Part Nine.

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Hello loves!! Bet you weren't expecting an update from me huh? Well it's a new year (happy new year btw) and my resolution is to finish this book! I've just re-read the full book to get my mind set again and I've got a real good chapter coming up for you all!! (It's been like months since I updated this so you too may wanna re-read the last few chapters cause even I forgot what happened) Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and have an amazing 2016. Ly's❤️❤️

Killian POV

Okay. I know I'm a really heavy sleeper, but the light that was shining through our window right now was blinding. Tossing and turning every two seconds made me realise there was no way I was getting back to sleep. I turned my head around to my gorgeous wife, who was snoring. I'm so jealous. I clicked the home button on my phone and checked the time. 8:47am. Wakey wakey time Emma.

"Love, get up!" I smirked, pushing her arm back and forth.

She groaned and rolled over, making herself face my direction.

"Emma it's 1 o'clock you gotta get up!" I said, this time slightly louder.

Emma shot her eyes open and sat up before vigorously rubbing her eyes.

"Shit. It's so late how did I sleep in?"

"Well love it's actually only 8:50... sorry I just couldn't get back to sleep" I mumbled, knowing she wasn't going to be happy.

"Are you having a laugh?" She glared before swinging her pillow around full force smacking me right in my face.

"Hey that was rude!" I laughed trying to regain my vision.

"Yeah well so is waking me up this early!! May as well go make breakfast now" She smiled, feeling satisfied that she just hit me with a rather hard pillow.

I followed her as she walked down the stairs towards the kitchen before taking bacon out of the fridge.

I sat on the chair and leaned onto the island which was in the centre of the kitchen.

"I thought I heard someone awake down here" Regina laughed as she walked down the stairs.

"Yeah sorry if we woke you" I smiled.

"Woke me? Haha! I'm always awake at this time, so is everyone else usually"

"Seriously?" Emma and I said I unison, shocked.

We both really loved our sleep, but let's be honest, who doesn't?

"It's beautiful outside, why don't we go to the water park and pool that's right beside the ocean?" Emma suggested.

Regina and I agreed, and sooner or later we were joined by the rest of the squad.

"Good morning mummy and daddy!!" Josh screamed as he bolted down the stairs full speed towards Emma and I.

"Wow you're in a good mood baby! Want to go to the water park today?" Emma smiled lifting him up.

"Oh my god yes! Ill go put my shorts on" he yelled before running back into his room.

"Okay well it looks like that's our cue to get ready! We're leaving in 20 minutes guys" Robin said before we all went into our rooms to get prepared for the day ahead.

Once we were all sorted and ready to go, we climbed into the van and Henry drove us towards the water park.

It was a stunning attraction. It was almost like the beach, with the sand and the ocean right under our nose. Yet there were water slides and cafes and bars right beside us, filled with loads of people soaking up the sun, spending time with there family and friends.

We grabbed a booth with enough tables and chairs for us all, before we all set off ready for the first water slide.

I grabbed Josh's hand and we waited in line for the biggest slide which appeared to be here. It spiralled away into the air, we had to climb several flights of stairs to get to the top. To be honest, this looked terrifying. Even Emma who was beside me was silent, which made it obvious she was scared. Josh on the other hand was screaming with excitement.

"This is way too high" Emma finally admits.

"That's true love, but were up here now"

Our turn. The seat was a huge rubber ring which could fit 4, so Josh, Emma and I got in before the water assistant gave us a rough push down the flume.

The adrenaline was incredible, pumping through our bodies as we plummeted down the slide. I gripped Josh's and Emma's hands as we were being splashed with water as we moved at a fast pace towards the bottom. I glanced over to Emma to check if she was still scared. Instead, her smile stretched from ear to ear as she giggled along with Josh, who also had the biggest smile ever. What a beautiful sight.

We reached the end and got up off the ring before walking towards the kiddies pool which was positioned a few feet away from the stunning yet frightening ocean.

Emma leaned against the glass wall smiling at me as I stood in the pool with Josh, throwing a red ball we found back and forth.

A breeze quickly blew my hair back, along with the trees that surrounded the park. A chilling breeze that lasted longer than it probably should have.  Suddenly a huge group of birds began to fly towards the city at a quick speed, away from the ocean.

I tuned to Emma, to check if she had noticed, but instead I seen her completely still, as if she was in shock. Unable to move. Unable to speak. Unable to look away. Her eyes glued towards the sea.

I slowly turned my head towards where she was looking. As I turned I noticed everyone else looking in the same direction, as Emma. All frozen with fear. An eerie silence took over the park.

When I fully turned my head, I realised why no one was moving.

Waves. Waves that towards away above the trees. Approaching the park at a rapid speed. I too was now frozen. No one was moving. Why wasn't anyone moving? Move Killian!

The water quickly approached the park, wiping out everything in its patch. Including innocent people. The tsunami was now metres away. Adrenaline shot through my body and I ran towards Josh, grabbing him with all my force, turning him and facing my back towards the waves approaching.

I looked up, not knowing if this was my last moment. I noticed my wife who was still frozen. I heard the water roaring towards me. Was this it? I tilted my head up before shouting with everything I had.



Woohoo an update!! What you all think was anyone expecting that? Also, before someone says it, no you probably cannot get tsunamis in Spain, but this is a book. Which I made up. So yes you can now get tsunamis in spain😂.

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