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There was a knock at the door that made me jump out of my bed and run down the stairs to see who it was. However there was no one there, only a parcel. I grabbed the box, a glass of water, some tablets and went back to bed. I truly felt like shit. I haven't had a hang over in weeks and wow I forgot how bad they were. Me and Amelia never really went clubbing together, I mean maybe once or twice but that was it. My head was pounding. I took the tablets some water hoping it will make me feel better.

I left the parcel on the side and went back to sleep because I need more sleep. As soon as I was released from the hospital me and Ryan when out. Like I was released at 12:00pm and by the time we got our clothes it was about 2:00pm so we got cleaned up and went straight out that took about an hour so we were drinking from 3:00pm till about 10:00pm maybe later I don't know.

Later that day I heard Ryan knock on my door. "Hey, you alright?" He chuckled

"This is all your fault" I laughed.

"Hey, I didn't make you drink all that, you had about 10 beers and whatever else we drunk so you could have stopped if you couldn't take it" he laughed as I threw a pillow at him.

"Who this parcel from?" He asked curiously.

"Um I don't know I haven't opened it yet" I said pulling the parcel on my lap. I slowly opened it. On the top there was an envelope and in the box was the first photo me and Amelia ever took together. I could feel a tear about to fall out of my eye. I slowly opened the letter bracing myself for what I was about to read.

Dear Justin,
This last week has been really rough and all I've wanted to do was run back to you and give you so many hugs and kisses. Our relationship it's toxic and were hurting each other so much. Seeing you hurt, hurts me. Seeing you smile makes me happy but I rarely see that anymore because your always sad and that's because of me. I've done this to you and I want to fix it. Not by us getting back together but by me leaving. I'm leaving this stupid place, I can't be here anymore. I mess everything up and by leaving everything will better. I'm sorry I have made the last 2years of you life a misery. I am truly sorry justin. Don't come looking for me because I'll be gone by the time you get this. Maybe we'll meet in the future again but by that time you'll probably have a family but that's okay, I'll be happy for you. Stay Strong Justin. Be the happy and amazing you I know.

I love you Justin, always.
-Amelia xx

"Ryan, s-she's gone" I said as waterfalls of tears fell from my eyes.

"What do you mean she's gone?" he asked you curiously

"Amelia!! She left! She left the country! She's gone and she's never coming back" I screamed as I curled up in a ball.

"Justin it's okay, I promise it will all work out for the best" Ryan said coming over and rubbed my back trying to make me feel better, but he couldn't. Only Amelia could make me feel better.

Later that day me and Ryan sat in the front room and players ps4 all day. We had popcorn, pizza, big buckets of chicken and maybe a 100 beers. It was out pig out day. Well this will last us more than a few days.

I was still torn up about Amelia leaving but I decided to play ps4 to keep my mind off of her. It's kind of working I guess but I will never ever be able to forget her. She is and always will be my world. I love her.

Luckily my exam for music is in a few days and then I'm finished, Finished school forever. I can't wait. I'm going to focus on my dream of becoming a pop star and I'm going to make my gang the best gang in Europe. I still love Amelia and I always will but I gotta focus on my life. I will always have her on my mind and everything and maybe I will have a break down every now and then because of how much I miss her but everything will be fine. Maybe we will meet again some day.

I hope we do.

Sitting in the plane I started thinking about Justin. Will he be alright? I asked my mother to check on him whenever she's home. I just want him to be happy and this is the only way to do so.

Of course I still love him I just can't be with him and constantly get hurt and hurt him. Were just too toxic and I don't want to hurt him more than I already have. I love him so much but I know he'll move on sooner or later I mean he's Justin Bieber, no one can resist him, he's perfect. I pulled out my phone to see messages from Jazz.

From: Jazz<3
Hey girlie I hope you're okay. Message me as soon as you land. I'll come and visit you soon. Miss you so much already. Stay strong babe<3

To: Jazz<3
I'm gonna miss you so much but I'll see you as soon as possible. I'm about half way by now so not long. I will for you. Love you sis<3

Soon after I sent that text I burst into tears, I really didn't want to leave but I had to. As soon as I get off the plane I'm going to forget about everything that happened in Europe. I'm going to be a new and happy version of me. I'm going to pursue my career in either photography, art or maybe music. I'm going to try and move on, as hard as it will be I'll try though I really don't know if I can, not just yet anyways.

I'm going to get my life on track. Start fresh, become successful and have a beautiful family. Well we can only hope.

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