Chapter 7: You're Not Here To Steal My Toothbrush Or Somehing?

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Hot water sped down the lines of my body. The first minute I was in the shower, I just kept shivering; I probably catched a cold, running through the rain like that. The upside, though, was that I had now found myself washing my body and hair with products I found in fricking Dan and Phil's flat. It was so weird to think about. How did I even end up here? Some random guy ran into me and lost his hat.Only the guy wasn't just random. If I hadn't wanted to give it back so badly, I would now be in a hotel room (which was nice) with my friends (who are amazing); it's just not the same.

I stepped out of the shower. When I had entered the bathroom, I just looked at the shower for a minute: this was the one in which Dan had done all these singing bits. I had blushed, knowing two of the people I looked up to, had also been in this shower. Like, naked. But eventually, I was so cold I couldn't help myself. I quickly stripped off the wet clothes and turned on the hot water.

I dried off and turned a towell around my head. My underwear had kind of survived the rain, I guess the jeans of my shorts and the pretty thick material my shirt was made of, mostly sucked in all the water. On the sink, there was a shirt and my blue trousers. They weren't actually jeans, but more a jegging-y material, something I actually enjoy wearing. I put them on, then picking up the shirt.

Dan shrugged. "You can have one of my shirts, if you don't have a problem with that."

It wasn't one I had seen before in a video or something, but maybe I had. It wasn't really something special, but just how we know Howell. It was just a simple, dark blue shirt, but with stripes on the sleeves. I smiled at it, and almost smelled it, but I could just maintain myself. God, Jo, don't smell it! Stupid woman. I pulled it over my head, feeling how soft it still was. It couldn't have been washed that much. It fell mid-thigh, but it was warm, even though it had short sleeves. I then put the bracelet back on.

I let my hair fall out of the towell and combed it through with my fingers. I never combed my hair properly until it was dry, also, I did not know where to look for a brush. But I had to look at least a bit decent, so I quickly fixed it as much as I could. Which wasn't that much. When I finally looked like something that wasn't going to kill you, I sighed at myself. But I also just couldn't stop smiling. Smiling, smiling, smiling.

After I had put the towel on something to dry, I exited the bathroom. I heard voices come from the lounge.

"Dan, do you think it was a good idea to let her shower here?" "Yeah, I think so. I mean, she's already going to be sick. I couldn't just send her back to her hotel wet like that?" "I understand that, I do, but did you see her bracelet?" "Bracelet?"


I took a grip on the bracelet, turning red. Dan hadn't seen it, like I thought. But Phil had. And Phil loves his fans, I know he does, but he also knows that, sometimes, it maybe isn't the best idea to let them in your flat. Let alone shower there. I had to make clear that I wasn't a total psycho.

I quickly walked in the lounge. They both immediately looked up. Phil quickly smiled, but I saw he was concerned. Dan just looked plain confused, but then his eyes met my wrist. My hand was still on the bracelet. I sighed and looked them in the eyes.

"It's true, I'm a fan. I did know who you were before you introduced yourself," I said, moving my hand away. Dan's face cleared when he saw the black and white. He opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly cut him off: "But I did not know it was your hat I picked it up. I mean, the thought crossed my mind, but I knew that was practically impossible. I just wanted to give a stranger his hat back."

Both Dan and Phil let a breath escape, seeming they held it before. "So," Dan said, "You're not here to steal my toothbrush or something?"

I shrugged. "Well, now you mention it.." I joked. They both chuckled shortly, and then Phil stood up to hug me again. "I'm sorry I said that about you," he said, while Dan sat on the couch and said: "I trusted you, Jo, don't worry. I'll always trust you." I knew he said it like a joke, but that last sentence made me blush and smile widely. Luckily he didn't see, because Phil was so gigantic I couldn't see over his shoulder.

When Phil let me go, Dan pointed to my bag. "Your phone has gone off a couple of times when you were in the shower." I quickly grabbed in my bag, remembering Jolene and Lisa didn't know where I was. I had three missed calls from them, and a lot of texts. I turned to Dan and Phil, who were watching me curiously. "Do you mind if I.." I asked, pointing to my phone. They both shook their head. "No! Of course not!"

I quickly dialed Lisa's number.

"Oh my God, Jo, where ARE you?" She yelled after one ring. I could see at their faces Dan and Phil could hear, but couldn't understand a thing. They seemed confused by the fact I suddenly spoke a completely other language.

"Don't worry, Lisa, I'm not caught by a rapist, I'm totally fine. I even showered." "Then where are you? Jolene and I didn't notice you were gone until we were already on the Tube. I'm sorry we didn't come back for you, but we thought.." "That I'm a grown-up woman who can handle herself? Than you thought just right, sweetheart." "Then what the hell happened? Why aren't you at the hotel?" "Okay, let me start from the beginning. So uh, someone ran into me in the street, didn't look where he was going," I said, sending a joking glare at Dan, who still looked confused as hell. I frowned, tehn remembered they couldn't understand me. "This guy lost his hat in the process, but he didn't notice. Okay, so I uhh.. picked up the hat and decided to give it back. I ran after him, found him, and then he offered to do something back.." I hesitated to say the next thing. I sent a questioning look at Dan and Phil, mouthing Can I tell her?. They both nodded, so I took a deep breath.

"Long story short, I showered and am still at Dan and Phil's place."


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