Epilogue (probs boring lmao sorry)

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"Why not just start your own channel?" Dan mumbled, placing his lips on my cheek. I was seated on the couch, his laptop on my lap, editing a video Dan filmed that morning. "You know that I don't like to film," I turned to him as I kissed him on the lips instead. "But you do it with me all the time," he frowned slightly as he took the computer from me. "And you don't have to edit this." I took it back. "I'm in it, I feel obligated to do so. And you know very well that I only like filming with you, or someone else from the gang. Someone I know and trust."

Two years later, and me and Dan had struggled through long distances, various jealousy scenarios and a period of time in which I got threats from a small group of fans. But we lived through it all, and now we were here. It was all very simple. A flat not far from the old one nor the one where Phil and Jolene lived. A job at a publisher for me and Youtube for Dan. Lisa was in Sydney, living with (ironically enough) Simon, the guy we met on the ferry. Timothy didn't work out, and when they ran into each other in Antwerp, they exchanged numbers because they believed it had to be fate.

"You're in nearly all of my videos. Why want to edit this one?"

I shrugged. "I was in it as official guest thingy. Not just my usual cameo in the background." "Well, you still don't have to edit this one, come on," he once again took the latop away and put it down on the couch before pulling me to him. I sighed contently as my head got buried against his chest. We still fitted perfectly, and I planned on fitting next to him for another long time.

"Did your parents call?" I nodded, and then my head shot up. "Oh my God Dan, I almost forgot to tell you! I'm an aunt!"

His eyes widened. "Since when? Is it a girl? A boy? Do you have a picture?" His smile fell slightly as he continued, "Do you have to go home to visit?" I leant into him again, smiling widely. "Of course I have to go visit. But maybe we can, you know, get a weekend out of it." "Together?"

"Yes of course together."

"Okay, I dig that idea. Now give me details."

"It's a girl, her name is Lente (A/N: dutch for spring) and she was born really early this morning. I don't have a picture yet, but mom and dad are visiting this afternoon. So I'll have one soon."

Even though I was beyond happy with the fact I was an aunt, I couldn't bear to think about having children myself. I don't know if that would form a problem in the future, or maybe my opinion would change, but right now I just didn't want them. And surely not as early as my sister. She got married when she was only 23 and now she was 25. I found this way too early to have a child. She was still studying when she got married, too! But it was so painfully clear how much she and her husband loved each other, that I was kind of okay with it.

I didn't feel the need to, and I wouldn't feel the need to in probably another ten years. As long as I got to be with my king, everything would turn out okay.


And it did. Everything turned out more than okay.


"You're not even my dad."
I stuck my head around the corner of the kitchen. "Lente, what did you say?"
"Well, it's true isn't it?" The fierce black headed puber said frowning. I smiled while I approached her, my arms easily finding Dan's waist.

"Of course it's true. Imagine, I would have been pregnant at 22! But he is your uncle, and he's letting you stay in his house. So please.. Just do what he asks." The girl heaved a heavy breath, rolled her eyes and turned away to pick up her phone. After typing something quickly, Lente turned the screen to us.

I'm sorry, but I can't come to the party tonight. Doing something with my aunt and uncle.

"Now, that's a good idea! Let's go see a movie together!" Dan said, and it made Lente's face light up immediately. "Really?"
"Mhm," he nodded. "Go get ready, we'll go eat after."

Lente ran away to fetch her jacket and Dan let escape a breath. I leaned into him.
"I'll never get used to her moodswings." My gaze fell upon our hands as I hummed in agreement, and I admired our rings. Then, it crossed my very own arm, still decorated with a small black silicon bracelet with white letters.


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