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I woke up to the sound of Amelia's voice. I sat up to see her in the mirror getting ready. "Hey" I said as I walked behind her and rapped my arms around her waist. "Hey, did you sleep well?" she smiled removing herself from my grip.

"Yes I did. Thanks to you" I kissed her cheek.

"Your welcome." she stood up. "Now get ready, we have school" she said throwing some socks on."But I don't wanna go to school" I pouted.

"I don't care." she pulled out some of my clothes that I have left at her house before. "Here, Put these on" She walked over to me and I pulled her on top of me.

"What's the rush" I crashed my lips into hers but she pulled away.

"The rush is that school is in 30mintues!" she tried to get off me but I wouldn't let her go.

"Well that means we have some time to our selves" I smirked as she escaped my grip.

"No" she said angrily and got of me.

"What did I do?" I said sitting up and putting my fresh boxers on.

"I still don't forgive you Justin. If you think that I'm going to let things go that easy then your wrong." and with that she walked out the door. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me. I always mess things up when it comes to her. I've done it so many times. I wonder if she'll ever actually forgive me this time.

I put on my clothes and walked to the bathroom and sorted out my bed hair and breath. I put some gel into it to make sure I didn't flop over my face every five seconds then walked downstairs to Amelia. "Take your god damn time why don't you" she said walking out the door. I followed her out of the house.

"Amelia, slow your ass down" I said running to her. She didn't reply to me, she just walked faster. "Amelia, listen to me" I grabbed her wrist.

"What?! What do you want Justin!" she shouted.

"I want you to stop ignoring me. I want you to actually walk with me to school. I want you to fucking forgive me" i said angrily.

"I'm going to be late Justin. Just let me go. I'll talk to you later." she said storming off. I was now so angry. I punched the wall beside me repeated times till my knuckles were pouring with blood. I'm not going to school today. I walked down the road back to my house and slammed the door shut and walked up to my messy room with pictures of Sophia everywhere. I picked up everything and threw it in the box. Not caring whether I ripped any off the photos, letters or little notes. I didn't want to remember my past with her anymore. All the memories I have are just painful. I sat down on my bed running my hand threw my hair, pulling it slightly. I messed up, but I cant do anything about it. I cant stop. I cant do it.

Your a fuck up Justin. You fucked up. She'll never love you again. She will never forgive you. You and Amelia are over Justin, OVER and theirs nothing you can do about it. She hates your guts. You might as well hurt yourself, you deserve. You have nothing left.


I feel really bad that I didn't just wait for him or hear him out, but what can he say? What can he say that will make me forgive him? I can't forgive him for something like that. Its implanted in my mind and I can't be late to school I just can't. I need to pass these classes and if I don't then I can't get into the university I want. I love him so much but my grades determine my future and I need to work hard right now.

After school I walked to Justin's house. I knocked on the door but no one answered. I knocked again but louder still no answer. I looked in his plant pots and found his spare key. I unlocked the door and called out his name but he didn't reply. I walked up to his room but he wasn't there. I waked to the bathroom and tried to open the door but I was locked.

"Justin, if your in there let me in?" There was no reply. I found a knife and unlocked the door. I was so completely shocked by what I had walked into. He was sitting in the shower fully clothed with blood pouring out of his arm. "JUSTIN" I screamed at the top of my voice, my heart pounding at a thousand miles a hour. He stared at me and didn't say a word. I opened the shower door and pulled him out. "Justin what are you doing?" I said hugging his body tightly with tears in my eyes "I'm doing what I deserve" he whimpered.

"Justin, baby you don't need to do this to yourself" I held his arms and kissed the red raw cuts making him wince as i did so. "Come  on, let me get you out of these wet clothes" i said pulling him out the shower. I stood him up and walked to his bedroom. I picked some clothes out of his draws and gave them to him. "Here you go" i said as he changed into his dry clothes. I hugged him tightly. "Baby speak to me" i pleaded.

"Stop calling me that, we're not together so why are you calling me that?" he said frowning,  pulling away from my grap making my heart fall into a million pieces.

"W-What are you talking about??" i said fighting the tears in my eyes."The voices, they told me that we were over. They told me you didn't love me anymore and you hated me" e said as his voice cracked a few times before the tears came rushing out.

"Baby, that's not true. I love you. I'm in love with you. Your mine! Your my one and only! I would never do that to you no matter what you done, not matter how bad it was. I love you too much to let you go."A tear slid down my face as I grabbed a bandage and wrapped it round his deep raw cuts. "If I didn't love you why would I be here helping you? Why would I have come to your house to see if your okay?" i questioned.

"Because you feel bad for me" he said rolling his eyes.

"No, because I love you Justin" I said kissing his lips softly. His lips felt like heaven. "I missed those lips, do you forgive me now?"he asked

"Yes baby, I never want to see you do this again!" I smiled hugging him tighter and tighter."You shouldn't have done that. When ever the voices come ignore them, tell them to go fuck themselves. Tell them that your not going to listen to them because you know their not telling the truth. Think of me when they come back. Think of me telling you how much I love you" I smiled.

"Please don't swear" He said softly.

"But will you try that for me?" i said ignoring his remark on my wearing, placing my hand on his face."Yes, I'll try. I'll try for you" he said smiling.

Murderer // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now