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Sitting in my room and started playing ps4. I really couldn't be bothered to do anything today. All I wanted to do was lounge around eating a shit load of junk food and play cod. After about 30 minutes of playing I got a text.

From: Michael
So I hear you want to be the leader of this gang?

To: Michael
Yep. It's all true.

From: Michael
Well you will never be so keep dreaming.

To: Michael
I don't have too. I am going to be the leader if it's the last thing I do. So I want to challenge you.

From: Michael
You want to challenge me, this king of this gang. You will never defeat me.

To: Michael
You think that your stronger than me? Ha. Well we will see when I beat your ass at this challenge.

I will be the leader.

The challenge is simple. It's a fight. All you have to do is beat the shit out off your opponent until their near to death. You can only use your body. No weapons, only your body and I am completely sure that I will beat him, maybe even murder him.

The thing is, I have always hated Michael yet he thinks we're like best friends. Fuck no. He thinks he can boss me around like I'm his bitch, well not anymore.

From: Michael
Tomorrow at 5pm. Be ready.

Amelia was currently at work. She found a job a bout a week ago. So I've been completely and utterly bored. I don't know why she's got a job when I have untold amounts of money but you know, once Amelia has set her mind to do something she won't stop till she has it.

I decided as the fights tomorrow to go a build on my strength. So I went to the gym in my basement k plugged in my iPod to the speakers and warmed up. I started to lift. I kept adding and adding heavier weights until I couldn't lift no more. I went on every weight machine there was, lifting the heaviest weights.

When I finally finished it was about 9pm and I was sweating like mad. Sweat was pouring off me. When I stepped out side the cold air in my back garden it relaxed me, made me feel so much better. So I decided to chill here to cool down.

Opening the back door of my house I saw Amelia on the sofa watching some random shit tv show I've never heard off. I sat next to her on the sofa confused by what she was watching.

"Where have you been?" She said in her stern mommy voice.

"Gym" I was only downstairs.

"So you didn't see any off my messages? I messaged you and rang you a million times!" she growled.

"Babe chill. I was only working out? Downstairs"

"I was worried sick Justin? I know what shit you can get into and I was worried. I got home at 3pm and you weren't here and you weren't answering your phone and I was so bloody scared something had happened to you!" She cried.

"Baby, I'm sorry I made you panic" I hugged her tightly. "I'll leave you a message next time. I promise" I said sympathetic.

"It's fine, I'm just so scared when I have no contact with you baby" I kisser her forehead.

"I know, I know. It's fine. Shh" I said hugging her closer to my chest. "Let's go to bed its late"

"I don't have work tomorrow" she smiled.

"Well then you can come watch me be the leader of my gang" I smiled.

"Wait what?" she said confused.

"One of the boys told Michael that I wanted to be the leader of the gang so I challenged him" I said waiting for her reaction.

"What is this challenge?" She asked curiously.

"I-I you have to beat the shit out of your opponent until their near death" I bit my lip waiting for her reply, hoping it won't be as bad as I think it will.

"What! Justin how could you put your self at such a risk like that? Why are you doing this? You don't need to do this Justin. You are fine where you are you don't need to be the leader baby, come on don't do this" she pleaded.

"Yes I do Amelia, I'm doing this because I want to be the leader of the gang. I will be a better leader than Michael has ever been. I can make this gang better! I want this baby just like I want to be a pop star. But I gotta do this, I gotta beat him, I've gotta start somewhere and I'm starting here. I want this baby. I need you there with me, supporting me. Please baby? Please support me on this?" I said kneeling down in front of her, holding her hands.

"But baby, I don't want you to get hurt" she said as a tear slid down her face.

"Baby I won't. I promise. I'm stronger than you think. You've never seen me do work like this, you've never seen me fight. I can do this and I will do this. Please be there for me baby, please?" I pleaded

"Fine" she pouted.

"YAY" I shouted as I lifted her up and over my shoulder and ran up to our room throwing her on the bed and climbing on top off her.

I started trailing kisses downs her neck as small moans escaped her mouth. "I love you so fucking much baby" I whispered in her ear.

"I love you so fricking much too baby" she giggled.

"Goodnight baby" I said getting off her and spooning her. Pulling her closely to me.

"Goodnight jay" she said as I kissed her forehead.

God damn I love her

Murderer // j.bWhere stories live. Discover now