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I woke up in excruciating pain running through my hips every time I moved. What why do I hurt- oh I remember. I turned over to see Justin sleeping like a baby. I stared at him for a while. He's so gorgeous. He has nothing on except his Calvin Klein boxers which i can say is the best thing to ever see. I ran my hands up and down his amazing abs. I can't believe he's mine. "Hey baby" he said with his sleepy raspy voice.

"Hey, you know you look beautiful when you sleep right?" I smiled making his cheeks go rosey red. "No I didn't" he said pulling me on top of him so I was resting on his bulge.

"Ouch" I moaned. I hurt so bad. Everything hurts. "What's wrong? Did I fuck you too hard?" He laughed. "Not funny" I punched him playfully.

"I really am. So what do you want to do today?" he chuckled kissing my arm.

"Lay in bed and not move?" I said making him laughed. I really felt like I was dying. I was in so much pain and I haven't even got up yet. "Well we're definitely not doing that. How about we go get some ice cream? It's hot outside?" he questioned whilst laughing at me. "Can't you bring it to me in my bed" I complained. "No, now go get ready" he demanded. Making me get up and oh my god it hurt.

"What did you do to me?" i said. Every step I took hurt. I couldn't even walk properly. I was slightly limping. "Nothing I won't do again" he smirked. After I got showered I felt a little better. The hot water helped I guess. I walked into my room putting on my bright pink laces underwear. I threw on some jean shorts and a crop top and slipped on my sandals. I walked down the stairs but Justin wasn't there. Where was he? I thought we were going out?

"Justin?" I called. No reply. "Justin??"
I called louder then I someone put their hand round my mouth. Who the hell was this.

"Don't scream!" A deep unfamiliar voice spoke.
"If you do then you will be punished" he said making my shake. He lead me out to his black Bentley after he tied my hands up."Where are we going?" I asked.

"Don't speak" He growled as he slapped my face. Ouch that's gonna leave a bruise. He got out his duct tape and attached it to my mouth. "This will stop your pretty little mouth form speaking" he said running his fingers down my face making me cringe.

What the hell is happening? Who it this guy? Where's Justin? I couldn't help but start to cry feeling the tears running down my face. I honestly didn't know what to do.

"Sweetie, don't cry." He wipes away my tears but I couldn't help but cry more. "I said stop crying you little bitch" he slapped me again. I tried my hardest to stop my tears but I couldn't and every time I disobeyed whoever this guy was he would slap me. "If you disobey me one more time you are going to be punished" He smirked. What sick twisted game is this

I woke up with my head pounding. What the hell happened? I stood up and looked around. Where is Amelia? All I remember is coming downstairs and then nothing. I could see the door wide open, did she bail on me?

I looked at the clock, 8:56pm. How long have I been out for. "Amelia?" I shouted whilst searching the house, but she was no where to be found. Where is she? I opened my phone and started ringing Amelia. I must of had rung her a thousand times and texted but nothing. I ran my hands threw my hair. Where the hell could she be. Then suddenly my phone started ringing.

No Caller ID

Who the fuck is this. "What?" I growled.

Murderer // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now