

Jerome:"Why does this world have a problem with my camouflage boxers."

Jerome. We all love your boxers but not your pale hair legs. You can wear shorts if that makes you feel better.

Jerome:"It doesn't but I will anyway."

Thank you. Now go set up the bed.

Jerome:"But you said to put on shorts."

And a shirt!

Jerome:"Woh! That was not part of the deal!"


Jerome:"Fine. Hehe...but I'm setting up the bed first. Can you help? It's kinda heavy..."


Jerome:"Go to the other side and pick up the mattress."


We picked it up all the way with our arms straight in the air.

Jerome. Maybe before you put on clothes you should take a shower.

Jerome:"Huh? Why?"

I can smell your arm pits from here and I'm about to barf!

Jerome:"But that's manly man smell. Don't we need to keep Conner straight. Let's teach him to be a man."

And look how you turned out....

Jerome:"Fair enough"

We talked about this before. Your taking a shower.



Jerome:"Your feet reek!"

What?!? No they don't!

Jerome:"You should take a shower too...... ..... .....With me...."

Ooooooh.....I see, maybe your right..... They do kinda stink. But we need to do this first.

Jerome:"Ok, now turn the mattress so it can fit through the door."

Got it.

Jerome:"Is it stuck? Or is Mitch slacking."

No, I think it's stuck!

Jerome:"How? The others didn't get stuck!"


Jerome:"We grabbed the wrong one-"

We got the wrong one

Jerome:"God damn it. Let's put her back."

*Time skip*

Jerome:"Geez my hands hurt!"

Yea. That was hard....

We looked at each other.


Jerome:"Ok but for real. When should we go to pick them up?"

We still have like 50 minutes.

Jerome:"*Yawn* Alright.... Call me when."


Jerome:"UHG what?!?"


Jerome:"Oh yea huh! Let's go! Take off your cloths babe."

(Mitch had on sweet pants and a tank top on.)

Jerome:"I'ma get the shower ready..."
He left the room.

I stayed in the living room fixing up the bed and cleaning up a bit.


Yea! I'm coming!
I walked to the bathroom

Oh my god. You did not.

Jerome:"Yes I did."
There was a bath filled with bubbles and some toys in it. One or two candles were placed too.

Jerome came close to me and pulled off my shirt.

Jerome:"Let's make the most of this 45 minutes..."

Just a friend reminder I have a Minecraft Youtuber high school book. I would really appreciate is you check it out. If your reading this book you will like it. Thanks!

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