Chapter 15: That's How I Learned Dan Howell To Curse

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The moment I opened my eyes that next morning, his name immediately crossed my mind. He's already my first thought. What did he do that he's this important to me so quickly?
I wondered many things the next two hours, but mostly it was if I was thought about too.

I was out of my bed and the shower before Jolene even opened an eye. I had spotted Lisa under a pile of her blankets, fast asleep. I hadn't heard her come in the night before, so I had no idea how long she was here. I didn't think it was that long. I glanced at my phone while I dried my hair.

-Goodmorning Jo :) I have decided on something to do today.

-Hi :D You're making me curious. In what direction should I think?

-Breakfast, a couple of quiet places and one place far above this city. I'll be at your Tube stop around ten.

-Okay. See you then x

Sighing I put my phone away. Should I have put that kiss? Well anyway, it was too late now. I had checked the weather for today the day before. It was still cloudy, with some chance on raining. I wasn't going to get soaked again, so I decided on my black jeans with converses and a sweater. I put away my umbrella just in case.
I softly kissed the heads of my sleeping friends, writing a note for them and placing it on their nightstands.


"Just you today?" A deep voice asked when I had taken a seat to eat. I looked up, noticing Timothy. He nodded at the seat in front of me, and I smiled at him. "Yeah, take a seat."
"So why are you alone this morning, Joanna?" He said my name as a question and I nodded. I put out my hand. "Hi yes, we haven't really met yet. I'm Joanna, or Jo. You're Timothy?" He took my hand nodding.
"Jolene and Lisa are still asleep."
"And you don't mind having breakfast on your own?"
I shrugged. "Not really. I'm going out on my own today anyway."
"Oh yes, I almost forgot! Lisa told me it was your birthday yesterday, so uhm.. Happy Birthday!" He seemed uneasy, so I quickly thanked him.
"So anyway, on your own? What are you doing then?"
"Well not really on my own. I've made a friend yesterday and he offered to show me around."
"And you're sure you can trust him? You can never know in a city like this."
"Oh! Oh, yeah, I'm sure! He's totally trustable. But I want to know what happened with Lisa. She can be kind of.. Busy."
He laughed, a deep sound which, with him, was followed with a swing of his head, throwing it in his neck. To see him this free was something totally else than the silent guy from yesterday. I wondered what Lisa and he did to make him this happy. Oh wait- Nevermind, I don't want to know.
"Yeah, busy. But you know, I'm not always so quiet as I was yesterday. And when a beautiful, funny, smart girl like Lisa starts talking to you, you can't keep quiet."
I blushed in Lisa's place. "Talking-"
"And kissing." He laughed at my blushing and uneasy expression. "But nothing more. Except for a phone number."
I smiled.


"This was really nice, really, but I need to get going," I said as I stood up, taking my bag.
"Oh, of course. Is your friend waiting?"
I glanced at my phone. It was five minutes before ten, the time Dan had said he would be at the stop.
"I still have a couple of minutes, but I like to be on time." Unlike some people, as I have concluded from a certain person's videos.
"Nice meeting you, Joanna," he said, putting out his hand.
"You too, Timothy."
"Ahh, those long-ass names," he grinned. I chuckled, nodding my head at him.
"Bye Tim."
"Jo." I waved at him while I walked out of the restaurant of the hotel. Checking out, I handed my key card to the receptionist, who politely thanked me as I left. I couldn't stop smiling and thinking about what my day was going to be like. A day spent with people you like, is a day spent well, is what my mother always told me. I thought she was completley right.

There weren't that many people on foot in the big street the hotel was located in, but the instant I stepped of the last step and into the Underground, everyone seemed to be there. Luckily I had taken the Tube before and had I studied maps before coming here, or I would have never found where I needed to go.

-Okay, which line am I taking?

-Stay where you are, I'm coming to you. Where are you exactly?

-Just under the stairs at the street of my hotel.

-Patience, dear. I'm on my way.

Soon, I saw a familiar head popping out above the other ones. His dark hair looked like he just came out of bed, even though it was styled. He was holdign his camera, turned away from him. People around him looked weird at him, asking themselves why he was talking to himself. His eyes darted to mine, and I imagine my face just burst open at that point with my smile. He smiled widely- the dimples -and made his way over to me. As he came closer, I noticed his backpack. Also, I saw he was wearing his Attack On Titan sweater. I had always loved that sweater on him. Thinking always was just four days.

Four days. I've known about him for four days and I already got this lucky with everything.What did I do to desere this? It's not like I had always eaten all my vegetables, nor did I ever give a lot of money to charity.

"And here she is guys, beautiful as ever. Hi," he said when he was close enough. And that made me feel the whole fricking zoo. "Hi, Howell," I smiled, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. I didn't really know why I was nervous, but I was. "So, on time huh?" I asked him, grinning. He chuckled. "Apparently, yes. I did it."

"Am I that special that you decided to get up in time?" I asked playfully, as he started to head in a certain direction, and I followed. He nudged my shoulder. "You must be,-" He stopped talking suddenly, frowning. Turning to me, he said: "I don't even know your last name. What is your last name?"

"Why do you want to know it?" I asked, confused. "Because you know mine." "Daniel," I laughed, "Do you know how many people know your last name? And do you know every last one of them too?" I mean, he was, technically speaking, a world star. "No," he said, shrugging, "But I actually know you, and you're my friend. Friends know each other's last names," he whined. I put my hands up, giggling. "Okay, okay, I understand, Mr. Crybaby. Dewit. Joanna Dewit." My normally British accent while speaking English immediatly changed when I said my name. I casually said it as I said it in Belgium, causing it to sound not English at all.

"Dewit?" Dan asked, in his normal accent. It sounded pretty funny, and I chuckled as I repeated my name. "I wish I could do that," he said. I raised my eyebrows. "Do what?"

"Change my accent like that." I shrugged. "It's not really changing my accent, more like losing my English one. My English is still just my normal, Flemish accent with my british accent." "Still, you speak English so well. Could you teach me some Dutch?"

By this time, we had beeped through the barriers and were waiting for the next Tube. It came to a stop in front of us and we climbed in, searching seats. "Yeah, of course. What do you want to know?" "I want to learn how to curse! It has to be amazing to curse without people knowing."

And that is how I learned Dan Howell how to curse.

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