Chapter 14: Because Of Dan

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It was past twelve when Lisa, Jolene and me decided it was time to go home. We had all said goodbye, even got phone numbers down, when Dan turned to me. "Remember the guide-deal, okay?" Before he closed in, pulling me in a warm hug. I smiled against his chest. It had been so much fun, it all felt really natural. While we had been talking in the lounge, Dan had headed to his room and came back with the shirt. He winked at me before putting it in my bag, making sure the rest didn't see.

"Bye guys!" We called, taking a grip on the bags I had left here yesterday before heading down the stairs.

"Bye!" They both waved. Phil yelled a quick: "I hope you had a happy birthday!" Before we reached the door and left the building. "That was cool," Lisa sighed. Jolene smiled really wide, and I turned to her. "Soooo, Phil huh?" Lisa grinned with me. Jolene blushed so hard, even though it was hard to see in the dark street. "He's a really cool guy."

"And cute," Lisa said.

"Yeah, he's cute," Jolene was on fire. "But Jo, you don't get to talk." My eyes widened. "Why not?" She rolled her eyes at me. "Because of Dan."

"What about him?"

"Oh Jo, don't lie. There's something going on. You two were holding hands for God's sake!" Jolene threw her hands in the air. I shook my head. "That was completely innocent," I tried to defend myself, but I heard my own voice betraying me.

"Sure, Jo."

"He would never like a girl like me," I whispered, coming to the obvious conclusion.

"So there is something going on?" Lisa asked. I shook my head. "I wish. I mean, it's not that I like-like him, but I know I could. And he's just so.."

"Perfect for you!" Jolene yelled, hugging me. I softly pulled away. "Maybe that's what you think, and I think, but not what he thinks."

"How could you know that? You two were made for each other, no doubt about it."

"Thanks guys, but I'll get over it."

"Ohh, by the way," Lisa smiled suddenly. "What did you get? I mean, you're not seriously going to keep it a secret from us, are you?" I grin, shaking my head. "But you can't tell Phil. It would be so embarrassing."

"Is it that bad?"

"Almost. Yesterday, after my shower, I got no dry shirts to wear," I start. "So Dan gave me one to wear and sleep in."

"That's so cute!"

"You have worn a shirt from one of your boyfriends before, right?" They both nodded. "Well, you know that clothing of men always has this amazing smell? Like, you can't really tell what it is but it is amaing? Well, his shirt smelled like that and well, I-"

"Oh my God, Jo," Jolene said, giggling. "You didn't sniff it right?"

"I DID," I sighed, blushing. Jolene and Lisa burst out laughing. By this moment, we had reached the street we needed to be, but we still had a ten minutes walk to go.

"Even worse, he saw it," I continue. "How did he react?" I shrugged. "I just explained that he should be flattered and all, an then he's like: 'Oh, but I am, for proof I will give you this shirt for your birthday',"I say, lowering my voice and then hiding my face behind my hands. "Oh God, I'm the worst."

"Well, this just proves my point," Jolene said. Me and Lisa look at her confused. "If he didn't freak out, like you normally would when a fan sniffed something of you, it has to mean he has some kind of affection towards you."
I shrugged. "Yeah, maybe, but it doesn't have to be THAT kind of affection. He could be seeing me as his sister."

Both Lisa and Jolene pulled me in a side hug, what resulted in us tripping and quickly recover.
"Oh babe," Jolene said, "any affection is good affection, right?"
"Yeah! And even if he just sees you as a friend, that's totally fine. The more time he'll spend with you, the more he'll like you."
"And you never know what might come after that!" Jolene yelled.
Lisa cut in. "True love, perhaps?"

"Thanks guys," I said, "But even if he doesn't like me, I'm okay with that. It's already amazing that I got -and get- to spend time with him."

And that's how I really felt.

The conversation died down, and we entered the hotel in silence. Heading to the reception, Lisa's gaze found the guy from the day before. She winked at us, grinning wide, and turned on her heels. She tapped his shoulder, and before Jolene and I knew it, they were talking and later heading to the bar.

"How," Jolene giggled, "did she just do that? Am I dreaming, or did Lisa just have a score?"
I laughed. "We're so sad. Lisa has better game than us!"
"I wouldn't call it game," she said, "just no shame."
I nodded, and after we got our keycard, we headed to our room.


"What are we doing tomorrow?" Jolene asked. I blushed and looked down at my feet. Lisa still hadn't returned.
"You see," I said, "I got a deal-"
"Let me guess. Dan?" She asked.
I nodded shyly and started apologizing. "I'm sorry, but he offered it and I just thought it would be nice and-"
"It's not at all a problem, Jo. I get that you want to spend time with him. You like the guy. I also see why you like him. And yeah, I would like to spend some time with Phil. Just like Lisa is spending time with the Timothy-guy." She sat down on her bed and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. "So you don't mind I'm not coming with you tomorrow?"
"Nope. You're only here for a month, Jo. And in that month you have to cinvince Dan that you're the one. Not that I think it will take that long though. " I blushed.
"What are you doing anyway?" She asked.
"He's just going to show me around."
"Around... London?"
"Of course," I frowned. "That's where we are, aren't we? He lives here, Jolene. He knows more about this city than those books we got back at home."
Jolene smiled at me. "You're right. And you should go. It'll be fun."
"I think so too."

Jolene wiggled her eyebrows. "Are you going to sleep?" She asked. I shrugged. "Yeah, probably. I'm not waiting up on Lisa that's for sure."
"Mhm, me neither. I'm taking a shower though, I didn't this morning. Goodnight."
"Bye sweetie."

I changed in my pyjamas and stepped in the bed. Pulling the covers on me, I heard my text-alert. Frowning, I reached at it and put it on silent. Unlocking it, I noticed the name of the contact.

Danyul 😏
(A/N: not sure if you can see this, but its that sassy emoticon.)

-Reached the hotel safely?

I smiled at my screen before replying.
-Yeah, no trouble. And btw, I would love you to be my guide tomorrow. When and where?

-Great! I'll text you details in the morning. Would you be okay with it if I vlogged it?

-Yeah sure. Speak to you tomorrow!

-Nice :) Goodnight Joanna x

It is weird what the use of a full name and a small letter can do to a person. It can completely melt a heart.

-Goodnight Daniel x

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