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I woke up smelling the most amazing smell ever. A cooked breakfast! I ran down the stairs to see Amelia cooking. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I could marry this women. "I could get used to this" I said we she turned around.

"Unfortunately we have to go back to school next week" she pouted.

"But I don't wanna" I whined

"Justin, I don't care whether you like it or not, you're going. I want you to get somewhere with your music cause baby your amazing, so when you finish this course we are going to get you signed"

"Okay mum" I mocked.

"Shut up" She said as she playfully hit me. I picked her up and spun her around and kissed her lips. I continued to kiss her swollen lips until she pulled away.

"Sit, food is ready" She demanded. I love it when she demands me, she's just so fucking sexy when she like that. Sitting down at the island in the middle of our kitchen. Amelia handed me my breakfast and sat next to me with hers. Eggs, bacon, beans, and sausages with a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you my lady" I said kissing her cheek.

"its okay baby"

After breakfast I sat on the sofa and turned on friends. "Babe" Amelia shouted down.

"Yeah??" I replied

"I'm having a shower then I'm going to go pack all my stuff and if you want to help me get ready" I walked up the stairs.

"Well, as you're having a shower I think it would be best if I joined? then after I'm going to get something then I will be back to help you okay?"


I walked over to my mum's house and started to pack my clothes. I didn't realise how many clothes I had and how much make up I have that I don't even use. I have so much Mac make up its unreal.

I heard giggles from behind me. I turned around seeing Justin.

"What are you laughing at?"

"The amount of makeup have"

"Shut up" I said as I playfully punched him.

"You don't even need make babe, you're absolutely perfect without it." He pecked my lips.

"You're too cute"

He pulled me closer, lying on my bed. Me straddling him as his lips touching mine. Our lips moving in sync. Justin deepened the kiss, his tongue asking to be let in and just as I gave permission someone coughed behind us. I look to see my mum standing in the door way.

"That's enough." She scolded "I don't want to even think where that was going to go"

"It wasn't going anywhere Mrs Smith" He was acting all innocent in front of my mum. I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny Amelia?" Her mum tone came out.

"Oh nothing" I continued laughing. I really couldn't stop it.

"Get your act together girl"

"Mum I'm only laughing. What the hell?" She walked out my room.

"What were you laughing at?" Justin asked curiously.

"You, how you were acting all innocent"

"Shut it" he attacked me with kisses.

Once I unpacked everything in my room I walked downstairs to see Justin playing PS4.

"Hey, when did you get that?"


"Why didn't you tell me? I love COD and PS4"

"I didn't think you were that type of girl"

"Well I am so I hope you bought more than one control?"

"You're so lucky I did" After I created my account we started to play.

"Now it's time for me to beat you ass at this game because I am thee best"

"I doubt that"

"Don't doubt me babe. Just watch me kick your ass"

Murderer // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now