Chapter Six: The Famous Dan-Just-Did-Something-Very-Cute Giggle

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"Hey! Your hat!"

I was cold.

And I was running.

Could this get worse? Oh, of course, it was raining. And there was plastic cutting in my hands. The now wet, so heavier, bags were weighing tons. My feet slammed on the asphalt and through puddles. The pom-poms of the hat were jumping around my face, sometimes cutting away my sight.

The stranger cut right, going in a street. I wanted to follow, but of course everyone needed to be there aswell. I kept bumping into people. They all looked at me like I personally murdered their children. Everyone was so angry. And it made ME angry.

I yelled. "Hey!" I stopped to look around for the guy. There were so many people, I couldn't spot him right away. Then, I saw from the corner of my eyes, a streak of black. When I turned my head, I saw him still speedwalking, going into yet another street, that led away from the big and busy ones.

"Hey! Your hat!"

But I like the hat. Do I need to give it back? I mean, if he didn't notice he lost it..

I shook my head. I was giving it back. I started running again. Slower, this time, seeing he went into a quiet street. I turned the corner, and saw him nearing a door.

Shit. He's going in, and I won't have a chance to give it back. But, if I'm too late and can't give it back, does that mean I get to keep it? Yes, but first, you're going to really try.

"Hey!" I yelled again, but he just slammed the door behind him. I walked up to it. It was a simple white door. I saw the different bells nexto to it, and smiled. If this were all flats, that meant I still had a chance to catch him. Hesitating, I pushed the door open. It opened easy, and I took a deep breath as I stepped inside, happy to be out of the rain.

The long guy, whose back I KNEW from somewhere, was just going up the stairs. "Uh.. Pardon me" I said silently. But since there was no noise in here, he heared, and turned his head to look at me.

And we were both freezed for a moment.

Fricking Dan Howell.

Ha. Called it.

"Wha..What are you doing here?" He stuttered, and I blushed. He's sooooo cute! He frowned. "Is that my hat you're wearing?"He asked, feeling his head. He seemed to accept it was indeed HIS hat on MY head. I realised I must look so weird, just staring at him, with the biggest smile. We just stood there. Me, staring at him with great admiration. Him, looking at me with the most handsome sort of confused mixed with terror.

"Uhm.." He looked around uncomfortable, still scratching his head. "Hello?"

I suddenly snapped out of it. I pulled the hat off my head, suddenly very shy. I held it out to him, explaining why the hell it was on my head. "Yeah, uhm.. It fell off your head. When you ran into me."

He walked down again, his face filled with guilt. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I quickly shook my head, smiling. "It is not a problem at all. I didn't fall or something. No one got hurt," I said, gripping my bracelet without meaning to. But he didn't see the movement. I handed him the hat, fingers trembling.

"Well, I still want to make it up to you," he said, smiling. The dimples. The dimples. The dimples. The dimples.The dimples.The dimples.The dimples.The dimples.The dimples.The dimples. For a moment, I'm not even on this earth. I'm moving to Dimple, the planet where Dan is king. Then, he put out his hand.

"Hi. I'm Dan." *Put in giggle. The famous Dan-just-did-something-very-cute giggle. You know which one I'm talking about.* I got to put my small hand in his giant one. "Joanna," I sounded nervous as sh*t.He shook my hand gently, before letting go again.

"Now, this making-up," he continued. "How about a shower?"

Oh God. He lets me shower here. He must not have seen my bracelet. No way he would ever let a fan shower in his flat. Right?

"In you.. In your flat?" I stuttered. My cheeks must be flaming red. Dans ears turned pink as he grinned uneasy. "Yeah?" It was more a question, and it was easy to see that he didn't think it through before asking me. So I laughed, making it easier for him. "If you're okay with that, I would love to. I'm a bit cold." Luckily, he started chuckling too. A beautiful sound, one that I was already used to hearing, but still made me want to giggle.

"Yeah, it's alright, I wouldn't offer it otherwise," He said, as he turned around, climbing the stairs again. "Follow me. And oh... I like you shirt, by the way." I turned completely red now. "Th..Thanks." Thank God, thank Iron Man. I set foot on the first set of stairs, looking up at the back (and boooootyyyyy) of Dan Howell.

Oh God. Please kill me before I do something stupid, like stealing one of his soaps or so. God, do that for me. Kill me when I do something stupid.

"Sorry about all the stairs. There is no elevator, and we live quite high up," Dan said, looking over his shoulder. "No..Problem," I said, clearly out of breath already. Dan chuckled again, but I heared him breath heavily too. "Out of shape, huh? Same."

When I reached the right floor, Dan was already opening his flat door. "Come in," he motioned for me to enter. I took a huge breath before stepping through the door. Dan came in after me, softly closing the door behind him.

Holy crap. I'm IN the flat. The fricking flat. THEIR fricking flat. Oh my God, is Phil home?

Just then, Dan yelled: "Phil, I'm home! And I brought a guest!" From further in the flat, I heared a voice: "A guest? Come in then!"


"That door," Dan pointed. Probably shouldn't say that I knew where I was going. I reached for the handle, having difficulties with the five large bags. "Oh!" Dan said behind me, reaching for the bags. "Let me take these." OOOh, gentleman. Now that I'm free, I could open the door. I entered the flat I already knew so well. I heard footsteps from around the corner of the lounge. Phil skipped towards us, smiling widely. "Hey! I'm Phil!" I politely put out my hand, but Phil just laughed at it and hugged me. I was only a second paralized before I hugged him back. When he pulled back, I said: "I'm Joanna. But please, call me Jo."

"Hi Jo," Phil said. He then looked over my shoulder. "Hi Daniel." I heard Dan groan behind me. I smiled. This was too cute! Then I realized how I must look: completely soaked, from head to toe. My hair dripping around my face, my clothes sticking to me. But Phil did not hesitate to take my arm and take me to the lounge.

This is so fricking surreal.

Phil jumped in the sofa, but I stayed put, not daring to make everything wet. "So," Phil said, "where did Dan pick you up?" He asked curiously. Dan dropped my bags on the table and came towards us, his hands in his pockets. I stared at him. His normally styled hair had started curling in the rain. Ahh.. Hobbit hair Dan. The curls looked so soft, as if I could just pet him like a cat. And his eyes. The colour was so intense.

"I ran into her by accident. My hat fell off, and she was so kind to follow me to give it back," he says, looking at me with a side grin. God. I'm going to melt. "So I promised her a shower to thank her for it."

Phil suddenly seemed to realise that I was indeed wet and shivering from the cold. "Oh!" He said. "Of course! Do you have other clothes with you?" He asks me. I look at the bags, mumbling: "Let me look..." I walked over to the bags, checking them on clothes that weren't dripping wet.

"Shit. They're all wet. I only have this," I said, holding up a pair of trousers that I always keep in my bag because of that one time I bled through mine at school. That was embarrasing. A very bad memory and not one for right now, Jo. Dan shrugged. "You can have one of my shirts, if you don't have a problem with that."

If I don't have a problem with that? The only fricking problem right now is that I will probably die from a heartattack.

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