Chapter Three: God You're Tiny

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After going through the French and then the English security check, Lisa slowed down the car and then completely stopped it. We were the second car in one of the first lines, due to us being half an hour early. Jolene sighed and leant her head against he window.
"I'm hot."
This caused both me and Lisa to chuckle softly and Lisa saying: "Hot damn."
Jolene shook her head, but she couldn't hide a soft, but tired smile. "I said I'm hot, not I'm too hot."
I smelled it was my turn to make a lame comeback.
"Hot damn."
We all silently laughed for a bit, bit the tired sound died down quickly.
"It's because we've been trapped in this metal cage for two hours, slowly roasting thanks to the enormously high temperatures," I said, motioning through the window. Lisa and Jolene stared at me with fear (jk they were just staring without any emotion).
"What?" I asked, then opened the door of the car. "I crave coffee."
I heard two voices go, "Ahh, of course," at the same time as I stepped out of the car and slammed the door behind me. I then bowed down to look through Lisa's open window. "You guys want anything?"
"Maybe a coke? You know I can't handle caffeine," Jolene said.
"See if they have millshakes, or get me a hot chocolate."
"You got it, boss."
I then turned and left for the coffee shop that was located within the actual last shopping centre before land changed into water. Wow, poetic much?
I got Lisa's millshake, a strawberry one, and bought myself a large espresso. I made sure to get extra sugar at the check-out, because I can handle only that much of bitterness in my life.
In a small shop that only selled sandwishes and drinks that you could buy after you got off the boat so you wouldn't starve in your car, I bought a coke.
When I got outside again, I had already forgotten how fricking HOT it was and I almost spilled my ultra hot coffee.
I got back to the car, seeing Lisa and Jolene had gotten out and stood next to it, trying to catch some wind.
I turned out to be the idiot that was drinking the hottest thing you could find in the entire envirement, but I wasn't feeling as sleepy as before.
Cars kept lining up, and half an hour and gigantic amounts of caffeine later, we sat in the car, waiting to get on the boat. As our line began moving, Jolene popped the big question.
"So, is there wifi on these boats?"
She had never been to the UK.
"Yup," I said while Lisa answered: "Luckily, yes."
I was the one studying Language, but Lisa was the one talking like a Lit-student. While I was the one drinking coffee and piling up other people's problems like the psych she wanted to become.
We were so weird.

As soon we were on the boat, and I mean the boat part where everything is apart from the cars, we sat down with some food we bought, and connected to the wifi.
I retrieved my earbuds from my bag and popped them in, succesfully blocking most of the noisy people out. I opened my Youtube and got back to danisnotonfire. I had decided to as quickly as possible watch all his videos, and I was already half-through. I clicked on the next video in line. I had watched his most recent first, but then stopped going further and had started completely downstairs in his video list. So I was moving up, coming closer to his recents. Lisa bowed over me, looking at what I was doing.
"Hey!" She smiled, and I paused the video. "You're watcing the Dan-guy, right?"
"Excuse me?" I asked, a bit offended. "The Dan-guy? I thought you knew who they were!"
"Oh," she said, looking down in shame. "So it's... Phil?"
"No it's not Phil, you dumbass!" I frowned at her. "It's Dan! I'm just confused about the fact that you're confused, because you clearly recommended them to me!" I said, looking back at my screen, where Dan was explaining the story about his psycho French teacher.
"Well," she said, "I never really watched them. I saw a couple of pictures of them on WeHeartIt, and I just knew you would like them."
"Ahh.." I said smartly, "Well thank you, because I do like them."
"Okay then," Lisa said, moving away from me and turning to Jolene who was just scrolling through something on her phone. "Want to go to the tax-free shop?"
Jolene looked up, nodding, and proceeded to stand up.
"You?" Lisa asked.
I nodded, but said: "If you two just wait a minute, I can finish this vid."
Lisa laughed, Jolene just looked confused.
As soon as Dan had said his goodbyes, I locked my phone and went to smell some perfumes.
In the shop, it was us, an elderly group and a group of guys looking around our age.
As we were innocently smelling the good stuff, we heard these guys laughing behind us. They were talking real loudly and they kept slapping each other on the shoulders.
Then, the horror. One of these guys, approached us. We were now standing in the sweets corner, and Jolene was holding a gigantic lollipop. You know, one filled with normal lollipops.
So, the guy comes closer and all three of us just stare at him in panic. Jolene was clamping the giant lollipop.
I mean, there was nothing wrong with the guy. He was kind of attractive, just not my type. Remember what my type was? That's right, this guy was TINY. He just reached above me.
So when he went straight past Lisa and Jolene, I almost cried.
"Hi. My name's Simon. Can I have yours?"
You have to know, that apart from Julian, I had never kissed someone, let alone flirted. So when around a flirting guy, most of the time not even directed towards me, my brain will block and there's a good chance to hyperventilate.
And this guy was flirting with me.
Ready yourself, something stupid is going to come out of my shitty mouth anytime now.
"Uhm.. Yes. My name is.. God you're tiny."
That last thing was supposed to be a quick mumble, but I saw at the look on Simon's face that he had heard me. No chance of escaping this.
"I will have you know that I'm taller than you."
"Like, two inches. That's tiny."
His friends and my friends were now laughing at us.
I was just happy that his mouth did the same thing as mine. Which was stupid things.
"My friends over there," I said, pointing at my so-called 'friends', "are actually really into short guys. Why not try your luck there?"
He looked over at Lisa and Jolene, who were now red in the face and had a horrified look on their faces, and nodded. He then pointed at his friends. "My friends are all very tall. But I wouldn't try my luck there. They're pretty bad at flirting, unlike me."
We laughed, but then both got taken away by our stupid friends.
I shouted at Simon: "My name's Joanna!" Before we left the shop.

Short after we got off the boat.
We were in London after an hour and a half in the car.
As we entered the city and I looked up at the large buildings surrounding the citycenter, I realised we were finally here.

Tired as we were, we quickly checked in in the hotel. Luckily, there was a lift. As soon as we entered the room, we dropped our suitcases at the door. We got changed into our pyjamas, placed on top of everything, and got in bed.

Before I fell asleep it hit me again. I was in London. Finally.

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