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3 months later.
It has been a while since I've been in my attic and I know I swore to myself I'd never go up there again but, I finally built up the courage to go up there. I pulled down the ladder the attic and climbed up. There were so many boxes up here. I walked to the back of the attic and decided to start from there. After I got through a few boxes without crying, I saw a box labelled 'For Justin" I walked over to the box and found pictures, diaries and letters in envelops. I decided to open the letters first.

Dear Justin,
I know you don't know who I am and I don't know if you ever will because I doubt your new parents will actually give you this letter but anyways, I'm Patricia Mallette but everyone calls me Pattie and well, I'm your biological mother.

What the hell? How is this woman my biological mother? I was so confused?

I know you may be extremely confused at the moment but I will explain.
But I want to do it in person. If you ever want to meet with me then here is my number: 07764381645 I hope to see you soon my son. I love you dearly and I will never stop even if I haven't met you properly other than when you were a baby. I know I'm babbling but I hope to see you soon.
Lots of love,
Pattie xx

I don't know what is going on. So I picked up another letter.

Dear Justin,
By this time you'd be about 17 and I really would like to talk to you. Please contact me Justin; I want to see you so badly. I want to see how my little boy is doing. I don't know what I have done to upset you but I really would like to explain to you about what has actually happened and don't believe anything your parents have told you about me or what I have done cause it's not true.
Please ring me Justin.
My number is: 07764381645
Lots of love,
Pattie xx

How have I not got this letter? I would have come last year? When I was all alone and had no one. I took the whole box down to my room and picked up my phone. I dialled Amelia's number.

"Hey baby"  I said still feeling so confused.

"Hey what's up?" She said happily.

"Um, I was in my attic and I was looking through some boxes and I found a box full of letters, diary and other things. Anyways I opened some of the letters and I turns out I'm adopted"  I said.

"Really? That's good news right?"  She said, not sure if she should be happy about it or not.

"Yeah, I mean I didn't look anything like my adopted parents and I've always been suspicious about it but yeah. Plus I was wondering if you'd come meet her with me?"

"Of course Justin! Of course I'll meet you biological mother with. This will be amazing I'm so excited"

"Okay, well I'm going to talk to her and work out a date, are coming over to mine later?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be there in a bit. Love you"

"Love you too"

After I hung up I decided to ring my biological mum. The phone rang and my heart began to race. I was frightened about what she'd think of me. I was panicking. What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm a disgrace.

Murderer // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now