Chapter 18: The Door To Wonderland

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"Goodnight Joanna," his smile was soft and his words quiet. I wrapped my arms around him, thanking him for this amazing day. When I let go, I smiled up to him. "Goodnight Daniel." With my hand in the air, I turned around to climb the stairs leading out of the Tube. Almost on the top, I looked over my shoulder one more time. He grinned at me, waved and then walked off. Looking up at the by streetlights illuminated sky, I sighed. This is my world now. My universe.


I swung open the door, stepping into the dark room. The only light came from a screen on the furthest bed. My two best friends were seated on it, close together. Their heads snapped up when they heared me, and Jolene reached out to pause what they were watching. I dumped my bag at the door, walking over to them. "Hey guys," I smiled as I took the leap and landed on the other side of the computer. "How was your day?" I asked, propping myself up on my elbows. They both shrugged.

"It was okay. We went out and grabbed coffee," Jolene yawned. Lisa picked up her phone, not really listening. "And what are you doing now? What are you watching?" I tried to look over the screen, but my neck wasn't flexible enough. They both went a shade redder. I frowned. "What is it?" I asked. "Are you guys watching porn or something?"

Jolene slowly put the screen more down, so I hadn't to crane my neck to view it. Upside down, though. But I seem to have this gift for reading and stuff like that upside down. I immediatly recognized the faces showed on screen.

"The Japhan Haul?" I asked, eyeing Dan and Phil surrounded by their various packages. I switched seating, sitting next to Jolene. "You have been watching them the whole afternoon and evening?" "Well, yeah," Lisa said. "We were trying to get to know what they do. They are really good at this."

"They are," I smiled. Jolene tapped my shoulder. "What did you two actually do today?" The memory of today flushed my face and lighted it up at the same time. "Covent Garden, The Eye-"

"You've been to the Eye?" I nodded. "Yes, the last thing. It was dark already, and so amazing," I sighed. Lisa frowned. "I thought you were afraid of things moving up with a view." I shrugged. "I may not have seen it until we were still." They both looked at me questionly, and I blushed harder. "When he noticed I was sick, he hugged me until he was sure we were at the top."

Now they were both full on grinning. "That's cute." "Super cute."

"Yeah, okay, that's enough. Weren't you two watching this?" I was happy the only light was coming from a screen. I'm sure I didn't look that red in this shitty lighting. "Jo, admit that you want to watch too." "Of course I want to watch, idiots. I was a fan before you two." I turned to the computer and unpaused it. I smiled at them, hoping they knew how much I loved them. They were so amazing. It was kind of weird to see them on screen now that I had seen them in real life and spoken to them.

"Oh and by the way," Jolene said lightly. "Phil invited us over tomorrow."

See what I mean?


The next morning, the first thing I saw, was the screen of my phone lighting up. I frowned, sitting up and leaning on one elbow. My phone told me two things: that it was already ten, and that Dan just found out something.

-So apparently you guys are coming over today. Phil says he's making lunch. Be fancy.

-Are you going to wear a dressy shirt?

-If you're wearing a dress.

-Well then it's a shame I won't see you in one of those.

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