Chapter Two: We Can't All Get Engaged At 22

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Two long days later filled with packing, watching series and browsing through Youtube, the day arrived. On the 30th of August, around the hour of 16 o'clock, our boat would sail off from the port of Calais. It would head straight for Dover, and then drive to our hotel in London. We could have just taken the Eurostar, but I have always loved taking the boat. Also, Lisa was a bit claustrophobic, and so the fast train underwater maybe wasn't the best idea.
I woke up around 7, not able to sleep any longer due to abnormally amounts of excitement. Which meant I still had to live through nine hours of day before the boat even left. I was a wreck.
The whole first hour, I just lay in my bed, hoping I would fall back asleep and kill another four hours of day. Obviously, it didn't work.
Around nine though, when I was sitting on the couch mindlessly watching MTV, I got a text from Lisa.
"You're already awake, right? I can't be the only one."
I answered immediately. "Yeah, I'm up from around seven. What do you mean you can't be the only one?"
"Jolene is still fast asleep, as if this isn't the most exciting day in a year."
I shook my head at Jolene's weird sleeping behaviour. She would wake up at five if it was the first day of school, but London didn't wake her up at all.
"Don't mind her. She's weird."
"Yeah. Remind me why she's coming again?"
"I didn't have any saying in this. I should ask you this."
"We love her too much to leave her behind, I guess."
"Yeah, it's a shame really."
I then continued to watch Ex @ The Beach, one of my favourites. (A/N: seriously though, if you don't know this, its a shame really. So much drama. It's just mind on zero and watch) Then I finally got up and got changed into a comfy outfit, being my sweatshorts and a tanktop saying 'Avada Kedavra, bitch'. I would spend my day sitting around on different uncomfy seats, so this seemed perfect.
Then, I got the text.
The text that would change my life.
God, so much surprises these last few days, I can't handle it.
It was Lisa.
"Hey, you know how you're obsessed over Youtubers AND british accents? Check these guys out: AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfire."
I did not know where this came from, but I did know that Lisa was absolutely right. Youtubers and accents were a huge part of my life and part of the reason I wanted to go to London. I also did not know how Lisa discovered these guys, but I had to see them. If Lisa liked them, I would probably too.
So I opened my laptop that I hadn't put away yet, and searched them on Youtube. Seeing I had Tumblr, I did recognize them when I saw the thumbnail from the first suggested video: AmazingPhilIsNotOnFire 5. The two guys, both rocking a dark haired fringe, had drawn cat whiskers on their face.
I had seen these two before, but never really watched their videos, seeing I was already obsessing over a dozen other people.
But now, I opened the first channel suggestion: AmazingPhil.
I watched his videos for a while, absolutely loving it. He was funny and adorable, looking like he couldn't kill a fly. He was a bit awkward, but I don't think I am the right person to say that about someone else.
After watching ten (okay, twenty) of his videos, I got myself a snack and went to his best friend.
Now, this was something entirely else. Where I found Phil immediately adorable when I opened the first video I watched, I had a completely different reaction on Dan.
Dan IS on fire.
God. That boy was too damn attractive.
I watched his videos, and found myself still watching him three hours later. He was funny and I related to his stories. An example or two:
I had always been laughed at by my own PARENTS for being scared when I'm alone downstairs and need to turn off the lights, seeing I was afraid of the dark.
And I often got panic texts from my friends asking if something happened because I hadn't replied on their text from two weeks ago, seeing I was either too lazy to answer at the time, or I said to myself I would and then completely forgot about it.
There are other stories about myself that would make you feel better about yourself, but I don't have hours, okay?
I found myself growing closer to this guy on the other side of the screen, someone I had never met and someone that didn't even know me. Because he made me laugh. He made me feel better about myself and my little flaws, seeing I wasn't the only one tapping their fingers the whole time, or saying 'Nevermind' after I had mumbled something to myself.

So when I did pack away my laptop and left with Lisa (she's the only one with a car) and Jolene for Calais, I was still thinking about this weird Internet person that I fell a little bit in love with.
And some of his words kept going through my head:

"Hello Internet. So a few months ago, I moved to London with my friend Phil and..."
"To London..."

Was there a chance I would meet them? I sure hoped so, quickly crossing my fingers as I was seated in the backseat of Lisa's small car with her and Jolene in front. They were talking and laughing and giggling, and I just sat there, being too lazy to even open my mouth.
Then, my phone rang.
"Hey mom!" I said, accepting the call.
"Hey sweetie, are you on your way to Calais?"
"Yup, perfectly in time, and it doesn't look like there will be trouble on the road."
"But you never know. Where are you now?"
I looked around me and read some of the signs we passed.
"We're around thirty kilometers away from reaching our destination, we'll be fine."
"That's good, I think you got enough time to get there, even with some trouble."
"I just called to wish you fun. Be responsible darling, but live a little, okay?"
"Okay mom."
"I love you, Jo. And dad too."
"I love you too."
"Zoé said you should flirt a little. You have been single for too long."
" Yeah, well, we can't all get engaged at the age of twenty-two."
"True. Also, Uma says she'll miss you."
"I'll miss her too. Wish her good luck on school that starts again soon. Tell her MY fourth year (A/N: the age 15 going on 16) was one of the hardest but most fun years for me."
"I will. Have fun, darling. Bye."
"Yes mom. Bye mom. "
I hung up.

This was it. It was happening.
I was going to London for a month. I was free for a month.

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