Part Two.

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Emma POV

After an amazing night's sleep, I woke up naturally and was immediately faced with an excited little boy who was holding a tray filled with pancakes and strawberries.

"Oh thank you Josh" I laughed as I seen Killian leaning against the door with his arms crossed out the corner of my eyes.

"Good morning beautiful" he smiled, walking over before pressing his soft lips against mine.

I placed my hand on his cheek, making sure his lips were still on mine.

"Ew!!! When can we go to the park? Daddy promised" Josh interrupted.

"He's just like Henry" Killian laughed, at the fact Josh yelled 'ew' when we shared a kiss.

"After mummy eats these amazing pancakes you brought me" I smiled, taking a bite.

"Okay I'll go put clothes on" he yelled excitedly before dashing off into his room.

"Why did I ever promise to go to the park?" Killian laughed before face planting the bed causing one of my strawberries to fall off my tray.

"I don't know why did you?" I laughed. "Pick that strawberry up mister"

"Were you about to eat it?" Killian said, picking the strawberry off our blanket.

"I was actually before you decided to cause an earthquake falling onto the bed" I laughed.

"Here then" Killian smirked before smearing the strawberry all over my face causing the juice to drip everywhere.

"Killian!!" I yelled, but it was too late, he had all ready ran out of the room like his 5 year old boy.

*2 hours later*

I decided it was finally time to take Josh to the park, mainly to stop him from asking every two seconds.

We gathered a few things such as juice and some snacks before heading out to the car.

2 years ago Killian had got a new car, since his old one was smashed to smithereens. He always told me that he felt extremely nervous driving again, but I assured him that everything was going to be okay.

When we got outside and to the car, Josh jumped into the back seat before I made sure he was all strapped up and ready to go.

I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat as I noticed Killian staring at me with his signature smirk.

"You've got a bit of strawberry on your face love"

"Your not funny, I'll get you back for that" I assured him before he took of on the 10 minute journey to the nearest park.

When we got there the sun had came out and it was really warm, it must have been around 25 degrees.

Before letting Josh go off and play on the swings, I put some sun cream on his arms and face which I found in Killian's car from our last outing.

The toddler ran off before Killian and I found a nearby picnic bench.

"He's growing up so fast" I said, watching him from the distance.

"I know love, the years have flew by, it feels like yesterday you were giving birth to him in your wedding dress" Killian laughed.

"That was the best day of my life" I smiled, re-visiting the memories inside my head.

Killian reached over and put his hand on top of mine.

"It was mine too" he smiled.

"I'm going to go push him on the swing love, I'll be back in a few" he said kissing my forehead.

As I watched my husband and son laughing and playing together it instantly warmed my heart.

After Neal died, I didn't think I was ever able to be happy again. Obviously I was happy that I still had Henry by my side, but I never thought I'd be this happy again.

The slightest changes many years ago could have made my life a whole lot different than it is now. Like if Henry went to a different school, or if he never liked art he wouldn't have chosen the subject, or if I couldn't be bothered to go to his parents night. If any of that happened I wouldn't have met Killian. That's something that makes me sick to the stomach, the thought of not knowing Killian.

As my mind dazed off into many different thoughts, I noticed Killian was starting to walk back towards me.

"He loves those swings, you should -"

The idiot that he was had tripped over a log whilst speaking to me and fell to the ground, before quickly standing back up with a bright red face.

I covered my mouth with my hands trying to hold in my laughter but it was too hard.

"Please tell me no one seen that?" He said looking around him slowly.

I glanced around and noticed an elderly couple laughing hysterically on their bench, they were looking straight towards Killian who was utterly embarrassed.

"I don't need to get you back now, that log did it for me" I said with uncontrollable laughter.

"Very funny, let's get Josh and head over to Henry's before anything else like that happens" he said, now laughing with me.

We collected Josh from the play park and got back into the car and decided to pay Henry a visit.

I'm so sorry for the slow update!! I just started back school and I'm a senior now so I've got so much work to do, but I promise I'll find some time for updates💕

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