Chapter 8: Godverdomme

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"YOU WHAT?!" Lisa screamed. I cringed.
"I'm at the flat of Dan and Phil," I repeated like it wasn't a big deal. But inside, I screamed along with Lisa. How was it possible that two of my idols were sutting on a couch in front of me?

"The ACTUAL Dan and Phil?"
"The actual ones."
"Gurl. You go. We've been in London for what, two days? And you already managed to not only meet two of your idols, but you're in their flat!"
"My exact thoughts," I told Lisa on the phone.
"I'm happy you're alright. That you're this alright. But, if I may ask, when do you plan on coming home?"

God. I knew I forgot something. I had to get back to the hotel. I looked over at Dan and Phil. I shrugged saying: "I'll probably be heading over in a minute or five." I then repeated myself, but in English.

I saw Dan shaking his head, standing up and walking over to me. He pointed at my phone, so I told Lisa: "There's someone who wants to talk with you." I handed my phone to Dan, mouthing Lisa. He nodded, bringing it to his ear.

"Hi Lisa, this is Dan."
Because Lisa talks loudly and because me and Dan were standing close to each other, I could hear Lisa mumble: "Godverdomme." (A/N: Dutch for goddamn)
Dan looked confused at my grin, but just continued what he wanted to say.
"As you probably know, it is still raining, and Jo just showered. And we can't have her get soaked again, can we?"
"No, of course not. Does she have money for a cab?"
"That won't be needed. She can stay here until it's dry."
Lisa slightly gasped, and my eyes widened. What.
"Also, I put her clothes in the dryer, so they won't be ready until another hour. She can have dinner, that's no problem." He looked at me, frowning. "How far away is your hotel?"
"Uhm.. About ten minutes from here I take the Tube, then it's just two more minutes and I'm there."
He nodded, brining the phone back to his ear. "When it's dry again, I'll walk her to the hotel."
I gasped for real this time, and quickly said: "That won't be needed. I walked that way before."
"I'm sorry, I'm not being sexist, but it will probably be dark. And this is London. And not the overlighted part of it. I'll walk you."
I looked down, blushing. He cares.
"I that okay with you and maybe friends?" Dan said to Lisa.
"Uhh yeah. That's alright. Just please get her home safe."
"Will do."
"It was very nice to speak to you, Dan."
"The pleasure was all mine, Lisa."

He gave me my phone back, and I said my goodbyes to Lisa and then Jolene.
"Hey, if it keeps raining this night and, you know, you need to stay over there," I could almost hear the wink in Jolene's voice. "Just be sure to make it on time at Madam Turtoise, okay?"
"As if I would miss my own chosen birthday activity," I grinned.
"Of course not. Bye!"

I put my phone in my back pocket, smiling up at Dan. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that."
"No problem," he smiled, heading back to the couch. Phil was beside him, frowning, but failing in hiding his smile. "Apparently I have nothing to say anymore in this house," he said, now completely losing his frown.
"Oh come on Philly," Dan said. "Would you tell Jo to go back home while it's still raining, after she showered?"
"Of course not, I was just kidding," Phil said, smiling guilty.
I laughed, Dan rolled his eyes. Then we said at the same time: "We know."

Phils eyes went wide. "Creepy how synchronized you two are already."


An hour later, it was still raining. The dryer was done, so I was folding my now dry, new clothes and putting them back in the bags. My hair also was dry, and Phil had given me a brush to make me look less like a junkie.
It hadn't been silent. We just had something to talk albout all the time. We were sitting on the couch, the TV turned on in the background, when Dan said: "So, you don't speak English as first language?" They both looked at me. I blushed and looked down. "No, I'm from Belgium. I speak Dutch. Flemish, actually." Dan grinned wide. "That's so cool! Okay, so I have a question." I nodded. "What does verjaardag mean?"

I was surprised. "How did you even remember exactly that word?" He shrugged. "It sounded cool." He repeated it, and his accent was the cutest. "So what is it?" I blushed again. "Birthday."

"So it's your birthday tomorrow?" He asked loudly. "Yeah.. I'm turning twenty tomorrow. We're going to that wax museum."
"A birthday?" Phil said. "I love birthdays. And wax. Wax is cool."
"Am I getting the wrong message here? Or did you-"
"Just invite yourself?" Dan completed my sentence. We turned to each other, smiling. His ears were pink, and I'm sure I looked like my father was a tomato. Phil stared at us.

"Creepy. How do you even do that? You guys know each other an hour and a half!"
I chuckled, follewed by a silent, deep sound from Dan.
That sounds amazing.
"But back on that invite," I continued. Go on girl, they may even say yes.
"If you're enough into wax to come with us, you're more than welcome."
I turned to Phil, just to be sure.
Dan never said anything about wax.
Phil smiled. "I would love that. Are you sure I can come?"
"We," came a silent voice from next to me. I looked over, surprised. Dan smiled the most soft smile ever. "Are you sure we can come?"
I was nodding before he even finished his sentence. "Of course! Of course! I'll ask Lisa and Jolene right away!"
I got my phone out of my pocket, typing a quick message to them. Jolene answered almost immediately.

Lisa finally explained to me who they were, so I totally agree to hang with them.

"They say they would be honored," I told the two of them.
"Of course they would be," Dan said, fixing his hair. Except his fringe was nowhere to be seen since he had showered and hadn't bothered to style it again seeing how late it was.
Hobbit hair is best hair.
"Who's hungry?" Phil asked. "Me!" He then yelled, running to the kitchen.
"Weird kid," I said, grinning. Dan sighed and yelled: "Phil stop! You're freaking out the guest!"
Phil ignored his comment, but did stuck his head out of the kitchen. "So guys, we have some leftover pizza, some pasta carbonara and cereal."
"Do you ever have normal food in this house?" I asked, to which they both shook their head. I shrugged.
"I can live with that. I'll have some pasta, please, seeing it is my favourite meal. That's something to remember guys!"
"Got it," Dan said as he got up and looked behind the closed curtains.
"Jo, it's still raining. And I checked my phone, it won't stop until tomorrow morning."
I cursed under my breath. "Thanks a lot guys, but I think I will be leaving now. See you tomorrow, I hope?" I said, standing up to grab my stuff.
"No, don't go! I just got your pasta in the microwave!" I heard Phil from the kitchen.
And Dan walked over to me, smiling hesitating. "Actually, I meant to say you better stay the night." His ears were pink and his dimple showed. How do you say no to that?
It's simple. You don't.

'Thanks," I said. "I would appreciate that." "No problem for us, but do your friends mind?"
Another quick text later proved they didn't.

Told you so. See you tomorrow xx

"They know," I said as Phil handed me a bowl of pasta carbonara. "Thank you so much."
"How about we take the next step in this relationship?" Dan said, smiling.
I turned over to him with a bite close to my opened mouth. I'm sure I was red.
"Do you want the wifi?"

I'm going to die of happiness and luck and cuteness and fluff. I'm dead.

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